Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 887: Tailing and following

Regarding the news of Zhou Shiyun, Hou Yaoqiang was quite affirmed, because Zhou Shiyun did not deliberately hide his body. Except for Fu Lisheng's abode and abbreviation, Zhou Shiyun still had a normal life as before.

It was just that the previous work of Zhou Shiyun was not done. Now she moved to the Haoyu Consortium building to work. Of course, everyone outside thought she was working in the Haoyu Consortium. In fact, Zhou Shiyun was in the consortium ’s underground laboratory, and Ye Hao Wen and others worked together on various cutting-edge projects.

"What about the young master who saved Shi Yun next week?"

Ouyang Xiu continued to ask.

"There is no news for the moment. Zhou Shiyun did not return with the young master. The person seemed to appear suddenly and then suddenly disappeared. No one has seen him again."

Hou Yaoqiang said quickly.

When Lin Mu and Yuan Tong and others fought, he brought high-molecular camouflage masks, including Toure; Gangelo, and no one had ever seen his true face. These people always thought that Lin Mu suddenly emerged from where The ingenuity master who came here did not expect that someone was posing after makeup.

"Vampire, alas, Devil is really faint. He actually cooperated with these aliens to invade the territory of Huaxia. He really thought that the old guys of the Baolong regiment would ignore these things? This move is a complete stun. ! "

Shaking his head, Ouyang Xiu suddenly changed the subject, and a man muttered to himself.

Hou Yaoqiang stood behind without saying a word, just waiting silently. Now is not the time when he can interject. The demon in Ouyang Xiu's mouth is the leader of the devil. He is a terrible master who has already entered Tongxuan Realm. It is said that In the unpredictable realm, it is not at all possible for these martial arts.

"From now on, our relationship with the cults must be clearly separated, and we should not have any dealings with them anymore. The matter of Yuantong is a lesson. Mixing up with these alien cultivation people has nothing to end."

Ouyang Xiu suddenly ordered a sentence after he finished talking.

"Yes! Lord of the palace!"

Hou Yaoqiang responded immediately, and then seemed to remember something. He hesitated and said, "But what do we promise their elixir?"

"The elixir was refined as scheduled, and all were handed over to them. After that, they left the relationship with them. Don't have any more contacts. These guys have become more and more chaotic. Mo Tian, ​​Mo Tian, ​​what do you think? What? "

Ouyang Xiu said slowly, after a period of silence, he continued to say: "I want to leave for a period of time, you take the time to refine those elixir, and inform me immediately if there is any situation."


Hou Yaoqiang responded quickly.

As soon as the words fell, Ouyang Xiu's body had disappeared, and the person who changed greatly lost track under Hou Yaoqiang's eyelids. I don't know where to go. If I change someone, I thought I saw a ghost during the day, but Hou Yaoqiang has long been used to it, because Ouyang Xiu is also a peerless master who has entered the Tongxuan Realm!

The reason why the holy medicine palace is so famous is because there is Ouyang Xiu, a real master of the mysterious realm, if it is not, how could the cults cooperate with the holy medicine palace so well that it would have been swallowed up. The Holy Medicine Palace has countless good prescriptions of elixir that have been passed down for thousands of years. The potential value is immeasurable.

However, Ouyang Xiu is righteous and evil, and his work depends on his personal preferences. He is neither a Taoist or a righteous person, plus his strength is so extraordinary, people on both sides will not ask. Anyway, Ouyang Xiu Just make no big messes.

In terms of cultivation, in addition to his tireless practice of the medicine king scripture he cultivated, Ouyang Xiu also researched various cheats in the Holy Medicine Palace. It was not because he was idle, but because of the medicine king scripture in his hand. It is not complete. The lords of all the previous palaces of holy medicines died because they couldn't suppress the swelling medicine gas in the end.

How difficult it is to cultivate in the Tongxuan Realm. How could Ouyang Xiu be willing to die in the end like this, of course, he will do everything possible to delay his life and use any method that can be found to compensate for the incompleteness of the Medicine King Scripture. Cultivation hidden dangers.

However, this medicine king scripture was created by the Shennong family in the past. The height of the state is not easily understandable by future generations. Therefore, after thousands of years, successive palace masters of the Holy Medicine Palace have tried their best, and have not been able to defeat the medicine king scriptures. Partial completion is enough to show the depth of the Medicine King Sutra.

At the time, Mu Renqing was hunted down, because Mu Renqing refused to exchange the secret prescription of the sun-killing sun with the Holy Medicine Palace, even if the conditions opened by the Holy Medicine Palace were no longer tempting, Ou Yangxiu had an urgent need to win. The Yang Secret Method suppresses the medicinal gas in the body and extends its own life, so it is ordered to **** the inch of light and seize the Yang Secret Method from Mu Renqing.

