May You Return In Stardom

Chapter 489: Shocked! I was seen by Xia Xinbing!

An Mu smirked, not knowing what to say.

Because she did just that.

Feng Xiao raised his eyebrows, "Then, you have nothing to say to you for using me like this?"

What to show?


An Mu exploded. Didn’t he say enough last night?

She was about to speak, but suddenly she glanced at Feng Xiao's narrow eyes and flashed slightly.

An Mu swallowed back immediately.

I already said it yesterday because I welcome him back and I am so enthusiastic when I miss him. Do you want to overthrow your words today?


This man, that page has already been turned over, okay!

An Mu saw that the man on the opposite side hadn’t eaten the pre-dinner snack, and suddenly thought that the man didn’t like to eat sweets, so he smiled badly, reached for the snack, took a bite, then stood up, paddling the table with one hand, and walked over. Next to Feng Xiao, his eyes narrowed and a wink was thrown, then he put his arms around Feng Xiao's neck, sat on his lap, and kissed him actively.

Waiting for the dishes to be served is boring. Feng Xiao is actually teasing her. He eats some tofu by the way. Seeing the little things are so good, Feng Xiao is also very cooperative.

But when the two sides opened their mouths, Feng Xiao felt a sweet and greasy feeling, suddenly pouring into his mouth!

Then, An Muyu jumped up, flashing light in his sly eyes, pointing to Feng Xiao and laughing!

The dessert in his mouth is Feng Xiao's most annoying taste, but I don't know why. Looking at the little things, he felt for the first time that the sweetheart was really sweet to his heart.

In his narrow eyes, a coquettish light flashed by. He curled his lips and swallowed the dessert. When he was about to give the little thing something to look good, suddenly, a surprised voice came from the door. " guys?!!!"

Feng Xiao had a meal and looked at the door.

An Mu was grinning, and heard this extremely familiar and unfamiliar voice.

Her laughter was abrupt and sharp, as if someone had strangled her throat suddenly.

And the person who had turned his back to the door suddenly turned his head and looked at the door in disbelief!

At the door, Xia Xinbing looked at the two people in the private room equally unbelievably, her eyes widening, very unbelievable!

She actually came back to find Feng Xiao because she was curious, wanting to know what kind of woman it was that could be in his eyes, but she did not expect that she opened the door and saw what?

It's Tang Xia! !

Why is she here?

Why is she here?

How can she be here? ! !


An Mu clenched his fists.

The smile on his face stiffened directly on his cheeks.

Why is she back?

How can she come back?

Both ladies were stunned.

They looked at each other, the emotions in their eyes were complex and changeable, and the entire private room was quiet for an instant.

At this moment, Feng Xiao took a step forward, grabbed An Mu's waist, dragged her behind him, then looked at Xia Xinbing, and said unhappyly, "What's wrong?"

The tone of maintenance and the arrogant attitude made Xia Xinbing listen, faintly uncomfortable.

You know, since she became Xinghui's wife since she became a **** in the entertainment industry, Xia Xinbing has never dared to talk to her like this in these years.

Even Fenghou has never spoken in such a cold tone!

But suddenly thought of Feng Xiao's identity and rumors, Xia Xinbing suppressed the resentment in his heart, looked at Feng Xiao, and forgot what he was about to say.