May You Return In Stardom

Chapter 1282: An Mu, you are in a big disaster! (1)

An Mu nodded, "Of course, some people will be younger than before they were born!"

Feng Xiao gave a cry, and then suddenly, "Otherwise, let's have another one?"

An Mu:......!

She got up and decided not to talk to this man. Two people are not on the same channel at all, okay?

In the following days, Feng Xiao was busy with work and family, while An Mu was resting at home. After all, she had just given birth to her baby for two months. Even an ordinary pregnant woman would still be given four months of maternity leave.

Xiao Shizi is still young, and sleeps more than 16 hours a day. He fell asleep, and An Mu had nothing to do, so he was watching him playing with his mobile phone.

Recently, I was playing a Weibo account of Sinanguo.

Because there, they met the single dog who abused to death, they have paid attention to each other, and they often chat in private messages.

Torturing a single dog is very funny, speaking humorously and humorously, and often makes An Mu laugh.

And because of Mrs. Feng's statement that day, this number has been considered active recently.

This day someone came to mock Mrs. Feng's unpopularity.

[I love my husband: My husband runs away every day. Has Mrs. Feng always kept the vacancies alone since her marriage? I guess Mrs. Feng, you are still in charge, right? 】

Seeing this news, An Mu was immediately angry. This has already begun a personal attack!

She hasn't responded yet, the tortured single dog is on again.

[Single dog abuse to death: Your sister, Mrs. Feng, who has a son, can you give birth to a child? 】

Seeing this, An Mu was taken aback.

How did this tortured single dog know that she gave birth to a son?

She sent a private message to the other party and asked: How did you know that I had a baby?

The opposite quickly recovered: Guess? There was a smiley face behind.

An Mu wondered: Do we know each other?

When this sentence was typed, the phone rang.

An Mu answered, and the opposite A Bing sighed helplessly, "An Mu, Tang Xia, my star, it's been three more days."

An Mu suddenly patted his head, "Yes, yes! I forgot it again!"

Weibo updates the status every three days, which is something that An Mu must do.

But An Mu is lazy now, forgetting almost every time, so he handed this difficult task to A Bing to help her remember.

An Mu landed on Tang Xia's account and announced a status.

[Tang Xia V: At home, it's going to be moldy. I need a vacation. 】

She actually posted a message every three days.

Soon after the news was sent, many fans came to care, @ and a lot of replies, An Mu was watching, and found that Feng Xiao actually liked this Weibo!

An Mu was shocked immediately.

Feng Xiaoke has never used this number to like Tang Xia's Weibo.

But think about it, anyway, both of them were about to be public, so she didn't care.

While looking at the phone, Xiao Shizi woke up suddenly, An Mu took the phone and walked over, gently hugged her up and patted, Xiao Shizi's hand grabbed her mobile phone and swiped a few times on the screen.

An Mu didn't care either.

After playing with Xiao Shizi for a while, Xiao Shizi was peeing and pulling. When everything was done, Xiao Shizi ate and fell asleep.

An Mu then picked up the phone again to play.

It suddenly occurred to me that my Weibo account was still chatting with a tortured single dog, so I picked up my phone and clicked on the homepage of a acne-sinan country.

"Single Dog Abuse" did not answer his own question, but quarreled with "I love my husband" below.