Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 783: Gustav's death

From the time when Tang Fei went to save people, Lin Mu returned now. There were only a few hours in between during this period. At such a time, he actually caught a fifth-level divine control ability alive, which made Tang Fei alive. Waiting for someone is a little weird.

If you let them know that Lin Mu ’s defeat of Gustav did not take less than ten minutes, it is estimated that his eyes would fall in shock.

"How does this old man feel like an ordinary person now?"

Tang Fei carefully sensed the breath of Gustav's body, and then asked in doubt.

"The fifth-level abilities are very different from the previous ones. The energy in their bodies has completely converged into an energy core, and all energy is stored in the energy core. It is extracted from the energy core, and it is not emitted at all, so it is difficult to sense the breath of the fifth-level power. "

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "In normal times, Gustav is sitting in front of you. You can't see that he is a fifth-level power. Now it is because his energy has been abolished by me. It really became an ordinary person. "

"What? You made him waste?"

Tang Fei gave Lin Mu a surprised look.

"Of course, this is a fifth-level divine control ability. As long as he wakes up, maybe one thought can control the people you are here, and it will be difficult to deal with it, so when I beat him, by the way His energy is abolished, and now he is an ordinary old man. "

Lin Mu nodded.

In fact, he not only abolished Gustav's abilities, but also absorbed all the energy in his body, but he had not refined the alien energy with Beiming Shengong before, so it cost to refining last night After a little time thinking, the speed of refining was slower, but now the refining is basically complete.

As a powerful fifth-level power, Gustav's energy in the body was very abundant, but due to the exertion of the soul force field to control Lin Mu, and later Lin Mu released 39 qi Xiaolong wanders around in the force field, so the energy in Gustav's body is almost 60% consumed, which shows that the soul force field is strongly dependent on energy.

As soon as he came up, he displayed a killer badge, which proved that Gustav was not ready to give Lin Mu a chance to live, but even the tricks at the bottom of the box could not deal with Lin Mu, and Gustav's defeat was also expected.

Refined 40% of the energy in Gustav's body, but the energy obtained by Lin Mu was only about 20%, but Lin Mu did not dislike it. Anyway, he gathered less and more, so he slowly accumulated, there is always a little he Energy will reach the limit of the innate state, and then it can break into the next state.

As a person who wants to break through the Jindan period, there is still too little energy in his body. He has to find a way to improve his energy before getting a large number of spirit crystals.

When you break through the Golden Dan period, you do n’t need much energy. This is why so many geniuses on Earth failed before. Many of them are not because of the lack of realm, but simply because the energy is not enough to support the knot. Cheng Jindan ended in depression.

Lin Mu knows this weakness clearly in his heart, so he has already begun to prepare as early as possible. For him, there is definitely no problem in his realm, and the only constraint is energy.

"What are you going to do now?"

Tang Fei looked at the unconscious Gustav and shook his head.

"What else can I do? The easiest way is to let Fashuo; Evans withdraw all the shares and transfer all the shares in his hand to the Haoyu Consortium, so I will return Gustav to Egypt The Vince family, otherwise tear up the ticket, it's that simple. "

Lin Mu laughed, put down the tea cup in his hand, and looked at Luo Bingyun and said, "Call Fashou now; Evans, please see him in the cafe downstairs."

"it is good!"

Luo Bingyun nodded, and immediately got up and walked aside to call Fashou; Evans was gone, and after a short time, he would come back.

"What, what did that guy say?"

Lin Mu asked with a smile.

"He did not agree directly, but only said that he would meet again to talk, and he must see his father is fine before continuing the talks."

Luo Bingyun shook his head slightly.

"It's okay, then meet up and say, anyway, Gustav is in our hands, and take it to let him see later."

Lin Mu smiled indifferently.

Just as everyone was joking, a sharp beam of light suddenly radiated from a distance, and the instant effort broke through Gustav's chest paralyzed on the sofa, even fast. The shepherd didn't have time to respond, and the body just kept up to move. It can be seen that the speed of this beam of light is horrifying.


