Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 815: Bloody Mary

Munich's urban area is mainly divided into two parts, east and west, where rich people live extravagantly, while in the west, there are taverns and residential areas.

The St. Plio Cathedral where Luo Bingyun and others are located is in the east area. After leaving the abbey, Lin Mu headed directly to the west. There are a large number of members of the Holy See in the east. Those appearing in the east are more likely to appear in the west.

After crossing the boundary of the city center, it can be seen that the architectural style on both sides has changed dramatically. From the high-rise community buildings, it has become a low-rise house directly, but the flow of people has gradually increased. Obviously, no matter Where there are still more poor people, the rich are always just a few.

Walking in the stream of people, Lin Mu walked around casually. It is still early, and the vampires should not appear so early. Of course, the vampires above the Duke will not be afraid of the sun, but a noble vampire duke Appearing in such a place, I think it is impossible to enrich.

The vampires once ruled several deeds in Europe. They have become accustomed to noble high life. Even now, in the dark, they still maintain the style of pure blood aristocracy, and have not become dark and degraded dark creatures.

Bought a few special Thuringian grilled sausages and a big loaf.

In China, the face of Hua Xia like Lin Mu is still relatively rare, so when walking on the street, someone curiously looks at Lin Mu from time to time, watching this oriental guest from afar.

There were also a few unfriendly eyes, and some gloomy looks as if looking at the prey. Lin Mu naturally felt these eyes, but he didn't care, and pretended not to know anything, and continued to Walking around the street, admire the unique local customs of Munich.

It was gradually getting dark, and the streets were starting to light up, but the lively taverns were not yet open. These recreational places would not open until after everyone had finished dinner.

Following a fork in the street, Lin Mu turned around and walked in. After he walked in, several sneakily followed him and quickly entered the alley, hurriedly chasing the previously entered Lin Mu left.

"Are you looking for me?"

Just as those people hurry along all the way to the end of the alley, a voice suddenly came from behind them, and they turned around to look at the Chinese-faced tourist they were looking for before.

"Courageous! I dare to wait for us here and speak German. It doesn't seem to be my first time in Germany. Boy, are you working here?"

One of the big German men turned around and looked at Lin Mu with a smirk.

"These seem to have nothing to do with you, what do you want to do with me?"

Lin Mu shook his head and smiled, turning his head to look at the surrounding walls, all kinds of mottled things hanging on it, seeming to be garbage thrown away randomly.

"Uncle has been a bit tight recently and wants to borrow some money to spend."

The German man smiled coldly, motioned his head to the person behind him, and the three people behind him immediately pulled out the spring dagger hidden in his waist.

"It was robbed, and sure enough, no mistakes. It seems that many foreigners here have been bullied by you?"

Seeing those people pulling out the spring dagger, Lin Mufei was not afraid, but instead took the initiative to walk forward.

"Boy! Be smart and hand over your money! Money can be earned again, but there is only one life!"

The German man creaked with his fists and looked at Lin Mu fiercely.

"You seem to make sense."

Lin Mu nodded, then his body flickered and disappeared. The next moment, he appeared in front of Dahan. With one hand, he grabbed Dahan's neck and lifted him in the air. The fetters are three-legged, and the three little puppets holding a spring knife all behind him are stunned.

"you you!"

Being pinched his neck, the big German man turned red immediately, his body curled up, and immediately under his feet he was ready to kick at Lin Mu.

He has also practiced a lot of fighting techniques, knowing how to fight back after being subdued by key points, such as how to escape from the opponent's hands now. Although these fighting techniques were not learned from formal channels, he only learned online. It ’s just a tutorial, but it ’s still quite useful, helping him escape the crisis many times.

It's a pity that this time he mentioned on the iron plate. After curling up, his abdomen was violently strong. When he hadn't kicked Lin Mu, he felt a sudden pain all over his body, and then he collapsed and hung down , Can no longer lift a little bit of strength, like a giant snake with its spine drawn.

"There are a lot of tricks."

