Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

v5 Chapter 44: Only you waste?

A magnificent scene appeared, in front of the overwhelming locust battleship, with countless muzzles protruding out.

Can't hear the sound, but can see the shocking scene of the salvo of spore bullets.

The locust fleet retreated several meters under the response of the muzzle, and immediately covered a vast layer of "yellow sand fog" in front of their bow.

Thirty thousand locust battleships directly blasted out a flat spore barrier.

These spores are different from the yellow-green spores that once appeared in the Ruins of Light. Their color is more single and their attack methods are more...horrible!

The yellow spore clusters pass straight through the universe, and when they hit the meteorite fragments in the starry sky, they instantly explode into a "sand mist", but when you look closely, they are smaller umbrella-like spore clusters, densely packed together. Make a terrifying spore storm.

When the storm passed through the gravel area, the meteorites were directly rolled into fly ash visible to the naked eye.

The yellow sand spores seem to have the ability to decompose everything in the desert.

That is a kind of spores that can parasitic all objects and draw energy, they are the predators of the universe.

The Shengluo tribe has evolved energy attack and spore attack to the extreme.

The Zeger tribe is a pure and violent physical attack.

The Luoqin universe, built with the Federation, Empire, and Extraterrestrial Galaxy as its core, is a combination of physical attacks and energy attacks under the development of conventional technology.

The two major invading races that have emerged so far have distinct ethnic characteristics.

The storm that flattened an entire fan, instantly enveloped the deep space of the universe that had just broken the calm!

San Lo Commander Lamar's eyes were cold and indifferent.

No matter who it is, as long as it is invaded by yellow sand spores, it will be destined to become the prey of the Shengluo tribe.

That can corrupt everything...

Yellow sand spores!

Lamar's eyes seemed to have foreseen the upcoming victory.

There was a winner's smile on his face.

A circle of transparent ripples wafted from deep space, and it seemed that something was about to come out of it.

The corners of Lamar's mouth curled up, and it was a mocking smile.

After the transparent ripples oscillated, a light spot suddenly appeared at the core, and the light spot suddenly rotated and expanded in the next second!

A black figure brazenly stepped out.

The terrifying storm of yellow sand instantly revolved and covered it.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a yellow sand ball with a diameter of more than two hundred meters condensed in front of the unwound and closed wormhole exit!

If you look closely, you can even see the creeping sporangia.

It is disgusting and frightening.

The arc of Lamar's mouth grew wider and wider. He was looking at the spore ball that was tightening a little bit, and spiral stripes could be seen on the surface of the ball.

One second, two seconds.

The figure that appeared without any resistance was easily strangled by these spores.

The already quiet universe is even more silent.

But just as Lamar’s eyelids drooped, a flat voice rang softly on the public frequency:

"Is there only this kind of attack?"

"Who!?" Lamar looked up sharply.

At this moment, the yellow sand spore ball that had been tightened was like a huge balloon, suddenly inflating and glowing red, as if there was a fire burning in it.


It bursts silently, only the giant mushroom cloud that resembles the explosion of a super-yield nuclear bomb is swallowing everything unscrupulously.

The tsunami-like red shock wave rolled over 10,000 meters, and then slowly disappeared.

In the gradually clear vision, a black mecha covered with molten flame veins stepped out, facing the locust fleet that covered the entire starry sky, calmly raised its head.

The hideous thorn blades all over the joints of the body, the jet black paint, the scarlet and indifferent eyes, and the half of the red lotus flower on the chest that is quietly burning.

"Shoot again!"

Lamar spoke coldly at this moment.

He didn't give the enemy a chance to talk nonsense.

So the sky locust battleship erupted at the same time again.

A dense cluster of spores hit the sky and covered the entire field of view of Mu Fan in an instant.

At this moment, he gently tilted his head, as if listening to what was behind him.

The fluctuation of the natural wormhole surged again, indicating that the dawn battleship was about to rush out.

What he needs to do is, before the Battleship of Dawn comes out...

Clear everything.

Mu Fan looked at the front indifferently, and the strong heart beat vigorously at this moment.


At this moment, when the heart beats heavily for the first time, a wave of fire was visible to the naked eye around the mysterious and gorgeous fuselage.

It was as if a heavy hammer was slapped on the heart, and a huge amount of blood poured out all over the body instantly, and bloodshots suddenly appeared on Mu Fan's eyes.

The blade armor of Shura's whole body gently raised an angle, and the transpiring and distorted fire-colored air flow overflowed from the whole body, like a demon **** walking out of the hot and fierce prison.

The five fingers of his right hand stretched out in front of him, and then he pointed his backhand at himself...he buckled!

The palm of the hand suddenly pressed on his chest, on the half of the burning red lotus.

A terrifying energy reaction instantly formed in the gap between the palm and the body.

[Sura-Red Lotus in full bloom]!

His chest glowed with blazing heat and light comparable to the sun.

In an instant, the huge red lotus bloomed into the starry sky.

In the planet fortress covered with yellow and green smoke clouds, in the top of the super-high spire, a stiff and pale face of the Saint Luo tribe, when he saw the red energy warning that suddenly formed on the light curtain, his face as rigid as decay finally There are fluctuations.