However, Mu Renqing had good luck, and finally escaped from the Holy Medicine Palace. After Ouyang Xiu also experienced the danger of a lifetime of nine deaths, he finally survived the tide of medicinal gas outburst. A level.

However, all these are just appearances. Ouyang Xiu understands that it won't be long before the medicine inflated in the body will explode again. By then, he will not be able to survive, so he must find a solution to the medicine outbreak. At present, it seems that the Secret of Sunshine is the most likely recipe for the practice of qi.

Yuan Tong ’s failure made Ouyang Xiu understand. If he does n’t take the shot himself, I ’m afraid he wo n’t have the chance to see the secret method of capturing the sun, so this time he decided to go out in person and go to the East China Sea to find Zhou Shiyun to see the secret Where exactly was it hidden.

Noon three days later.

After a busy morning in the laboratory, Zhou Shiyun said hello to Ye Haowen, and then took the elevator to leave the laboratory, exited the Haoyu Consortium Building, and walked to a Hong Kong-style tea restaurant not far away, ready for a snack. Fruit belly.

In a cafe not far from the Haoyu Consortium Building, an old man in a Tang suit was sitting there reading a newspaper, and a glass of clear water was placed in front of him, without drinking coffee. This old man was Fu Lisheng .

As long as Zhou Shiyun left the house, Fu Lisheng always followed in a short distance. Of course, Zhou Shiyun did not know all this. If she knew, she would definitely oppose Fu Lisheng to do so. After all, she certainly did not want Fu Lisheng to be so tired. However, all of this was voluntary by Fu Lisheng, and Zhou Shiyun was not known.

Seeing Zhou Shiyun went to a tea restaurant for a meal, Fu Lisheng, who looked at the newspaper, smiled. As long as Zhou Shiyun loved his body, he was very happy, and the rest of the things couldn't be controlled much.

At this time, shortly after Zhou Shiyun left the Haoyu Consortium, two passers-by chatting had a silent look, and then followed Zhou Shiyun into the tea restaurant, ordered some snacks, and sat away Zhou Shiyun continued chatting not far away.

Fu Lisheng did not notice this change. After all, he could not always pay attention to everyone passing by on the street. You must know that the Haoyu Consortium is the center of the East China Sea. How much people come and go? It is impossible to pay attention to everyone. Even Lin Mu cannot have such a strong mind here.

After finding a place to sit down, Zhou Shiyun took out a book that she carried with her, sat down and looked at it intently. After a while, a few cages of delicate crystal shrimp dumplings were delivered, and Zhou Shiyun was on this side. Eating shrimp dumplings, while looking at books, it looks very leisurely.

The two passers-by not far, pretending to be chatting, were also observing Zhou Shiyun in secret, but they were very careful and concealed and were not easy to detect.

At the other end of Zhou Shiyun's east, a chubby old man was also eating a few cages of exquisite snacks, with a smile on his face, looking very kind, just like an ordinary fat old man, but this old man from time to time He would take a look at Zhou Shiyun, and by the way, a glance at the two passers-by who were chatting. A meaningful smile flashed in his eyes.

This fat old man is Ouyang Xiu, the host of the Holy Medicine Palace. He doesn't know when he has arrived in the East China Sea. He has even figured out the routine of Zhou Shiyun. He sat here before Zhou Shiyun came to the tea restaurant for dinner.

After so inadvertently observing Zhou Shiyun for a while, Ouyang Xiu turned his head and glanced casually at the direction outside the window. That direction was exactly the direction of Fu Lisheng's sitting cafe. It seemed that Ouyang Xiu's eyes had been reversed. Li Sheng looked at the newspaper.

"It's a good girl doll. She's also very proficient in pharmacology. No wonder Mu Renqing would have liked it so much. Such a baby girl can't help bringing it back to the palace if she sees it."

After smashing it a few times, Ouyang Xiu thought with a smile on his face. He didn't plan to go straight up to find Zhou Shiyun's trouble. After all, he came to steal the sun, not to kill Zhou Shiyun. Live At his age, he knows when to worry and when to slow down.

"But it seems that the little girl's situation is a bit dangerous. In the past two days, I have discovered that at least five waves of people are staring at her. What is the source of these people? Could there be other secrets in her body?"

Glancing at the two sneaky pretending passersby, Ouyang Xiu shook his head slightly. Even with his eyes, he could not see any difference in Zhou Shiyun's body, except that he was very beautiful. The place is an ordinary person.

The strange disease caused by Zhou Shiyun's three-yin body has been cured by Lin Mu. Now he is a normal person. Except for his weak body, there is no special place. Even masters like Tongyang Realm, Ouyang Xiu, have not seen it. What went wrong. <