Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 755: Come from europe

Under the control of Lin Mu, each silver needle was methodically tied to the acupuncture points on Pang Tong's body at an extremely fast speed. Countless channels of silver light were woven into a beautiful galaxy. Yao Xianxian, who looked aside, was obsessed .

"Wake up, it's over."

Lin Mu, who had put away the silver needles, saw that Yao Xianxian was still infatuated, and he patted Yao Xianxian with a smile.


Yao Xianxian whispered, and then he woke up, looking at Lin Mu and asking, "It's over? Is it okay for Fatty?"

"Well, it's okay, and I'll wake up in a while."

Lin Mu nodded his head. "This time is an opportunity for Pang Tong. If he can seize it, his progress should not be small. If he can't catch it, I'm afraid that his skill will go back a bit. The result is up to him. The fortune-making of you, do you feel the improvement in mood after taking the heart-burning pills? "

"There is improvement, but it seems that the effect is not great for me, it may be because of my martial arts practice."

Yao Xianxian shook his head slightly.

"Yes, the martial arts you practice focus on the mental aspect of the exercise, but the practice of the true Qi cultivation is slower, which can be considered a pros and cons."

Nodded and smiled, Lin Mu and Yao Xianxian left the room and left Pang Tongren in the room.

When Pang Tong wakes up, that is, when he starts to cultivate, whether he can seize this opportunity depends on how Pang Tong grasps it.

Yao Linxian naturally asked someone to clean up the room and things. Lin Mu sat for a while and answered Yao Xianxian some training questions. Then he left Maybach, and he had to burn his heart. Bring it to Luo Bingyun. Although Luo Bingyun does not need to take it now, it is always prepared.

The main reason is that Lin Muhe hasn't seen Luo Bingyun for a while, so he went naturally with a little selfishness.

When he got downstairs from the Haoyu Consortium, Lin Mu just got out of the car and felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. There were three more armored vehicles underneath the building. There were heavily guarded soldiers around him, and he looked sharply at the pedestrians passing by. They are very alert, and these soldiers are not Chinese. At first glance, they are typical European races. They are tall and strong.

A strange glance at those people, Lin Mu locked the car, then entered the building and took the elevator to the president's office on the top floor.

As soon as he got out of the elevator door, he saw Luo Bingyun's secretary standing helplessly, and constantly extended his head to look inside the door. He seemed to be worried about something. He heard the sound of the elevator door opening, and the secretary turned his head.

"Mr. Lin!"

Seeing Lin Mu's arrival, the secretary screamed in surprise.

"What's wrong? Someone inside?"

Lin Mu frowned, waiting for the secretary to answer. His mind had invaded the office, and he suddenly felt the breath of more than a dozen people. Luo Bingyun's familiar breath was naturally among them.

Of the dozen or so strange breaths that came out, three breaths were very powerful, typical of the breath of the psionics, one of which was close to the peak of the fourth-level power, and was worthy of entering the fifth level. The ranks of powers are equivalent to the realm of innate masters.

The fifth-level powers are well-deserved even among the powers. Each one's strength is terrible, the means can be said to be endless, and it is impossible to prevent, and the powers are more closely integrated with modern technology, naturally. It is a little harder to deal with than the ancient martial arts practitioners.

"A lot of strangers suddenly came just now, as if they were soldiers. When they came up, they blocked the president's office and blocked President Luo alone. I couldn't hear the voice inside, and I had to wait outside. "

The secretary said anxiously.

"Did anyone else be notified?"

Lin Mu nodded and asked.

"Not yet. Should I call the police?"

The secretary quickly shook his head and said.

"No, you can just wait here, I'll go in and see."

He reached out to stop the secretary who was about to pull out his mobile phone. Lin Mu then stepped forward to push in the door, only to find that the door had been locked from the inside.

Ten minutes ago, Luo Bingyun was handling the company's daily affairs in the office. Without receiving any notification, the office door was suddenly pushed open, and then a group of soldiers in combat uniforms brought various The ordnance came in, led by two whites and one black, each with a poker face and a corporate look.

"Evans? You don't stay in Europe. Why did you come to Huaxia? Such a big fan?"

