May You Return In Stardom

Chapter 201: In distress, I will lead them away

How can I let her go?

Feng Xiao narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly, "Wait until I hate your body."

When the words fell, he started the car again and walked forward.

An Mu looked at him like that, really furious.

"There is another possibility." An Mu suddenly viciously said, "If you die, I will be liberated."

Feng Xiao held his fingers on the steering wheel for a while, "Don't worry, I must strangle you before I die, or I will be lonely when I get down."

An Mu:...

Why did she think this man was handsome before! I'm blind!

An Mu struggled hard, trying to sit down, but the man clenched her waist tightly, An Mu pressed his small face and said coldly: "Don't worry, I won't make fun of my life, I want to be good. Live, curse you every day!"

The shadow in Feng Xiao's eyes grew thicker and he let go with a cold snort.

An Mu finally sat in the passenger seat again and turned to look outside. At this moment, she felt boundless despair hit her.

But immediately, I felt the car tremble.

An Mu was ups and downs, then turned around and sneered and said, "Look, it's retribution as expected. This is about a car accident..."

The latter words suddenly got stuck in his throat.

Oh my!

What did she see? !

This sports car was actually flanked by the front and back, and suddenly two people with machine guns appeared in the rear car, shooting at them!

The bumps just now were also Feng Xiao avoiding bullets and deliberately let the car go zigzag!

An Mu's heart suddenly lifted up!

Last time, when Feng Xiao saw the gun, she was terrified and felt that he was not in the same world.

But after thinking about it, I thought it was just his spare, but now...

This kind of shootout is really not what Hollywood blockbuster Hengdian is shooting? !

An Mu's eyes were straightened. People who have never experienced such a scene don't know how to react!

But the next second, her head was held vigorously by the man, and she pressed down, "Don't move if you don't want to die!"

The man's voice was so solemn that it was rare to see, and then he sneered, "I really keep my eyes on it."

He raised his eyebrows and looked at the little thing in his arms.

After receiving a call from Shangguanyu, he drove the sports car directly and left Weiwei's group behind. Now, he finally gave the other party a chance!

Huh! !

The bulletproof car is not afraid of being pierced by bullets, but the wheels of the car are still rubber in the end, and the group of people blown the tire!

The car made a sharp sound of rubbing against the ground, and then ran into the side!


The car hit the protective fence, and the whole car fell all at once!

The people who fought back and forth suddenly stopped the car. A dozen heavily armed men opened the door and jumped off the high-speed intersection, intending to find someone in the car, but when the door opened, they found that there was no one in the fallen car. !

"They can't go far! Search!"

Upon an order, twos and threes formed a team and began to search the surroundings.

In a bush not far away.

Feng Xiao narrowed his narrow eyes and said to An Mu: "Their goal is me, you stay here and don't move, I will lead them away."

An Mu suddenly grabbed his sleeves nervously, "But this way, you will be very dangerous!"

At the moment of danger, Feng Xiao’s eyes were smiling, "I'm dead, didn't you just get rid of me?"

When the words fell, without waiting for An Mu to react, Feng Xiao lowered himself and rushed out!

"over there!"

An Mu heard the footsteps of Da Da, and moved towards that side with Feng Xiao's departure!

PS: Lucky readers yesterday, Jiaoda! , Luoer, quiet. In addition, I have seen your message from Yuhe~ You can reply to your message. I will reply to some special and questionable ones on the webpage every day. You can check it out on the webpage when you have time~