Mecha and Knife

Chapter 284: Starship Squad's mighty recruit

Latest URL: "You guys, trust me?"

When Ji Xinghe asked this question, Han Li also asked the same question in another communication channel.

But the response was: "…"

Han Li was angry: "What do you mean?"


"Boss, although we all know that you have a very good relationship with Colonel Ji Xinghe, there is no need for this."

"That's right, you talk nonsense every day, don't you know how to speak?"

"If others hear this, they will think that we don't have ace mecha fighters, and they will look down on us."

"Boss, can you be yourself?"

"Eh? Was our boss, Colonel Han Li, speaking just now? Sorry, I thought it was Colonel Ji Xinghe who connected to our communication channel."

"You're going too far, be careful the boss beats you up."

"Tsk tsk tsk, isn't that more like Colonel Ji Xinghe? If there is a disagreement, he will disarm and fight."

Han Li: "..."

After the laughter, the battle plan code-named God's Punishment was communicated.

For the members of the Han Li team, or for everyone except the Xinghe team, there are two gods of divine punishment, one is Ji Xinghe, the initiator of this plan, and the other is the extremely Han Li, who is in favor of the plan.

Even in the eyes of many people, Han Li is stronger than Ji Xinghe.

It's good that Han Licai was beaten up by Ji Xinghe, but it was a disarming battle.

In the perception of many people, Han Li's strength is higher than Ji Xinghe's when fighting through armor.

There was a period of time before that Han Li was considered by some to be inferior to Ji Xinghe in terms of armor-piercing combat power, because Ji Xinghe captured the Duke of the Empire at that time, and among Han Li's previous opponents, the strongest was the Empire Marquis only.

But now Han Li has also completed the killing of the Duke of the Empire, and in the case of the challenge before the formation, the performance of the mecha used is similar to that of Ji Xinghe's Zhanshan at that time.

In addition, Han Li's exclusive mecha for the ace mecha fighter has already arrived with the supplies, and it is said that its performance is much better than that of the general armor.

Many people expect that Han Li will be able to shine more brilliantly than Ji Xinghe in the upcoming war.

There are also some people who are expecting Harris, Qin Tong, the blind man, the lame man, Dowizemo, Casciuão, Rossinho, Reid and others to get their 100th gold star as soon as possible and become the ace player. A warrior.

The curse that the Federation cannot have ten ace mecha fighters at the same time has been broken for more than a month, and people began to expect more.

"Captain, it's time to go."


After Han Li finished the battle meeting, he led the team down the mountain and began to clear up.

In the second round of the empire's attack on the b72 highland, many trenches were dug as defensive fortifications.

These defensive fortifications became their protective umbrellas. After the main force was wiped out, tens of thousands of remnants relied on them to surround and defend, blocking the federal military forces coming from the ground to support the b72 highland.

The b72 highlands, which had no clearing power, would naturally not let them go after getting enough supplies and troops.

Could it be that they have to wait until all their 200,000 troops are assembled before fighting?

When Han Li led the team to set off, Ji Xinghe also led the team down the mountain. The difference between the two is that Han Li still wore the previous mecha, while Ji Xinghe changed into the general armor.

He wants to tell the empire that his mecha has been repaired, and then in the subsequent battles, the general armor will be severely damaged as before.

"Galaxy Team, charge."

Shouts sounded from the communication channel, and all members of the assembled Xinghe team began to charge. The thirteen mechs were headed by General A of Ji Xinghe.

What they faced was thirty imperial mechs.

There is a huge surprise in terms of numbers, but the morale of both sides is about the same.

The mecha fighters of the Xinghe team were full of fighting spirit when they charged. If they didn't want to keep the communication channel quiet, they would even want to fight screaming.

When the imperial mechas charged, they were all determined to die, because they knew they were doomed, so they had to pull a back before they died.

If a federal mecha can be destroyed, their descendants will be able to enjoy the aftermath.

The distance between the two teams of mechas was getting closer and closer. Ji Xinghe, the leader of the first team, was the first to complete the breakthrough, and then rushed into the enemy line alone, attracting the siege of more than eight imperial mechas.

The other twelve mechas of the Xinghe team formed an assault formation, led by the blind and the lame, and collided with twenty imperial mechas fiercely.

