Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 697: Start of plan

"Has the bloodstabbed already started?"

Kazuo Iwata stunned for a moment, but she did not expect that the bloodstained man would start so soon.

"Yes, they have already started, and they have also killed two killers, one of them is a high-level killer, all died in the hands of Lin Mu."

Ye Tiancheng nodded, a look of irritability appeared on his face.

Iwata Kaori saw Ye Tiancheng's reaction in his eyes. Naturally, he knew what Ye Tiancheng was upset. Obviously, Lin Mu was too powerful. He even killed the killers sent by the blood spurs. Since the Ye family was giving blood, Those who stabbed the task are now in danger.

"This Lin Mu's strength is actually so powerful that he can kill the high-level killer of bloodstab?"

After a pause, Kaori Iwata asked a little unexpectedly.

The high-level killer of the bloodstab is already very powerful. For the killer, the realm is not absolutely divided, and the rank of the killer is not divided according to the realm, but according to the record of the assassination.

If you can evaluate the high-level killer in the bloodstab, then it means that you have the strength to assassinate the masters of innate realm. For a very professional and powerful killer organization such as bloodstab, there is absolutely no moisture in the division of the grade.

In other words, the high-level killer who died in the hands of Lin Mu already has the strength to assassinate masters of the innate realm, and the killers often do not need a very strong ability to fight directly. All they need is to kill the opponent, so the means can be It is said that there are endless stream, even if it is a true congenital master, it may not be able to block a high-level killer.

"Perhaps it was the bloodstab that was careless this time. I didn't pay much attention to Lin Mu's strength. These idiots thought that Lin Mu was young, so can he belittle him ?! He is a real congenital master!"

Ye Tiancheng patted the sofa with a resentment, his face was full of remorse, and he knew that blood thorns were so unreliable, he would not go for blood thorns. Now the Chiyo family members came to the door, and the Chiyo family Cooperation is obviously more cost-effective than blood spurs, and it does not require the Ye family to produce such a large amount of financial resources.

"Master Ye? Am I not mistaken?"

Iwata Kaori immediately hesitated for a moment, then looked at Ye Tiancheng with a suspicion and asked, "Lin Mu has advanced to the innate state?"

"Yeah, you don't know yet?"

Ye Tiancheng was also a stunner. He thought that the Chiyai family had to deal with Lin Mu. He must have known the news, but looking at the current expression of Kaori Iwata, it was obvious that he did not know the news.

"It seems that our information has been leaked. The news is indeed not received."

Kaori Iwata's face cooled down, and he snorted softly. "I didn't expect that Lin Mu, who was very young, had already advanced to the innate state. Huaxia here is really a pool of talents and masters."

"No, even throughout Huaxia, there are not many evil geniuses like Lin Mu. Huaxia Wulin has been passed down for thousands of years, and people who can advance to the innate state in their early twenties, Lin Mu is First!"

Ye Tiancheng said solemnly.

"It seems we have to plan something to speed up the pace of dealing with Lin Mu. Such a character is too dangerous. Give him a little more time and don't know where it will grow."

Kaori Iwata said immediately, and then discussed with Ye Tiancheng about the family cooperation between the two parties. Although it was late at night, but both had kung fu, naturally they would not feel tired, until the plan was almost finalized, Kaori Iwata quietly left the Ye family.

In the early morning, Ye Tianlin, another villa of the Ye family, got up early in the morning, sitting at the window and watching strangely Ye Tiancheng lived in that villa.

"What's wrong, Tianlin?"

After a while, Yang Lanqing also finished washing. When she arrived in the living room, she saw Ye Tianlin sitting by the window with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Brother didn't sleep last night. About four o'clock, I saw a woman leave from him. Strangely, elder brother hasn't been so feminine for many years. How can he leave a woman late at night?"

Ye Tianlin said doubtfully.

"What's weird about this is that Brother is also a normal man after all. Now, at this age, isn't it normal to need a woman?"

Yang Lanqing smiled indifferently, and gently held Ye Tianlin's shoulder.

"No, I understand the elder brother's temperament. Since the death of Auntie, he has been false to any woman, and there must be something wrong with that woman last night."

Ye Tianlin shook his head very surely.

"Then let's ask Ye Fei?"

Yang Lanqing smiled helplessly.

