Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

v5 Chapter 43: Fire!

The voice rang in the air.

In the huge and empty warehouse, a pair of blood-colored eyes suddenly opened.


On the dark and empty deck, countless flaming star fog suddenly emerged from all directions, and time seemed to be fixed at this moment.

The star mist suddenly collected!

In the next second, a scarlet cloak was rolled up hideously.

At this time, the deck was less than ten meters away from Mu Fan, and in the rapid fall, what awaited him in the next instant seemed to be the ending of being smashed.

But at this moment, Mu Fan's mouth grinned, and a pitch-black metal palm suddenly hooked from the side.

Mu Fan's body happened to fall within the palm of his hand, and then the palm of his hand disappeared.


A huge black shadow rose from mid-air and fell to the ground.

The half red lotus on his chest lit up slowly, the first light in this dark warehouse.

Then what emerged was a thin line of fire from the red lotus vine on the chest to the whole body, the line of fire like a vein floated and disappeared.

This moment of light finally completely illuminated Shura's outline.

Raise your head, look to the top of your head, gently lift your heels, and slam lightly.


The special energy-absorbing alloy floor actually produced a circle of visible undulations and spread out.

Shura vacated in an instant!

At this time, the battleship that has entered the [Icebreaker] posture, while advancing at extreme speed, the star fog on both sides of the corridors looks like flowing steel under the reverse effect, and any piece of steel armor involved in it will be instantly shattered.

This is a black control strategy. It pulls the dawn battleship to its limit speed, uses the tunnel star fog and the steel armor blasting cloud to form a double layer of protection, and builds a temporary vacuum channel!

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the battleship and dived into the torrent of star fog passing by at high speed.

It's like a bomb being instantly involved in the rushing molten iron!

In an instant, a huge fan-shaped implosion with a radius of more than one kilometer burst into the air.

The battleship of Dawn moving at high speed below flashed past, and the battleship of Dawn had already swept thousands of meters away in a quiet and moving motion.

Hei caught the blast of stars behind him. Although he knew that the Shura Mecha could not be in danger here, he still couldn't help shouting, "Mu Fan!"

After a second, there was no answer.

This is completely beyond the black's expectations, shouldn't be.

But when it was about to ask again, a distorted voice appeared in the ultra-short-range public frequency, "Remember, after going out...find a safe place!"

Mu Fan's deep and powerful voice burst out at this moment.

At this same moment, the fan-shaped torrent of star fog seemed to be frozen, and it suddenly rolled back in the next second.

Even rewinding forward at a speed surpassing the battleship of dawn!

It's like a surfer has just crossed a huge wave, but the next second...

Those waves that had clearly been surpassed turned back to him in an instant.

In the virtual space, Hei Kan was dumbfounded, almost opening his mouth to explode.

Shura's figure clearly emerged, and it stretched out in front of him with a fist.

With Shura as the center, a huge vacuum zone appeared within a kilometer.

A punch, emptied the entire fan of star fog!

A punch directly creates an instantaneous vacuum in the distorted space in the wormhole!

Moreover, the power of this punch is far from over.

Being blasted out by the torrent of star fog, a huge tidal wave continued to roll forward, like a giant dam pushed away horizontally.

The crimson luster on the front of the fist slowly faded, Shura closed his fist and stood, his eyes calmly looking at the battleship that had turned into a peanut in his vision, and the four blood engines behind him burst out.

In this wormhole filled with countless complex materials, Xiu Luo Shengsheng hit a three-layer sonic boom-like shock wave, which instantly turned into a **** meteor.

In less than half a second, he passed straight above the battleship of Dawn.

This time, in the virtual space, Hei finally opened his mouth completely.

"Sura, this... abnormal!"

I saw all the matter on the way forward, even the torrent of star fog that had been rolled up like a mountain, was divided into two by the red meteor!

The torrent that was forcibly cut was rolled to the walls of the wormholes on both sides, causing a wider range of spores to explode.

After half a second, Shura's existence was completely lost in Black's vision.

The black eyes were a little dull, the metal ball that represented the body turned to look at the virtual wall on the side, and there was a moment of hesitation in its eyes, it was wondering if it should hit it.



"The spore mining group in District B11 has been extinguished on a large scale!"

"Detecting the spore blasting energy flame flow from the wormhole, we can confirm that our spore mining group has been attacked!"

Two "planets" with a diameter of three kilometers and densely covered with yellow-green smoke clouds appear quietly in a quiet void somewhere.

In the thick yellow-green smoke cloud, you can clearly see that there is a 500-meter spire on each "planet".

The minarets are like some kind of miraculous building used for ancient sacrificial worship.

"Master Lamar, the detection of Wormhole Energy Nebula is disordered, and the disorder is getting stronger and stronger."

"This is a sign that a large ship is undergoing a transition in the wormhole!"

At the top of one of the spires, a row of black suits with pale complexion stood quietly in the hall with a wide view.

The person standing in the front was close to two meters in sacred behavior, and his burly size was not much different from that of the people behind him, except that his complexion was more natural and ruddy.

He is the existence called "Lamar" by those behind him.

"These ignorant and backward pigs dare to destroy the gathering station of my holy race..."

In the low voice, Lamar's right fist slowly clenched, and egg-sized bulges that were visible to the naked eye continued to emerge from his arm, creeping onto that huge fist.

In the blink of an eye, that fist doubled its size.

These "people" have a weird breath everywhere.

"Send the Huangsha fleet to wipe out these **** pigs."

"Yes, my lord!" The black suit reporting behind him stiffly replied, turning around and preparing to leave.

"By the way, we caught two live mouths. We need to inquire about the intelligence at the end of the wormhole." When his men were about to leave the top of the spire, Lamar suddenly added.

" After only 10 seconds, the quiet yellow and green clouds of the "planet" on the left began to boil.

Pieces of smoke clouds were torn apart, and battleships overwhelming the sky like locusts hurt from those smoke clouds.

The appearance of those battleships is exactly the same as the battleships of the Sheng Luo clan that appeared in the Ruins of Light!

At first glance, the length of the locust warships is no more than 100 meters, but the number is like the ocean. It is not known whether it is tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. At first glance, they look like mechanized Zegers.

In a quiet area of ​​quiet space, a huge distortion suddenly appeared, like a mirror that broke the peace.

That space...

Suddenly broken!
