Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 557: Seven Injuries

"Brother Huang, please do something!"

Lin Mu didn't say much, just nodded.

Huang Han has already exerted the octopus fist he mastered just now, and he still cannot hurt Lin Mu. Even Lin Mu ’s real strength has not been forced out, but it is only that Lin Mu has taken a few steps back. This is still because of Lin Mu. Take the initiative to step back and look at the power of Bajiquan to achieve this.

In Tongguang Boxing Sect, after all, Bajiquan was the complete secret method that was exchanged back at the last contest. There are not many people practicing in the Zongmen, at least compared with the real Zhenzong Peerless Seven Injury Boxing. Far fewer people.

The most important reason is that in the practice of bajiquan, there are no real masters in the Tongguang boxing sect, such as figures like Lu Tianqi, so cultivating bajiquan means to go slowly by yourself Exploring, the speed of cultivation will definitely decrease a lot, which is why many people do not choose to practice octopus boxing.

However, Huang Han is different. He has shown amazing talents in boxing since he was a child. Even the seven-injury fist that does not exceed one Jiazi and cannot be formally cultivated, he has already started to cultivate.

The reason that the Tongguang Boxing Sect does not allow premature cultivation of the Seven Injury Boxing, and even stipulates that people who do not have more than one armor are not allowed to practice. Injury punches, not only fail to practice, will cause serious injuries.

The senior man who created the Seven Injury Boxing concluded that there are two types of yin and yang in the human body and five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and soil, which belong to seven different forces.

A person who has been trained as a seven-injury fist can punch out different strengths, either stiff or feminine, at the same time, destroying the enemy's viscera, the fist is very complex, the throughput is flickering, the changes are strange and the power is very amazing. .

However, in the process of practicing this boxing technique, it also contains great dangers, because if you want to master the seven different forces in your body, control the simultaneous use of the enemy, and also disturb the balance of the seven different forces in the enemy's body , Causing great damage to the enemy.

If you want to do this, you must first master the balance of the seven forces in your body. damage.

As the so-called seven injuries are practiced, all seven are injured. In the process of practicing the seven-injury fist, one carelessness will simultaneously damage the yin and yang two qi and the five internal organs and the six internal organs in the body.

Heart belongs to fire, lung belongs to gold, kidney belongs to water, spleen belongs to soil, liver belongs to wood. In addition, the two qi of yin and yang reconcile the whole body. In the practice of the seven-injury boxing, each layer of boxing is deepened, and one's internal organs are damaged. The so-called seven injuries actually hurt oneself and then the enemy.

The first sentence of the Seven Injury Boxing Sutra is a poem, which vividly depicts the mystery of the Seven Injury Boxing.

The atmosphere of the five elements regulates yin and yang, hurts the heart and lungs, destroys the liver and intestines, hides away from the essence, and is frustrated.

The master of the Seven Injuries Fist, each punch is accompanied by seven different strengths, either stiff, or feminine, or soft in the middle, or rigid in the soft, out, straight, retracted, strong The force is so varied that the enemy resisted the first force and it was difficult to resist the second force.

Each strength is more changeable than before, one after another, such as the tide, is constantly flowing, and it cannot be blocked at all. Once injured, the yin and yang of the body will be damaged together with the five internal organs. It was from this that the fist of wounded fist came.

At this point, Huang Han ’s skill is to use seven wounds, which is also his most proficient boxing skill. He must be above the eight-pole boxing, but because his skills are not pure enough, Huang Han has not really started. The practice of the Seven Injury Boxing is just the general outline of the Seven Injury Boxing.

The main point of the general outline is to harmonize the seven different breaths in the body, to lay a good foundation for the cultivation of the Seven Injury Boxing, and also the basis for the Seven Injury Boxing to give out seven different strengths in one punch. Injury Boxing is less than ten years old, but the general outline of Seven Injury Boxing has been almost understood.

That is to say, if Huang Han has enough skills now, he can gain a swift and violent power through the Seven Injury Boxing after a little practice. It can really be used to fight against the enemy, but the Tongguang Boxing Sect does not have such a senior man, like The Lu family was able to infuse Huang Han for Lu Qingqing's empowerment.

Otherwise, Huang Han who really mastered the true meaning of the Seven Injury Fist, I am afraid it will be a great dark horse at this contest. People who have not experienced the horror of the Seven Injury Fist will never imagine how different the seven different strengths of the punch are. Difficult.

Huang Han, who was standing still, suddenly appeared in the body with seven different breaths. These breaths slowly converged and harmonized, constantly condensing in Dantian, and then quickly spread throughout the body.

