Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 716: Look for

"Huh! What a married man who dared to put Ji under house arrest. He really ate the ambition of a leopard! Did he really think that he was the first family of Gu Wu?"

Lin Mu Leng snorted. Although there was no momentum on his body, he was scared enough by the uncle and nephew in front of him.

Just now the two of them were sucked into the house by the door without a fight. They already knew that the two were not the opponent of the young man in front of them. If they wanted to live, they could only cooperate with each other in a good way. Any change was to death the behavior of.

"We are just ordinary people who are married. Seniors, this matter has nothing to do with us. We are just obedient, and in this matter, only the places where they have a relationship with us are food delivery. The rest of us are not very clear. After all, we are too low in the family, and many things are not our turn. "

The middle-aged man arched his hand and said pitifully to Lin Mu, hoping to reduce Lin Mu's anger in this way. After all, the married people are under house arrest by Ji Qinglan, and Lin Mu will definitely be married. Dislike.

"Where are the two of them under house arrest, are there anyone there to guard?"

After glancing at the two, Lin Mu continued to ask, he knew that the two did not know what the specific situation was, and he was really just an ordinary family member, as can be seen from their martial arts.

"Yes, at the gate of Huacheng Garden, there are people guarded 24 hours a day, but the martial arts of those two people are similar to me, and they will definitely not be rivals of their predecessors."

The middle-aged person said quickly.

"Hope you haven't lied to me, otherwise I will have no chance to regret it."

He nodded slightly, waiting for the two to react. Lin Mu directly pointed out with two fingers, and an invisible energy immediately burst out. He clicked into the big hole on the chest of the two and passed them to death.

After doing all this, his body flickered and disappeared directly from the house. He soon appeared on the street. After observing the large mansion where the family members of the family in the front lived, he recognized that The middle-aged man's so-called Huachengyuan disappeared in a moment.

In the middle of the night, in the mansion of the family, a figure flashed in the trail, and the person with less skill could not even see the shadow, but felt that he was dazzled, but in fact nothing happened.

After avoiding two waves of patrolling family members, Lin Mu soon arrived near the Huacheng Garden. The middle door was exactly like the middle-aged man said. There were two disciples of the family who watched the house. There is little difference in strength between Bozhong.

After observing the surrounding situation, he quietly came to the side of the courtyard wall, then one went into the Huacheng Garden, and the two married children standing at the door didn't notice anything at all.

In fact, this is not to blame the two married children, one is that Lin Mu's martial arts are too high, and the other is that no one dares to touch the door directly like this for many years, so even if they are on guard, they just look at the door casually to prevent Ji Qinglan, they just had to run away. Where would anyone think that someone would come in from the outside.

At this time, it was almost two o'clock in the night, and the garden of Huacheng was completely dark, and the layout of the room was clearly seen by moonlight. Lin Mu then flashed into the room.

The entire Huacheng Garden imitates the specifications of ancient times, with complex rockery and gazebos, and even an artificial lake. The decoration is very luxurious, and there are dozens of rooms, even forests. Mu, all of a sudden Ji Jilan and Ji Yongxing live in which room.

But now that he has come in, even if he is looking for a room and a room, he has to find Ji Qinglan. Such dozens of rooms will not waste much time.

Moreover, Lin Mu and Ji Qinglan have the magical phenomenon of vibes resonating with each other. As long as they are close to a certain range, their vigor will be induced, which also provides a lot of convenience.

At this time, in a room on the east side of the Huacheng Courtyard, Ji Qinglan was sitting on the bed with her eyes closed and meditating, and a fine layer of sweat beads appeared on his forehead, apparently working hard to break down into family members. Medicine, find a way to restore forbidden skills.

"Qing Lan, don't try again. The sadness and breeze of the family is not so easy to crack. Without antidote, it is impossible to solve this strange poison."

Ji Yongxing's voice came out from the other corner of the room. He was sitting on the teacher's chair in the corner of the room and looked at Ji Qinglan calmly.

"Dad, always have to try it. Although it is rumored that Sadness and Breeze can't be solved without antidote, what if there is another way? We can't just be put under house arrest by the married people?"

With a long breath, Ji Qinglan shook his head helplessly.

