Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

v2 Chapter 13: Pretend to be a man and burst the audien

   ("Gu and Zhu" classmate! Boss Gu, the second one is coming! "Can ★Xue Wuhen" classmate said to join the game, it seems that he wants to congratulate the new rudder in advance! Haha)

   Mu Fan will really feel the pressure now, that's not one, doesn't it mean that the mechas are in a hostile state?

   How come a group of mechas lined up to rush over here.

   Looking at Wang Nuo Nuo, who was still abusing the corpse over there, an idea that he didn't believe came into Mu Fan's heart.

   "No... it's all for this girl, right?"

   "Xiao Nuo Nuo!" Mu Fan hurriedly said.


   "Run, a lot of people over there." Mu Fan sent Wang Nuonuo a direction.

   "Ah! There are so many people, this lady ran away quickly, the big egg person, take care."

   Then the queen who was on her head turned into a female refugee in a second, as if she saw a group of perverts with glowing eyes, she ran away again.

   Mu Fan silently looked at the running back, then turned to look at the army coming from a distance, after thinking about it, suddenly made a move that he admired himself.

   join them! !

   Mu Fan hurriedly flicked his finger from the console, and the apm instantly soared to 370+, a group of mechas rushing from the edge of the forest in circles.

   Then he found that all the mechas were in public speaker mode.

   "Don't squeeze me!"

   "I really made a move when you touch me again!"

   "That woman is mine!"

   "First come, first come!"

   A group of people actually fought together on the road.

   Before Mu Fan approached, he saw two mechas slumped on both sides because of the fierce fighting.

   Does this work?

   Mu Fan felt for the first time the lower limit of players in this game...

   There is no lower limit at all!

   There are about a dozen mecha units in this group. Except for the two that have been killed in the civil war, the rest are keeping their duties and not crossing the boundary, and they are all working towards a goal.

   "I want to play SM too! I want to be the hero!" This is the voice of a running player.

"Hey, brother, come join in the fun too. I said that we come first and then arrive. We have to surround the girl first and don't let her run away." Suddenly the player saw another camouflage mecha running around him. , And also holding a long sword that is very sleek.

   "Man? Your knife is good, how many stars are good? Grass, what are you doing with me, I fight with you." The player suddenly saw that the mecha was holding a knife and slashing at him.

   Then he lighted his body, and the gun carrier bag on the back showed that it had been damaged.

   The high-power laser gun is damaged!

   The close knife is damaged!

   This player felt that he had a nightmare in just a few seconds, and he was quickly wiped out!

   Mu Fan originally wanted to kill the mecha with a single blow, but there was no hostility at all. Mu Fan was a little embarrassed, so let's disarm. So this poor mecha suffered the same consequences as the battered mecha in SM, but it was a pity that it didn't see the queen.

   "I see, that fiery red mecha, queen!"

   "Don't let her run away!"

   A group of players didn't care about the stripped mecha around them. Now they finally saw the heroine of the story, they were almost as excited as blood.

  The players who paid to watch the game in the forum were full of emotion: "This can be a complete road, it is really high."

   The remaining audience shouted: "Hurry up and get up, pretend to be strong!"

   Mu Fan still doesn't know, but Hei knows. For the first time Master Hei got so many replies from netizens in the forum, it was so excited that it was about to explode, and this Master was so popular.

   "Mu Fan, come on, this lord will take over the command system." Hei couldn't wait to say to Mu Fan and went directly to the combat system.

   "At 10 o'clock, the fifth-generation fantasy mech-Heavy Artillery, have you seen the twelve-barreled artillery on its head?" Hei pointed out the direction and asked Mu Fan.

   "I saw it."

   "Mecha Teaching Action 61-Charge and slash, get rid of the artillery on its head!" Hei gave an inexplicable instruction.

   The lightweight body of the reconnaissance mech finally shows its advantage, which is the speed of action.

   A figure flashed by.

   Mu Fan controlled the undead and looked at the player who was still running desperately without the artillery. He was sure that the man had no idea that his artillery was gone. Now he could rename it to the heavy locomotive.

   Black adults sighed: "My heart is really big."

   The audience continues to increase, and it has now reached 900, which is close to the 1,000-person mark. The atmosphere is extremely warm: "I like this kind of players with no lower limit."

  Hei even took the time to return a post: "Next, I am going to enter the meat show."

   "The original poster is still replying to posts!! My ciao, a god-man."

   "Kneel to the eldest brother, I really can't wait for the strength."

Seeing the positive response from everyone, Lord Black exited the forum with satisfaction, and then continued to command Mu Fan: "See the blue mecha at 1 o'clock on the right front? It has three weapon bays on it, which are the leg tactical cards. Slot sword, three Vulcan cannons in his hand, surge throwing barrels on his back. Rush over and have to remove them within a second."

   Mu Fan charged truthfully, and the mecha also saw the menacing undead mecha, ready to fight back.

   Disorderly walking, Mu Fan took a deep breath, apm soared.

  The camouflaged undead mech is like a butterfly flying lightly among the flowers.

   All MISS, completely missed!

   "Warning, the weapon system is 100% damaged." The player watched the undead mech throwing down and looking for the next one.

   "This electric shock knife is really good." Mu Fan looked at the weapon in his hand with emotion, combined with the high-frequency tremor technique, in this kind of battle, nothing was broken.

   That undead is really shameless! This is the voice of all the audience.

   "Mu Fan, at 3 o'clock, two weapon bays."

   "Mu Fan, 200 meters ahead, rushed over and attacked."

   "Mu Fan..."


  Wang Nuonuo, a beautiful girl who is running desperately, suddenly saw the red dots on the radar getting farther and farther away from him. What happened?

   The fire-red Begonia mecha slowed down and stopped, then looked back.

   "Ah! What are you doing?" Miss Nuonuo really didn't understand the style of painting in front of her.

   A group of bald mechas are staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Now no one dares to step Just kidding, do you use your fists to fight the heavily armed local mechas on the opposite side?

   "Hahahaha, I'm laughing to death, Miss Ben, what are you doing? Do you want to watch Miss Ben's high-level aerobics? It must be, then come on."

  Then the fiery red begonia mecha turned and stood still, with a strong sway of his right arm, bowed his head, raised his head, and started to dance!

   These bald mechas are inexplicably sad and angry. A pervert has cut all our weapons to pieces, mother.

   Someone couldn't watch Wang Nuonuo's horrible dance steps, and they were about to turn and escape.

   The moment when the Haitang Mecha turned and turned his head, his hand was raised.


   A flaming Gauss rifle appeared in his hands, and the mecha that was about to leave was knocked to the ground.

   More than a dozen mechas immediately became honest, and stood together to watch Miss Wang do aerobics.

   "6666666, I have opened my eyes, and I have this kind of gameplay."

   "This duo is simply amazing."

   "The ability to pretend to be a man is worthy of the name, the value of this money."

   Mu Fan was rather sad, and Hei comforted him: "Don't blame yourself, this lord is teaching you to integrate into society. In reality, people are very sinister."

   The expression on Mu Fan's face is obviously saying: I believe you are blamed.


  PS: Thanks to the book friend "Gu Hezhu" for 5888+5888 coins for the reward!

   Thanks to the book friend "Xue Wuhen" for 1888 coins reward!

   Thanks to the book friend for "quietly watching you install" 588 coins reward!

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