Without Earl-level Imperial Mechas participating in the battle, the combat effectiveness of the blind man and the lame man was enough to allow them to destroy an Imperial Mecha each when Ji Xinghe defeated the third Imperial Mecha.

da da da da...

Andre has already replaced the special submachine gun for mechs. The two guns held in both hands are not much less powerful than Ji Xinghe against the imperial mechs.

Two tongues of flame hindered the maneuvering of the two imperial mechs. Su Chuanyun and his left hand, who were following Andre, took the opportunity to wave a weapon made of tungsten steel and gold to break it.

The combat efficiency of the three of them is only a few seconds slower than that of the blind man and the lame man. Considering the difference in the performance of the two mechas, it is enough to prove that the three of them are stronger than when they met Ji Xinghe. significantly improved.

In a blink of an eye, only twenty-three of the thirty imperial mechs remained.

The number of imperial mechs besieging Ji Xinghe is still the largest. The order they received, in addition to blocking the Xinghe team and giving time for the missile launchers hidden in the trenches to move, is to do everything possible to cause damage to the general's armor.

This allowed the other mech fighters of the Galaxy Squad to not have to worry about the siege of the imperial mechs.

The Xinghe team, which is almost all super-class and already has tungsten steel and gold weapons, has won a complete victory in this kind of battle without any surprises.

Ji Xinghe personally got nine gold stars, and the rest of the gold stars were shared equally by everyone in the Xinghe team.

Chen Xun, who was observing with a sniper rifle on the b72 highland, spoke out after the battle of the Xinghe team ended.

"The mechas you destroy can only be counted as military exploits, and the mechas destroyed by Lao Ji count as contribution points. With contribution points, we can build mechas belonging to our Xinghe team. And you have already decided that Lao Ji will build them for you." Mecha, then there is no need to get more gold stars."

"I suggest, let's change the way of fighting. Others try to destroy the imperial mechs as much as possible, and then let the old man complete the destruction."

After Chen Xun finished speaking, many voices echoed in the communication channel.

"It should have been like this a long time ago, military exploits and the like are useless to us."

"That's right, it's not a peaceful era. A first-class meritorious service can honor one's ancestors. This battle has been fought for more than 20 years, and super-class meritorious deeds have become very common, which has no practical significance."

"Yes, we don't want military exploits, we want to contribute."

"No, it's Lao Ji who wants to contribute, but we can't get it."

"Sweeping wool is my favorite, Lao Ji takes the lead, let's gather wool."

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time, wow ha ha ha..." Su Chuanyun laughed loudly: "At the beginning, Lao Ji said that he was maimed and let us defeat him, but now it is finally our turn to maim him and defeat him. Old man, come out and mess around!" , you always have to pay it back, do you understand?"


The communication channel suddenly quieted down, and many mechas who were preparing to clean up the local battlefield suddenly made almost the same maneuver.

They all turned their heads to look at a mecha between them, which belonged to Su Chuanyun.

"Eh..." Su Chuanyun controlled the mecha and started to run: "I'm going to investigate the enemy's situation."

Only then did Ji Xinghe speak slowly.

"You don't need to do this, you can fight as you want, I don't want everyone to be troubled. I can earn the contribution points for building thirty Zhanshan-level mechas."

Ji Xinghe was disabled, and others defeated him. This is a normal way of fighting, because he is very strong, and because he has a general armor.

But if other people are disabled, and then Ji Xinghe smashes it, then the pressure of the battle will increase a lot for other people, and accidents are very likely to happen.

The defensive battle on the b72 highland so far has wiped out nearly 300,000 troops of the empire, and the number of mechas invested by the empire has exceeded 2,000. However, none of the Xinghe team was damaged, but their respective mechas suffered some damage. Not to mention it can be called a small miracle.

The objective reason is that Ji Xinghe provided all members of the Xinghe team with tungsten steel and gold weapons, which improved their combat effectiveness.

The subjective reason is that Ji Xinghe's influence on all members of the Xinghe team has improved their confidence and fighting awareness.

Ji Xinghe didn't want this state of complete victory to be broken.

"Okay, then continue to fight in the current way."

Chen Xun did not argue with Ji Xinghe, but sighed in his heart. He has always insisted on the concept of making the best use of everything and making the best use of people, but he actually does not agree with Ji Xinghe's point of view.

It is impossible without sacrifice.