Shaking his head, Lin Mu waved and threw the German man against the wall heavily, then walked in front of him in two steps, and leaned down slightly: "Now you listen to whatever I say, there is half a nonsense, I killed you directly and nodded when I understood. "

The German big man immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice. For fear of being late, this terrible Chinese man would kill him directly. Although nodding his head affected the painful nerves on his body, making him feel worse than life, but It's better to live than to die, he just endured the pain and nodded in a hurry.


Nodded with satisfaction, Lin Mu straightened up and asked, "Are you familiar with this area?"

"Very familiar! Very familiar! I grew up here since I was a kid, and I know every street here!"

The German big man immediately said quickly.

"Where can I find out where to find out information, I need a place with a lot of gossip."

Lin Mu asked directly, he was not interested in going around the corner, and his absolute control gave him absolute confidence.

"Bloody Mary Bar!"

The German man immediately said without hesitation: "The biggest bar here is Bloody Mary. There are many gang members and some weird people. If the ears are good, you can hear a lot of inexplicable news there."

"Strange person, inexplicable news?"

Lin Mu looked suspiciously at the Han and asked.

"Yes! This is what I heard. I do n’t know if it is true or not. Last time, my friend Sam said that when he saw a person there, he would become a bat, but I guess it was because he drank too much or was a woman playing. Many more, hallucinations, how could a person become a bat, not a vampire. "

The big man held back his severe pain and smiled reluctantly.

However, he was joking, but Lin Mu's eyes lightened a little while listening. Some people even saw vampires!

Although that man was a drunk, no one believed what he said, but Lin Mu knew that the vampire really existed, so what the drunk sees may not be an illusion, it is likely to be a real vampire!

"Bloody Mary Bar, where is it?"

After thinking for a while, Lin Mu looked at the Han and asked.

"It's just behind this alley, but you can't get through here. You have to go around from the front. It's about ten minutes."

The big man quickly tilted his head to the wall at the end of the alley and signaled that this turning of his head made him a pain again.

Just now, in order to prevent the big man from moving around, Lin Mu was shocked, and all the bones of the big man were shaken off. Now all the joints are dislocated, and he is able to speak soberly. Even Lin Mu has to admire the big man. Endurance.

"Very well, given that you cooperate so well and solved my problem, your life will not be accepted for the time being, please be careful with me in the future."

A flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, Lin Mu immediately pointed with his left hand, and a sword gas shot immediately into the acupuncture point of Dahan's chest. The German big man immediately fainted, just like the three little punks who had previously held spring daggers.

Hiding four people behind the trash can, Lin Mu's body lengthened and immediately crossed the wall behind him.

The other side of the wall instantly turned into another world. There were all kinds of nightclubs and clubs everywhere. From time to time, there were exposed women on the streets to solicit business. The handsome men such as Lin Mu were in the hearts of these women. As soon as he first appeared on the street, he was immediately pulled and questioned by many people.

To these young ladies, Lin Mu didn't carelessly, and these women were all poor people. Anyone who was a little bit under the family would not let her daughter out to do such things.

However, those women were pulling Lin Mu, and even one of them dared to touch Lin Mu's chest muscles, screaming with excitement.

When there was no other way, Lin Mu had to perform martial arts, and his body was like a loach that shuttled quickly among various women, observing various situations along the roadside.

Soon, he found the Bloody Mary Bar in the mouth of a German man. In a group of bar stores, the Bloody Mary Bar was too noticeable.

A huge signboard was hung at the door. A sign as large as a billboard was painted with the most **** woman. The woman's mouth was a glass of red **** cocktail. The style was very rough and sexy. .

At the door of this bar, there are two bodyguard-like figures in leather shorts guarding the door. A few people who want to enter are stopped by them.

, And then fell straight to the street.

One middle-aged man with gray hair got up and patted his buttocks. He didn't know what to say when he scolded his mouth. When he saw the security at the door, his eyes turned cold and immediately he turned away and disappeared after a while. In the alley opposite.