Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 506: Fengmencun

When cutting the bluestone slab, if the true qi is not thick enough, it will be weak after a few more cuts. It is an excellent method to exercise the internal qi in the body. During the cutting process, the use of the power method can also be modified. Find a way that works better for you.

Lin Mu only glanced at the edge of the bluestone slab, and knew that these bluestone slabs were artificially cut. Although they all looked the same and uniform, with his eyesight, he could naturally see the differences.

Some bluestone slabs are cut sharply at the edges, apparently everything is in the end, some with burrs and not so smooth. This is the trace left by those with insufficient skill, apparently the appearance of subsequent weakness.

However, in general, the roads paved with these bluestone slabs are very smooth and comfortable to walk. The wide bluestone slab streets can accommodate eight horses to travel back and forth together.

The houses on both sides of the street have their own characteristics, which are obviously interspersed with the styles of various Chinese dynasties. As a big family that has been passed down for thousands of years, the strength and heritage are extremely strong. Only from these house buildings can you See something.

"The Lu family has been thriving here for thousands of years. This mountain range has left traces of their lives everywhere, and you will know if you stay here for a few days."

Yao Qingfeng walked slowly on the bluestone slab, listening to the excited whispers of the Yao family's children behind him, a flash of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

When he came here, he was also very motivated and wanted to compete for the best place for the Yao family. Through the conference, the Yao family's reputation entered a higher level, but it showed that it was always so tricky. He not only failed to complete the original The set goals were even beaten up.

If it wasn't for the slim grandma, who has been taking care of him all the time, there would be no Yao Qingfeng today. He has also been encouraged by his lover over the years, and he has regained all his achievements today.

After all, the Yao family is an ancient martial arts family. If it cannot be promoted to a certain degree, it is an unnecessary character for the entire Yao family. It will not affect the foundation of the Yao family. On the contrary, such a huge industry of the Yao family But it requires a very powerful person to take care of it.

Since it is impossible to continue on the road of Gu Wu, Yao Qingfeng chose another road, a road that can still help the Yao family. It turns out that he has taken the right road. The achievements in these years have proved everything. His status in the Yao family is far from being replaced by a master or two.

The tenth house on the street is not far from the village entrance. Even if everyone walks slowly and admire the scenery of Fengmen Village, it also takes a few minutes to reach the entrance. It is a typical Tang-style building with carved beams and painted cornices. Liuli, antique, looks very beautiful.

On a huge plaque above the gate, Long Fei Feng Wu wrote Cui Yunju's three large gold characters, which looked very elegant.

"Our house is more beautiful than the other houses around!"

As a woman, Yao Xianxian began to falter again at this time, comparing them everywhere, and she was very satisfied with the house in front of her.

"When we came last time, we lived here. This house is indeed the best house nearby. The rest of the better houses are farther away. It is more convenient to live here."

Yao Qingfeng said with a smile. Then he walked forward and opened the door. The door was not locked. Few people who came here had the courage to dare to lurk on the ground of the Lu family. So even if there is no door, it does n’t matter. The door is just for beauty.

The house has three floors. The first floor is the lobby, which contains many large tables and stools of red nanmu. It is convenient for guests to sit down and have a cup of tea when they come to visit. The second and third floors are all rooms. For residential use.

Because the Yao family were here, Lin Mu didn't live in the same room with Yao Xianxian. After all, Yao Xianxian was a girl and a big star outside, and sometimes she had to pay attention to some influences.

Yao Qingfeng and Yao Qinglun lived on the third floor. Lin Mu originally wanted to live on the second floor, but couldn't stand Yao Qingfeng's repeated invitations. In the end, he had to live with Yao Xianxian in the room on the third floor. The rest of the Yao family were scattered in other rooms. .

It took less than ten minutes for everyone to live there. They had just packed their luggage and other things. Someone from the Lu family brought a large table with plenty of food. There were nearly thirty dishes. Of course, This is because of the Yao family, and the Lu family also assigns different treatments according to the size of each power.

The group ate dinner at random, a group of young people in the Yao family could not wait to go out for a long time, after all, it is difficult to see so many cultivators gathered outside, after all, ordinary people in real society The number is far more numerous than the practitioners.