"Since marrying the family has given us a sad and clean breeze, it is to guard against what other means we have. The name of this sad and clean breeze is not blown out, but it has been witnessed by generations of people in the martial arts. The prestige is far-reaching. When Xixia Yipintang invaded the Central Plains that year, how many martial arts heroes that this sad and crisp breeze had brought down was a living history. "

Ji Yongxing didn't want to dissolve the strange poison in the body, and left the family with his daughter, but the sad and breezy name made him feel a little discouraged for a while. Unless the family gave the antidote, it was basically unsolvable.

What's more, the sad and clear wind is not so famous because it can ban the skill in the warrior's body, but because the antidote is not obtained within a month, the qi will gradually dissipate. This kind of permanent damage, once the qi is lost, I ca n’t go back anymore. Over a long period of time, if the vitality in Dantian disappears, it is equivalent to losing all his skills and completely becoming a waste.

"What the **** do you want to do with this family? Do you want to start a war with our Ji family?"

Ji Qinglan asked strangely, this is not the first time she has thought about this issue these days, but she ca n’t figure it out no matter how she thinks about it. Before she got married, she was one of the families who had a good personal relationship with the Ji family. This change is too big for Ji Qinglan for a while.

"The reason is not yet clear."

Ji Yongxing was also a face of doubt. Now that the purpose of the family has not been revealed, he can't guess what the family wants.

Just when Ji Qinglan still wanted to say something, her expression suddenly changed. Just at the moment, she felt the vitality in her body suddenly fluctuated, and then stopped. This sudden change made her suddenly Hold your breath.

"What's wrong, Qing Lan?"

Ji Yongxing looked at Ji Qinglan strangely, but found that Ji Qinglan had a snoring gesture.

Lin Mu, who was examining each room outside, suddenly stood still at this time, because just now he suddenly noticed that there was a wave of qi in his body. After thinking about it, he stepped out towards the right front. After a step, it was the difference between this step, and the calm qi in his body suddenly fluctuated.

There is only one explanation for this phenomenon, that is, Ji Qinglan is nearby, and he is close enough to sense her range.

Go straight to the right and go through the two rooms in the middle. When there is no road, Lin Mu jumped directly from the roof and finally came to the door of a compartment.

"Amu is here."

Feeling the fluctuations of the vitality in her body, Ji Qinglan's mouth evoked a smile, she knew that Lin Mu was approaching here gradually.

"What? How did Lin Mu ..."

Before the words of Ji Yongxing were finished, the door of the room had been pushed open. By the moonlight shining in, a young man was standing quietly at the door, watching the two people in the room.


Ji Qinglan got out of bed, walked to Lin Mu's side in two steps, took Lin Mu's hand, looked at Lin Mu's face under the moonlight, and a smile of happiness appeared on his face.

Although Lin Mu's appearance in front of her is very strange, Ji Qinglan can be sure that the person in front of her is Lin Mu. No one can imitate this inspiring feeling between her and Lin Mu, but the fact cannot be changed.

Although Ji Yongxing was surprised how Lin Mu ’s appearance changed, but now that his daughter has confirmed that the young man is Lin Mu, he has nothing to doubt. Ji Qinglan and Lin Mu ’s true feelings before him also know , Naturally understand that no one can fake Ji Mulan by fake Lin Mu.

Looking at Ji Qinglan with a happy smile in front of him, Lin Mu finally breathed a sigh of relief, gently reached out and touched Ji Qinglan's hair. Fortunately, it seems that Ji Qinglan has not been harmed, otherwise he is not sure if he can still Standing here in such calmness, instead of turning the family upside down.

"Amu, how did you find here? Didn't Grandpa San go back and found that we haven't returned yet, so tell you we're married?"

Ji Qinglan asked a series of questions. Although Lin Mu's sudden appearance made her feel very relieved, she suddenly lost the slightest fear of the current situation. As if Lin Mu appeared, all problems could be solved, there would be no more Any trouble.

"Yes, Lin Xiaoyou, have they returned to Ji's family?"

Ji Yongxing also stood up and asked with concern.

"There is a problem with the family, the old man was seriously injured, and his skill was almost completely useless. If it wasn't for the fact that I discovered the situation yesterday, I went to Ji's house. I am afraid that he can't survive today."

With a slight sigh, Lin Mu spoke words that instantly left Ji Qinglan and Ji Yongxing both dull.

"No, this is impossible!"

In the end, Ji Qinglan cultivated Hanli's qi, and his heart was much calmer than that of ordinary people. He immediately returned to God and shook his head again and again.

Even if the news was spoken from Lin Mu's mouth, she was not willing to believe it easily.