Luo Bingyun looked up at the man, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The leading white man she knows is Evans. She is a partner of the Haoyu Consortium in a secret project in Europe. This project is responsible for developing various high-end weapons and equipment. Evans is the main partner of First, it owns a large electronics group in Europe, which provides many key technologies for project development.

"Miss Luo, this time as one of the biggest partners of the **** development project, I will officially inform you that the Haoyu Consortium has been excluded by the God project team. Everything that is developed in the future will no longer be with the Haoyu Consortium. In any case, this is a joint statement issued by all shareholders. "

Evans came to Luo Bingyun's desk, took out a folded piece of paper from his arms, and unfolded it in front of Luo Bingyun.

The above is a document written in English, with a total of three, and below are the signatures and seals of the shareholders, indicating the legal validity of the contract.

Luo Bingyun took the paper and looked at it carefully from beginning to end. Then he put the paper on the table with a smile on his face.

"Evans, what do you mean?"

Looking at the expressionless Evans, the dark blue eyes were as unpredictable as the sea.

"The main force of the Locke family has been withdrawn from the United States. Now the development of the project cannot be supported by the United States. During this period, a lot of losses have been made. Many key technologies have not been breakthrough. This has dragged down the development of the entire project. The Locke family is no longer suitable for hosting this project, excluding you, a decision that all shareholders have discussed. "

Evans said calmly, and gently adjusted the collar of the suit with his left hand. There was no trace of dust on the ironed neat suit.

"All shareholders? The result of the joint negotiation?"

Locking his hands in front of him, Luo Bingyun looked at Evans with a smile and asked, "Isn't our Haoyu Consortium one of the shareholders? Why didn't we receive any notice at the shareholders meeting? We made it without us. This decision, can this agreement go into effect? ​​"

"Since the Luo family has been excluded by us, it is naturally not within the consideration of the invitation to the meeting."

Evans said, "You don't need to question the legitimacy of this document, because we have received the support of the European Court of Justice, and this contract has officially entered into force."

"Since it has come into effect, why haven't you been notified by a letter? Instead, you come to your door?"

Luo Bingyun was not so good, and Evans wanted to convince her with a few words, and she looked down on her too much.

"We have the support of the Supreme Law. The exit of the Luo family is a foregone conclusion. Now all we need to do is to submit all the materials for the project research and then evacuate from the project team. Do I have to say anything else?

Evans said lightly.

"With your words, I want the Luo family to surrender all the materials for the project research. Evans, when you, Luo Bingyun, came out to take charge of the Haoyu Consortium on the first day?"

Luo Bingyun shook her head and smiled, a hint of irony flashed in her eyes.

"I naturally heard of Mr. Luo's name, so wasn't this prepared? I came to Huaxia alone, but I was scared. Of course, I asked for a bodyguard."

Evans pointed at the group of people behind him, with a smile on his face.

"You don't have to worry about this. China is a society ruled by law. Even if we don't mess around, we must follow the rules wherever we go, right?"

With a soft smile, Luo Bingyun said without any weakness: "If you want the Haoyu Consortium to hand over the project's research materials, then come up with something useful. This kind of thing is still not to be disgraced."

Raised the paper in his hand, the signature on it was clearly visible, but Luo Bingyun didn't even look at the paper, and threw it directly to the trash can near his feet.

"Mr. Luo, the Luo family has already been out of this project. I advise you to be more knowledgeable, so that everyone will not be hurt."

Evans's complexion suddenly sank.

"Evans, are you threatening me?"

Luo Bingyun's face also cooled down, and she was threatened in the face of a public break into the Haoyu Consortium's building. Even with her cultivation, her temper broke out.

"General Luo, the situation is very obvious now, yes, I forgot to tell you that the researchers you sent in Europe have been controlled by me. If the Luo family insists not to hand over those materials, we can only start with those researchers Take it here, what means will be used at that time, but I can't guarantee their safety, President Luo, their safety is in your thoughts. "

Evans whispered, a flash of light in his eyes.

Luo Bingyun's eyes narrowed suddenly, and people slowly got up from the chair and looked at Evans coldly. Just when she was about to say something, the door lock of the office suddenly sounded softly, then The door was opened, and the original lock had fallen to the ground.

It turned out that when Lin Mu was preparing to push the door outside, it was found that the door was locked from the inside, and he grasped the door handle, spit it gently, and directly broke the entire door lock.
