Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 977: Action begins

In the face of Lin Mu's stunt trick that captures the sun, even if the ram Yang Yu doesn't want to admit it, he has to admire it. This kind of skill is close to the way, even if he can't show it.

When I saw the silver dragon swimming around in the air, the ram feather knew that he didn't have to fight with Lin Mu. He wasn't Lin Mu's opponent. This terrible control was so powerful in the competition. He was It couldn't be clearer.

"It's really a secret method that captures the sun. It seems that when Mu Renqing disappeared, his mastery did not go away with it, but someone succeeded. This secret method is carried forward in your hands."

Nodding slowly, the ram Yu Ning looked at Lin Mu and said, "According to what you just said, do you represent the camp of the Baolong regiment?"

"Yes, I am indeed a member of the Baolong regiment. This time I came here to solve the problem of fire in the backyard. The magic church planted experts to disturb the back of the right path, and the right path will naturally prevent it."

Lin Mu simply acknowledged, "Join us and leave the demon, I promise to do my best to help you unleash the poison of Returngrass, but before that, Jiang's problem must be solved first, at this critical moment There is no need to keep the clan that hits. "

"I don't care. The direction of the Jiang family has no effect on me. The Rams' family is still one of the four big families in Kyoto. This will not change anything."

He snorted softly, and Ram Yang continued, "You will not deal with the Jiang family, nor will I help you to deal with the Jiang family. After all, Jiang Li also gave me the antidote. Humanity, but I will fight against the demon, especially during the decisive battle! "

Mentioning the moment of the decisive battle, a flash of Ling Ling flashed in the eyes of the ram's feather. Obviously, Mo Tian controlled him with such disgraceful means, making him very angry.

"Rest assured, for such a powerful master of Tong Xuan Realm, we cannot leave you idle, and we will definitely appear on the front line at that time."

Lin Mu smiled softly, "I will solve Jiang's problem first, and then you and I will go to the Holy Medicine Palace, and after the main round of Ouyang Palace, we will study how to deal with the poisonous return grass in your body."

Gongyang Yu didn't speak, but just nodded gently, and Lin Mu then left. Since there is no problem with the Gongyang family, the rest is naturally the Jiang family. As long as the Jiang family is resolved, The forces in Kyoto will rebalance and stabilize again, and once again resume the situation of the four major families.

This is what the Baolong Mission hopes to see, and also the four major families want to see. After all, it is not because of the poison in their body that is threatened, and the ram feathers will not rashly break the pattern of Kyoto.

After leaving the ram's house, Lin Mu returned to the Mei's house very quickly, and talked with Father Mei and Ji Xianlin for a while. They learned that the ram's house had been settled. The ram feathers were laid out so quickly. Of course, the specific process of Lin Mu did not tell them. Naturally, they did not know that the ram feathers were highly toxic.

Regarding the problems of the Jiang family, Lin Mu originally wanted to leave it to the three major families to solve the problems on his own. However, considering the war situation in the north and south, Kyoto is the rear. If there is any problem, the impact will be too great. The strength is certainly not as good as the three major families joined together, but the strength is also very strong, and it really has a great impact on the counterattack.

So in the end, Lin Mu decided to take the initiative to solve the masters of the Jiang family, especially the masters who entered the innate realm, and gave them all to solve. As long as the three major families inquire about the whereabouts of these people in advance, the rest Just leave it to him, and when these people are done with it, the mess left over will be handed over to the three big families.

Regarding Lin Mu's proposal, Mr. Mei and Ji Xianlin naturally have no opinion. After all, they are confronted with masters in the same realm. There is no guarantee that there will be no variables, but if Lin Mu takes the shot, it can be said that it is foolproof and naturally enjoys Handed over to Lin Mu.

In terms of efficiency, the three big families are not bad at all, and they are also joined together. When the day dawned, the whereabouts of the three innate masters of the Jiang family were dug up, except for Jiang Li, the peak of the innate kingdom. The remaining two congenital masters are Jiang Feng and Jiang Yan, both of which are masters of the older generation.

In normal times, Jiang Li sits in the home base of the Jiang family. Jiang Feng and Jiang Yan are one in the north and one in the south. They are responsible for taking care of the Jiang family's site there. After learning the specific positions of the three people, after using breakfast, Lin Mu then Departure first went to the south of the city, where the closest to the Mei family.

