Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 810: Pope in person

At this time, the top of the entire tower was less than fifty square meters in total. There was only Pope Cicero, and there was no trace of half a person. But Pope Cicero suddenly opened his mouth, as if someone was around.

As soon as his voice fell, a ray flew from a distance, then fell in front of him, and a light and shadow appeared. This slightly blurred light and shadow was the projection of Evra ’s proud skill Holy Light. There are only a handful of people who have successfully practiced this magic throughout the Holy See, not even Malfurion.

It turned out that Pope Cicero spoke to Evra, but at that time Evra had not yet reached the tower, and the Pope Cicero had sensed his arrival, so he spoke in advance.

"Master Pope, Malfurion has an important message."

In front of the Pope, Evra did not dare to show any disrespect, and then told the Pope Cicero all the things he knew.

"Vampire, appeared in Huaxia?"

Hearing the news, Pope Cicero opened his eyes slowly.

Although these eyes do not look any different from those of ordinary elderly people, a closer inspection reveals that these eyes seem to contain everything in the world. They are almost all-inclusive, and a pair of eyes is sufficient. The meaning of accommodating the world.

However, the magic of the eyes can be seen at the moment when the Pope Cicero opened. It took almost no time to breathe, and these eyes completely restored the ordinary person's condition. Then the Pope Cicero slowly slowly Standing up from the chair, holding the scepter in his hand, and walking to the edge of the tower, there are white clouds floating leisurely below.

"Yes, the source is very reliable, so Malfurion sent the news back."

Evra nodded immediately.

"It seems that these guys are still unable to sit still. Every few hundred years, they want to escape from the darkness. Repeated failures have not let them learn lessons, but they have become more and more crazy. It is really a group. O stupid creature! "

Pope Cicero shook his head slowly. He could not see any cultivator's breath on his body, as if he were an ordinary old man. After a pause, he continued to say, "The news you said is Back from Hanata Church? "

"That's right, Malfurion said so, and now Hanata's main character is Horn, an archbishop."

Evra said.

"Hanata, I haven't been there for a long time, so check it out this time."

Pope Cicero nodded gently. He was once the Cardinal of St. Plio's Cathedral. The town of Hanata belongs to the jurisdiction of Munich. He naturally knew where Hanata was. .

As soon as the words fell, I saw a white light shoot out of the pope, and fell directly into the clouds below, and then disappeared without a trace. The same projection of holy light, Pope Cicero used almost nothing. Silent instantaneous, without any warning.

With this hand alone, we can see that the strength of the Pope Cicero has already reached an unpredictable level. It is indeed the entire Catholic power. The strength is indeed extraordinary.

"You go back first. I'll go to Hanata."

After stimulating the projection of the Holy Light, Cicero's head would not say.

"Yes, Lord Pope."

Evra gave a quick and respectful salute, and then the whole light and shadow shattered in place and turned into a burst of light scattered in the air.

Archbishop Horne of Hanata Church, after reporting the incident, then returned to the church and began to quietly read the Bible on the table. Although this Bible is a must-read book for every priest, It's been a long time since, but Horne just likes to pick up the Bible when he's fine.

At this moment he was reading the chapter of the Ten Commandments, which is a ten-item rule recorded in the Bible by the tribal leader Moses to his people.

According to the Bible, this was written by God with a finger on a stone tablet, and was later placed in the Ark of the Covenant. It was a rule for Catholics to live by, and it was also the first legal provision to restrict behavior.

From the first commandment, Horn read it silently, which was the guideline of his code of conduct and what he asked himself to do.

You must have no **** other than me.

Do not carve an idol for yourself, or make it look like heaven, earth, and all things under the earth and in the water. Do not worship those statues, or serve him, for I the Lord, your God, is a jealous God. For those who hate me, I will pursue his sins, from the Father and the Son, to the third and fourth generations; to those who love me and keep my commandments, I will show love to them up to a thousand generations.

Do not call the name of the Lord your God, for the name of the Lord is false, and the Lord will not make him innocent.

Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Six days of labor to do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath to Jehovah your God, the day when you and your children, servants, cattle, and the guest you live in the city, no matter what No work can be done; because within six days the Lord made heaven, earth, the sea, and everything in it, and rested on the seventh day, so the Lord blessed the Sabbath as a holy day.

Honor your parents, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God has given you.

Do not kill.

Don't steal.

Do not give false testimony to frame people.

Don't greet the neighbor's house, nor the neighbor's wife, servants, cows and donkeys, and everything he owns.

As Horne meditated on the Ten Commandments, a white light suddenly passed down from the top of the church, and then fell to the ground, turning into an old man wearing a crown and holding a scepter. Projection incarnation of Pope Cerro's Holy Light.

When this light and shadow appeared, Horn didn't feel anything, as if he hadn't noticed the arrival of light and shadow at all, and continued to silently read the content of the Bible.

In fact, he did not know the arrival of the Pope. The projection of the Holy Light was performed in the hands of Cicero, but it was much more powerful than Evra. Not only was there no sound, no energy fluctuation, and The quality is also better than Evra. It is completely a real person. It cannot be seen as a shadow.


With a slight glance at Horn, Pope Cicero seemed to see through Horn's heart, knowing that he was reading the Bible at this time, so he waited until Horn had finished reading the contents of the Ten Commandments. Just shouted.


Horn frowned, then raised his head a little displeasingly. What he hated most was that someone interrupted him while he was reading the Bible, which made him feel blasphemy.

However, when he looked up and saw who was in front of him, Horn was immediately shocked. He quickly gathered the Bible and walked down from the table. He saluted the Pope Cicero respectfully.

"Horn has seen the Pope. May God be with you."

After finishing the ceremony, Horn raised his head, with a touch of excitement on his face. A church such as Hanata may not be able to welcome the Pope in his life, this time Pope Cicero Being here makes him feel flattered.

"Did you just report the incident to Malfurion?"

Cicero nodded, and waved the scepter arbitrarily, immediately a milky halo was emitted, directly covering Horn's whole body.

It was just this ordinary-looking beam of light that made Horne bow again and again, and thanked the Pope for his gift.

It turns out that this beam of light has a lot to come. It is called the gospel of God. With the blessing of this beam, within seven days, anyone who comes to understand the practice methods of any Holy See will have a sense of doing more with less, because this gospel of God In a short time, it greatly improved the understanding of the cultivator.

Of course, because this is the magic of the Holy See, it naturally only works for the practice of the Holy See, and can only be used to perceive the power of the light attribute. It has no effect on other people who practice.

It can also be seen from this that the power of the Pope Cicero is far more than that of the Archbishop of Red. Even when the Holy Light is projected, he can use the projection body to use the advanced magic of the Gospel of God. Even the Archbishop must use his magic in person, but Cicero did it by such a great distance.

"Master Pope, this is how it is."

After giving thanks, Horne told Pope Cicero about what happened a short time ago. He came to say that nature is clearer than the process of recounting by Malfurion and Evra. Many, all the details are clear.

"Why are there two power activists having a relationship with Huaxia?"

Pope Cicero frowned slightly. "Hua Xia repels all foreign cultivators. Although the power actor was born shortly, it does not belong to the Hua Xia cultivation system. They will receive Hua Xia's within the Hua Xia. Exclusion, how could these two people stay in China? "

"I don't know about this. They didn't elaborate."

Horn said quickly, shaking his head.

"It doesn't matter, this matter must be related to the people inside Huaxia, otherwise the two abilities will not have to go to the trouble of finding vampires."

Pope Cicero shook his head, "You gave them ten silver blades of silver and a chain of magic?"

"Yes, Lord Pope, originally I only wanted to give them ten silver blades, but then I thought that when these vampires appeared in Huaxia, there must be some conspiracy, so I let them use magic chains if allowed. Catch a vampire back, and then it will be handled by the Holy See. "<