Lin Mu was shocked and immediately lifted Gustav up, but the big hole in Gustav's chest made him look extremely ugly. Through the big hole, he directly saw the sofa on the back, and even a little blood stained it. No, the entire wound was completely scorched, and the heart in Gustav's chest had completely disappeared.

There is no way to save Gustav unless Lin Mu has recovered the strength of the previous peak of the cultivation world.

Frank didn't say a word, and walked directly in front of the window, opened the window that was penetrated through a small hole, and pointed his forehead with his right index finger, and a breeze surged all over his body.

"What skill is this?"

Tang Fei squatted beside Gustav in surprise, reached out and gently touched the wound on Gustav's chest, and felt an astonishing high temperature at his fingertips.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the Holy See's skill. Gustav's wound is filled with a very strong light. I can't think of anyone other than the Holy See who would cultivate such a pure light power. "

Lin Mu carefully sensed the breath in the wound, and it was exactly the same as the energy breath in the priest he felt before, but this breath was much stronger than the breath in the priest he had seen, almost reaching a substantial concentration. degree.

"Why did the Holy See kill Gustav?"

Tang Fei asked strangely at once, and he saw what hatred the Holy See and Evans had.

"At this time, Gustav was killed, apparently trying to blame me on the head, but such a rich and bright breath in the wound is obviously not the same as the breath of energy in our body. It is absolutely an algorithm to repair idiots. You can see it, why is it? "

Lin Mu touched his chin in confusion, this weird conclusion made him a little speechless.

"Is someone trying to marry the Holy See?"

Luo Bingyun guessed.

"Trouble to the Holy See?"

Lin Mu frowned suddenly, "This is not impossible, but the speed and power of this blow just now are so fast and precise. There are definitely not many such masters in the Holy See. If you just hit me, even me. It ’s not easy to avoid it. "

"It seems that such masters use bright-filled skills only in the Holy See, right?"

Tang Fei asked in confusion, "Is it civil disorder in the Holy See, someone is going to split the Holy See?"


At this time Frank came over from the edge of the window. "The Holy See is a theocratic institution. You cannot imagine the strength of its rule. After so many years, the Holy See has never experienced civil strife. All people serve God faithfully. Heart, I do n’t know why, it seems that the deeper they are, the more loyal they are to God. "

"So what's the situation now?"

Tang Fei spread his hands and asked on the sofa.

"I don't know, but it is absolutely impossible for the Holy See to marry the Holy See. If the Holy See really does it, then it means that the Holy See does not want to give Gustav a chance to survive.

Frank shook his head. "I went there for a check just now. Within ten kilometers around, there was no suspicious phenomenon. Traces left in the air showed that the beam was flying from a greater distance."

"What ?! Fly over ten kilometers away?"

Tang Fei suddenly widened his eyes in surprise, "Can such a long distance be played so accurately?"

"This is not difficult, and it is not a modern bullet. Since it is a Holy See skill, then this skill may have a way to lock Gustav's breath and then automatically track it."

Lin Mu shook his head and said contemplatively, "The question now is who wants Gustav to die? Why did they choose this time, and how did they know that Gustav was in my hands? If this Skills can still be released, doesn't it mean that we are all dangerous? "

A series of questions immediately silenced the people present. The power of this skill was very clear to them. Although Gustav lost all his energy and was in a coma, he said that The speed of the beams was also in their eyes. There was almost no time to dodge, and they hit Gustav's heart almost instantly.

Even sitting next to Gustav, Lin Mu, who was close at hand, was unable to save Gustav. It can be seen that the speed of this beam of light has reached an extremely terrible level.

"Well, wait a minute with Fashu; can Evans still see him?"

Luo Bingyun asked in a whisper. Gustav was dead now, and the original plan had changed a lot.

"See! Of course I have to see him! I have to ask him if he knows what's going on. We came to Europe to deal with the project team, not to blend into other things, Gusta The incident of the husband's killing obviously has little to do with us. We should not be easily involved in other contradictions. "

Lin Mu nodded heavily.