Looking at it from a long-term perspective, the sacrifice now is to make less sacrifice in the future.

With all the Zhanshan-level mechas and the tungsten metal weapons of all the members, the strength of the Xinghe team is enough to surpass all the mecha teams in the Federation.

But, since Ji Xinghe insisted, let Ji Xinghe persist.

Without Ji Xinghe's insistence, the Xinghe team would not have appeared, and he would not have followed behind Ji Xinghe.

Their future goals are even less likely to be realized.

The Star River team, which hastily cleaned up the battlefield, had no time to chase after the transferred Imperial missile launch vehicles and some transport vehicles carrying a large amount of ammunition.

But it doesn't matter, the battlefield area around the b72 highland is very large, with many trenches, and the military forces hidden by the empire are all their targets.

"Galaxy Team, charge."

On b72 high ground.

Harris and Qin Tong, who were watching the battle like Chen Xun, were a little jealous when they saw the Galaxy team constantly picking up stars.

The task they received was to defend, because the empire might take the opportunity to send a mech corps to attack.

At this time, only the Xinghe team and Han Li's team can go down the mountain to wipe out them. This is one of the meanings of the trump card.

Harris, Qin Tong and the others wanted to go down the mountain, but they could only wait for the Xinghe team to need support, but no matter how they looked at it, it was impossible for the Xinghe team to need support.

"These dogs and orangutans, don't dare to send more mechas to find Lao Ji and the others?"

"Harris, are you cursing them?"

"You fart, I just want to go down and kill orangutans."

"I don't care, I recorded it, and I will play it to Lao Ji and the others when they come back."


"I learned from you." Qin Tong said dissatisfiedly: "Last time when Lao Ji took a knife and a sword, you ran to take the sword first. Have you ever thought about this day?"

"I didn't ask for it for myself, but for Reed."

"Your people need it, but mine don't?"

"Your people want it, you go and grab it yourself."

"Of course I want to grab it myself, but it's wrong for you to ask Lao Ji for it. You made a bad start."

"Bad head? What do you mean?"

"Bad start."

Qin Tong sighed after explaining.

"The Xinghe team is composed of thirty mechas. There are not that many people for the time being, and Lao Ji has been fighting, so there will be more weapons. But more is more. After you ask for it, Zhang Ming and the others will also want it." , Xin Yu and the others want it too, and all my subordinates want it. Tell me, how much can Lao Ji have? Who should I give it to?"


"Harris, if you do this, it will be very difficult for Lao Ji."

"I didn't think so much, so what should I do now?"

Qin Tong pondered for a moment, then asked.

"Have you ever thought about joining the Galaxy Squad?"

"I've thought about it, I told Lao Ji." Harris replied, "But Lao Ji doesn't want me. Old Chen said they only recruit from the remnant soldiers."

"Ah?" Qin Tong only knew about this matter, and his prepared speech suddenly got stuck, and he said in a daze, "Then what happened to Su Chuanyun and Andre?"

"That's because these two were lucky enough to join the Galaxy Squad ahead of time."

These two force...

Qin Tong was speechless for a while: "You don't understand the word bad head, but you can learn swear words quite well."

"It's okay." Harris asked, "Are you trying to drag me into Team Galaxy?"

"Yes." Qin Tong said directly: "I want to learn from Lao Ji, because I think my strength can go further, just like Colonel Han Li and Colonel Jackson."

"However, both of us are about to become aces, and we are not short of many gold stars. I think I can get a hundred gold stars when the dogs and orangutans launch the third round of attack."

"Do you really think the difference between the two of us and the two of them is just the difference in the number of gold stars?"

Qin Tong's question made Harris silent.

After a while, he said: "When Lao Ji comes back, I will go to ask Lao Ji. I have called him Uncle Ji so many times, and I can't call him in vain. Let Reed take over my team. He has always wanted to be a monster. Be the captain."

Qin Tong laughed: "Yes, it can't be called in vain. My team will also be taken over. When the time comes, I will ask Lao Ji for another tungsten steel weapon. He said that it will be exchanged with the two of us. It’s going to be hard to do, it’s just perfect.”

Harris laughed too.

"Then what if Zhang Ming and Xin Yu want to abandon their team and join the Xinghe team?"

"Let's take up the quota first, and then you don't care about them."

"It makes sense."