A casino in the south of the city is a luxury hotel on the surface. In fact, it is a huge casino underground. The real owner of the casino is of course the Jiang family. Jiang Yan, one of the three masters of the Jiang family, sits here because this is It is the most profitable industry in the Jiang family. Naturally, it is necessary to send a powerful figure to the town.

And because there are a lot of people in the casino who are working hard to gamble, they also need a little bit of market, otherwise, in the event that those gamblers make trouble, it is not something that ordinary people can suppress.

It was Mei Mei who came along with Lin Mu. Anyway, Mei Mei was very familiar with Kyoto here. After knowing that Lin Mu was going to deal with the Jiang family, he took the initiative to ask Lin Mu to drive for him. Master Mei, who is a master of Tongxuan Realm, did not stop, after all, he was beside Lin Mu and there was nothing to worry about.

At Yuehualou Hotel, Meimei's crimson sports car stopped at the hotel entrance, and then the two of them got off together and walked in. After passing a huge revolving glass door, a waiter greeted them.

"Hello, two, accommodation or dining?"

Although it was early in the morning, the waiter asked very politely, with a formal smile on his face.

"Take us down."

Meimei glanced at the waiter and reached out and passed a few banknotes.

"Okay, come with me!"

The waiter smiled, shoved the banknote into his pocket without any trace, and then quickly led the way in front of him to a lift in a remote corner.

Take out a special ID card and swipe lightly on the floor button of the elevator. The elevator's indicator light will immediately light up. Within a few seconds, the elevator has stopped in front of the two of them.

"Two, please!"

After inviting Lin Mu and Mei Mei into the elevator, the waiter smiled politely, and then the elevator door closed slightly.

"Looking at your proficient posture just now, aren't there places like this?"

As the elevator descended, Lin Mu suddenly asked with a smile.

"There will always be friends who like to play with these things, and occasionally follow up to see them."

Meimei covered her mouth and smiled.

"Then it will open your eyes today."

Lin Mu nodded, the elevator door opened, and the noisy atmosphere came immediately. Although it was early in the morning, there was no night or day in the casino. The lights were on for 24 hours. Holding the wine plate in his hand, he walked around, and in front of each game machine, there were two or two people.

The two went in for a lap, and they naturally had no interest in the small game consoles. As soon as they entered, they went straight to large game tables such as Baccarat, Russian Turntable and Stud.

With a slight glance, Lin Mu discovered that there are still a lot of people with martial arts here. He took a cursory look at the martial arts in the realm of cultivating and found at least fifteen people, but obviously these people are not They are from the Jiang family, but tourists or gamblers who come to play in Tiannanhaibei.

After calling the waiter, Lin Mu handed a golden card.

"Twenty million chips."

He smiled softly, he said lightly.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

The waiter took the card respectfully, then walked away quickly.

"Why do you exchange so many cards? Aren't we here to trouble the Jiang family?"

Meimei asked softly.

"There must be an excuse, too. Do you come up and smash it?"

Lin Mu shook his head and smiled mysteriously.

"But do you gamble? You need to know that the thousands of masters are very good. People who don't understand gambling hit their hands, but they can't even lose their pants."

I glanced at Lin Mu suspiciously, Mei Mei didn't believe that Lin Mu knew how to gamble. After all, Lin Mu had always been an image of a cultivating madman, so how could I have time to study these side-track things.

"Qianshu is more powerful, but it's just some skills, and it is better than skills. I can be thousands of times better than these people. Even if they don't need to practice, these people can't compare."

With a low smile, Lin Mu pointed to a few slot machines that were not played nearby.

"what happened?"

Meimei glanced strangely at the machine over there, the machine was running in a normal empty machine, and the patterns were constantly rolling on it.

"All three schools."

Lin Mu said softly, and then saw the three machines that nobody was playing. The pattern suddenly rolled crazy, and then stopped on the same pattern. The lights flashed all at once, and then there was a bang. The chips sprayed out.

"This this......"

Meimei was surprised for a while, she couldn't speak, and didn't see any movements from Lin Mu, but those machines followed the magic, and suddenly won the jackpot, followed by a burst of chips. It was just incredible. .

The abnormal situation here attracted some guests. Soon the security of the casino rushed over. After debugging, it was found that the machine could not be stopped. In the end, they had to unplug the power supply and moved all the machines.

"Just a few tricks, don't be surprised." <