"Monitoring... the energy response beyond the planetary level!"

At the same time, the sky full of yellow sand storms finally shrouded, but in front of the huge red lotus that suddenly bloomed and covered thousands of meters, the violent torrent of spores was first ignited in an instant, and then crazily rolled back!

The secondary combustion and secondary detonation formed instantly.

Putting his right hand down from his chest, the space around Shura burned under the terrifying high temperature, and even began to appear spatial distortion.

The red inflammation that doesn't need oxygen and ignores the vacuum, with an indescribable breath of death.

Shura used a splendid [Red Lotus Blooming] to offset the volley of 30,000 locust fleets. It stepped on the raging fire, like a demon returning from hell.

The dense flame veins on the black body light up quietly and then quietly die out.

"This is... what mech..."

All the confidence and pride in Lamar's eyes disappeared at this moment.

"In the Gate of the God River, is there some waste like yours?"

When the next sentence in the Shura Mecha came out, there was deathly silence in the spires of the two planetary fortresses.

Lamar's face was flushed abnormally!

He stared fiercely at the light curtain, grabbed the communicator in front of him, and said fiercely: "The humble pig...Are you the gatekeeper of our race!? Or the group of power in United Galaxia Federation!"

From rushing out of the wormhole, Mu Fan heard a response from the Shengluo for the first time.

Shura's head gently turned to the left, and the deepest part of those blood-colored pupils, one after another, triangles overlapped.

In Mu Fan's **** vision, two thin crimson rays of light instantly crossed and locked at a point.

His gaze penetrated through the gaps in the dense locust fleet, and fell on the spire of the distant star fortress.

Completely lock the source of energy fluctuations——

[Blood world locked]!

The biological attacks of the Saint Luo tribe have evolved to the extreme, and these locust fleets without real pilots are the best examples.

However, for Shura who directly perceives biological energy, Lamar's opening directly exposed his position.

So at this moment, in all monitoring...

Shura's figure disappeared instantly!


A terrifying air wave mixed with broken steel instantly blasted from the side, and dozens of parasites of the Saint Luo tribe were caught off guard.

All the remaining Saint Luo people turned their heads at the same time.

A biting and murderous feeling floated from the depths of his brain, Lamar's pupils suddenly shrank into needlepoints, and instinctively turned back.

But what moved faster than him was a black steel palm, piercing through the huge French window, appearing from the shock wave, grabbing Lamar's burly body, and suddenly withdrawing!

"grown ups!"


"Master Lamar!"

The eyes of all the Saint Luo tribesmen turned into apricot yellow with cruel and tyrannical color in an instant.

On the side of the towering minaret, a touch of scarlet scrolled hideously.

Shura lowered his head and looked at Lamar, who was struggling desperately but unable to move in his palm.

Lamar's eyes fixed on Shura's head, staring at the scarlet eyes, his mouth bulged, as if to open his mouth to say something.

Mu Fan's eyelids blinked.

"Trash...not qualified to talk to me."

The indifferent voice sounded directly and clearly in everyone's ears this time.

Then, his five fingers squeezed.



In the tyrannical and unbelievable eyes of all the puppets of the Shengluo clan, their leader Lamar, like a squeezed blood bag, exploded instantly!

The pure yellow San Luo blood squirmed and exploded into blood mist.

For the Shenglu tribe, this is the core of their lives. Shenglu's blood is immortal, and they will never die.

However, Shura was destined to disappoint them.

With the instant red flame on the fuselage, Lamar's blood passed.

Even without the smoke rising, the blood mist that exploded was directly annihilated in the flame.

Starting from the first salvo of the locust fleet, no more than 60 seconds before and after, the commander of the first army of the Shengluo clan in the outer star river front line was squeezed by Shura with one hand!

That terrifying efficiency and outrageous means made the people of the Shengluo family, known for their brutality and fierceness, a sense of absurdity from the bottom of their hearts, followed by that huge uncontrollable fear.

The smoke clouds on the entire astral fortress are boiling.

Hiss and squeaks came from all directions. At this moment, the huge astral fortress seemed to be stimulated, and finally began to riot.

For the first time, the Shengluo family encountered such a terrifying beheading operation!

The frontline cannon fodder regiment had not suffered damage, and the top commander was killed directly, which completely disrupted the combat defense system of the Saint Luo clan.

Now all weapons will be activated, because all the Saint Luo people are on the towers of these two astral fortresses!

In the clouds of smoke Countless black shadows swish rushed out, and hit Shura high in the sky.

It's just that Mu Fan didn't care about the black shadow that hit like an ocean instantly, but calmly looked down, Shura lifted off and looked down on the top of the tower, bending his right arm up.

Shura's heart throbbed again, the molten veins reappeared, and Hong Yan instantly covered his fists.

A punch was raised high...blowly!


In the red shock wave spreading thousands of meters, the five-hundred-meter-high minaret made an overwhelming, harsh and distorted sound, which was smashed into the ground from head to toe!

Under the punch that used the heart of Shura, the spire was compressed and deformed and could not absorb one-tenth of the punch's power, and the remaining kinetic energy was violently rolled in all directions.


The surface of the half-star fortress collapsed instantly.