"Okay, look at you one by one. When will you be able to sit like a mountain like Kobayashi, you will be able to make progress again at that time."

Yao Qingfeng shook his head with a smile, and then waved his hand. "Let's go out for a while and remember not to cause trouble. This is the place of the Lu family. We still want to give the Lu family a little face and don't be impulsive when things happen."

"We remember!"

A group of young people in the Yao family nodded immediately, then hurried out.

"Brother Lin, go out and hang out together, this rare village will come here only once."

Yao Taihua also stood up and looked at Lin Mu sitting there and said with a smile.

"Well, I'm fine anyway, just go out and hang out together."

Lin Mu nodded and smiled, pulling Yao Xianxian out of the door together.

"Come on, play for a while, the two of us old guys won't go, we've seen it since we came last time."

Yao Qingfeng and Yao Qinglun looked at each other and smiled. They stayed to discuss some things, so they didn't mix with the young people.

In the evening, the shop has gradually arrived, and all the people who have come to the conference have arrived. The streets are full of pedestrians, most of them appear in the martial and family situation, but there are also a small group of a few people. .

I just took a break and had a meal. The streets were more lively than they were when they came. Even people on both sides of the road started to set up small stalls. Of course, these people were not from the Lu family, but came over. People attending the conference.

The Lu family held a conference once in the past 30 years, not only those who had to go to the competition, but also the people who came to visit. Many people were obviously over 30 years old, but their martial arts were not very smart. There are even people who have not broken into the realm of true cultivation.

Watching the contest of masters is also a very good way to improve. Many places that you can't think of or think about are likely to be epiphany when you watch the masters' tricks. This is why there are so many people at the conference to watch .

"Come here! Don't miss it when you pass by! The top-level snow ginseng can be used to increase certain repairs and accept any way of buying! Take a look!"

"A unique cheat book, with light body skills, you can talk about what you really want, don't disturb if you are honest!"

The street vendors on both sides of the road started all kinds of yelling and sold various attractive banners to attract the attention of pedestrians. After all, no one would be an ordinary person. Even if martial arts are not very strong, at least He is also an ancient martial arts practitioner.

But there are also disadvantages, that is, these people have high vision, but not ordinary ordinary people will be fooled casually. Although many things on the stand are genuine, but there are still few people who stop to watch them. .

For example, the person who sold snow ginseng before, his snow ginseng is genuine, but the year is obviously not enough. Even if it is effective after taking it, the effect is very limited, it is not as magical as he said.

Sell ​​it at this time, and I want to sell it to those who want to hold the Buddha's feet temporarily. I hope that at this critical time, I can kill it severely. In normal times, no one wants to buy this valuable thing. Slow cultivation.

The bluestone slab road in the middle of the street is very long. The whole street Lin Mu has a rough estimate, it is about five kilometers long, and there are all kinds of houses on both sides of the road. Usually the families of the road live here. At the end of Qingshiban Road, the rest of the place is usually unbearable.

Only when this kind of conference is held, or when the Lu family holds ancestral tribes, Lujia branch tribes from all over the world will come back. This is also where they temporarily live. The last is the Lujia Competition held every 30 years. , Used to live for people of various denominations and families.

Except for the houses left by various big families and sectarians, the remaining houses are supervised by the Lu family. These houses need to be paid for entering the house. The cost is not high, but they are collected symbolically. That's it.

After all, if nobody cares, once those people from the small family and the martial arts fight because they grabbed a house, they will add countless troubles out of nowhere, and the Lu family will send someone to take care of these houses. A coordinating role.

Along the Qingshiban Road, Lin Mu also saw a variety of ancient martial arts practitioners, some wearing suits and leather shoes, at first glance like a successful white-collar worker, and some wearing ancient clothes. Tsing Yi cloth robe, with long hair, looks very uncomfortable.

But there is no difference to Lin Mu. There are more strange people he has seen. When walking in the major star domains, he saw a lot of ancient species, let alone a little trick in front of him. .

Just then, a familiar figure flashed in front of him. Lin Mu immediately moved in his heart and immediately followed him.