"I really urged Bajiquan with Seven Injury Fist, and merged the power of Bajiquan into seven different strengths. Because of my own strength, I can only maintain it for less than ten minutes. Brother Lin is careful. ! "

King Kong's eight-type boxing frame was again opened, and Huang Han said calmly.


Lin Mu also said quietly that his opponent was so dignified, he also felt a touch of unusual pressure. The seven-strength fist and the eight-fist fist were combined together, and they didn't know how powerful it would be. power.

Also, point to the ground to exert power, but this time Huang Han's attack was significantly different from the previous one. Before, he could converge his strength very well, and it broke out completely until the moment of the enemy, but Now, just moving forward, he shook the ground violently.

Seeing this unusual scene, Lin Mu's eyes immediately projected onto the ground that Huang Han stepped on. Although the bluestone slab on the platform was still intact, but Lin Mu could feel that the bluestone slab was already underneath. A large-scale collapse has occurred.

The toe put his strength into action and received the seven-strength fist Huang Han's true blessing. Each strength was accompanied by these seven different strengths, but because the seven-strength fist has not yet been formally practiced, the power of the seven-strength fist cannot be completely realized. Play it out.

It is said that the truly peerless master who trained the Seven Injury Boxing punched a punch in the air against a big tree. The big tree did not shake at all, and even the surface was not damaged, but it was discovered after being cut off. The inside of the big tree had completely turned into a powder, and all vitality was cut off directly with a punch.

One punch is issued, the yin and yang are in chaos, and the five elements are all damaged. This is the terrible power after the Seven Injury Fist.

Although Huang Han's attack speed was not faster than the first time, the power of this attack was much more terrible than the first time. Lin Mu only felt Huang Han's first punch and felt a very strange Jin Li poured into his body along the fist.

This strength was twisted by different strengths. Once in his body, he immediately dispersed into seven different strengths, trying to provoke the same breath in his body to start a riot. .

Fortunately, after Lin Mu's skill behind him, his thoughts turned, and the huge vitality in his body immediately destroyed the seven different strengths, but now Huang Han urges the eight-pole punch with the Qi of Qijuan and the attack speed is very fast. The boxing momentum is also very fierce. It can be said that the characteristics of the two boxing methods are perfectly combined.

Strands of twisted punches continued to pour into Lin Mu's body, and then dispersed into countless different strengths. The turbulent surging was fortunate. Fortunately, Lin Mu's vitality and purity were extremely simple, which could be easily suppressed. Those scattered punches, otherwise the consequences are really unthinkable.

This time Lin Mu didn't back up, so he stood in a different place. He just took on the continuous onslaught of Huang Han's ten breaths. When the ten breaths arrived, without Lin Mu's opening, Huang Han immediately jumped back in shape. step.

"Brother Lin's strength is unpredictable, and I feel deeply cooperative. Brother Lin has won this battle!"

At this time, Huang Han's face was a little pale. Obviously, under the circumstance that his skill was not pure enough, the true intention of forcing the Seven Injury Fist made him also under great pressure. Once the time after the tenth breath was exceeded, he would probably be injured. To itself.

Whether it is the Tongguang Boxing Sect or the Puppet School, there have been countless people who have been practicing the Seven Injury Fist to death. All of them are because they can't suppress the injuries in the body. While practicing, the injuries continue to deepen, and they finally die. Already.

The yin and yang are reversing chaos, and all the internal organs are injured. This is not an ordinary injury. If it is an ordinary person, it has long since returned to the west. Although the martial arts practitioners have true qi healing in their bodies, they cannot continue to do so.

Knowing where his limits are, Huang Han was very clever and chose to take the initiative at the right time. He did not weaken the reputation of Tongguang Boxing, but also ensured his own safety. It can be said to be a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

"Brother Huang just lacked some time. He could perfectly combine the true meaning of Seven Injury Boxing with Bajiquan. On the day when Brother Huang's skills are pure, there must be a qualitative leap from time to time. Lin must ask Brother Huang for advice. "

Lin Mu also smiled slightly, he is still very willing to associate with these geniuses.

"That's good, that's good!"

Huang Han laughed, walked out of the ring after greeting him, and left without waiting for the referee to announce the final result of the contest.

When Huang Han got off the ring, he did n’t need to have a referee to announce that Lin Mu had already won automatically, but this battle also inspired Lin Mu a lot. Whether it ’s seven-injury fist or eight-pole fist, there are many things that he can learn from .

At the later stage of practice, when he was about to enter the innate state, he himself needed to integrate the strengths of a hundred families, and then he could break through to the state of innate state with one opportunity of epiphany. At that time, his strength was not It can be compared today.