"No, Ye Fei is the confidant of the elder brother. You must not ask him, otherwise the elder brother knows that we suspect him. At this juncture, the Ye family should still unite as one."

Ye Tianlin shook his head, and then sighed softly, "Forget it, put this one aside for the time being. I believe that no matter what the elder brother does, the ultimate goal is for our Ye family."

"Hey, that's all it can do, just hope that the elder brother will not be impulsive, it is better to calm down in the event."

Yang Lanqing didn't say much any more, she shook her head gently and left.

In fact, she also knows, but here at Ye ’s house, she does n’t say much about many things, and Ye Tianlin is Ye Tiancheng ’s younger brother. It ’s inconvenient to participate too much. Now, I just hope that the final result is not the worst one she imagined.

When the Ye family was here to form an alliance with the Chiyo family and prepare to deal with Lin Mu, the blood spurs there also contacted the headquarters in Europe.

In the place where the bloodstains of Kyoto are hiding, the red dragon is sitting in a room with dim light. In front of it is a large display. Each of them shows eight pictures. In each picture, there are people sitting in the shadows. Start a remote video conference.

"Red Dragon, what is it? You haven't contacted the headquarters for a while."

In the picture, a voice from the upper left corner was transmitted in a tacit manner.

"Blood scorpion, it's fine. Of course, I don't often contact the headquarters. It's good to practice alone."

Red Dragon said lightly that he didn't talk to these people and it was hard to hear. After all, the nine people present now were the top nine killers in the blood stab.

The blood scorpion was extremely bloodthirsty when it was killed, and a huge scorpion was tattooed on the back, so it was called a blood scorpion. Its strength was very terrible. Congenital Master.

"So, is there something going on this time?"

The blood scorpion was hidden in the dark, and only the laughter kept coming out.

"Hua Xia received a mission here to assassinate a warrior from the innate realm. The first assassination failed, and a high-level killer died."

Gently nodded, Red Dragon said calmly.

"Oh? A high-level killer died?"

Hearing this news, not only the blood scorpion, but also a few other screens that have not been moving quietly also began to show a trace of commotion.

"Yes, the current information collection for this innate warrior is not perfect, so the general strength cannot be estimated, only I know that it is a very powerful innate warrior."

Red Dragon continued.

"Since the information is imperfect, how do you judge his strength?"

The Blood Scorpion asked with interest. He likes to deal with these difficult masters every time. Every time he kills the other side, he has a pathological pleasure.

"There are two main inferences. The first is that the congenital warrior is very young, only in his early twenties, and the second is the high-level killer Ueno Chi, who was going to assassinate. He was originally from the Eastern Warrior. It ’s amazing that innate masters often run into him, and most of them are not good. "

Red Dragon roughly stated some reasons, "But in the face of this innate master, after his failed assassination, he didn't even have time to escape. Obviously, the opponent's strength is already strong enough to leave him."

"What is the strength of Chichi Ueno?"

The Blood Scorpion paused for a moment before asking.

"If he wants to escape in front of me, I have only 30% certainty to leave him."

Red Dragon thought about it and said in a metaphor.

"Even you have only 30% certainty to stay with him. It seems that this young martial artist who is innate is really powerful."

The Blood Scorpion sighed with admiration, "You, a congenial warrior who is only in his early twenties, seems to be the most powerful of China's recent rise of characters. Let's vote. Will this task be answered or not?"

There was a long period of silence. Obviously these masters of bloodstain were also hesitating whether to take this list. After all, to deal with such a powerful innate warrior, and he was still a young man. Support your waist, you have to be careful.

It took more than ten minutes for the first voice to come out. As for the Red Dragon, it was sitting there quietly, without a word, just looking at the monitor in front of it.


With this first voice, the subsequent voices came out one after another.



In a short time, the number of secondaries exceeded five. There are nine top killers in bloodstab, and more than five means more than half. The remaining people can not change whether they are seconded or not. The final result, so the remaining four people simply no longer stand, and just passed this resolution.

"Okay! Gather European forces and immediately go to Huaxia to collect this person's information. Within a week, I will thoroughly investigate all his circumstances and work out the most comprehensive plan."

Blood Scorpion dropped a word, and then his screen immediately went dark, apparently he had disconnected the video conference.
