Mecha and Knife

Chapter 421: Tu Yuan's God of War template

Tu Yuan's right arm could no longer move, it was just the beginning.

When he could only maintain his right arm in a straight punch position, which affected his flexibility and attack ability, Ji Xinghe's dodge was even faster.

On the screen, there seemed to be only afterimages of the fists, hitting Tu Yuan's armor non-stop.

bang bang bang...

The sound of the collision between the fist and the metal made everyone who could hear it feel unprecedentedly pleasant.

People no longer think that Ji Xinghe's attack is futile. Facts have proved that Ji Xinghe's attack is effective.

When Tu Yuan's left arm also maintained a straight punch posture for a long time, making Tu Yuan in armor look like a mechanical zombie, he could only use his straight arms to attack Ji Xinghe. When launching a futile sweeping attack.

People finally remembered a fact that everyone knows and knows: Ji Xinghe is the strongest mechanic in the Federation.

Not the best, Shen Mu can be Ji Xinghe's teacher in terms of mechanical repair, but he has no problem saying that Ji Xinghe is the strongest mechanical repairer.

Because it is impossible for Ji Xinghe to be the opponent of Ji Xinghe who has carefully selected a hundred mechanics from all over the Federation. Whether it is armor-piercing battle or armor-disarming battle, Ji Xinghe can defeat a hundred with one.

Before today, many people would doubt this statement. After all, due to work reasons, mechanics are all physically strong and have superior physical fitness.

In a situation where there is no way to fight ruthlessly, is it really possible to defeat a hundred with one enemy?

Just like the rumor: Ji Xinghe can beat a hundred Tu Yuan.

Before today, many people did not take this rumor seriously.

No matter how weak Tu Yuan was, he was still a professional soldier. If he was able to come to another planet, his basic physical condition was absolutely fine, better than many ordinary people, and he must have learned military fighting skills.

A hundred Tu Yuan rushed forward in a swarm, and they could crush Ji Xinghe to death.

But today, people suddenly discovered that the facts are more exaggerated than the rumors.

There can't be a hundred Tu Yuans in this world, but there are Tu Yuans who can definitely defeat a hundred Tu Yuans, that is, Tu Yuan who wears the most advanced individual exoskeleton armor in the Federation.

But such Tu Yuan...

In the arena.

Tu Yuan, who was like a mechanical zombie, finally changed his fighting style. The straight outstretched arms were no longer his weapons, and he chose to use his legs.

In order to maintain balance, he can only use one leg.

Never parry, just a punch. It has become a fight or fight, just a kick.

With the powerful defense and strength brought by individual exoskeleton armor, such Tu Yuan dared to fight the orangutans of the empire.

However, what he is facing now is Ji Xinghe who can unilaterally beat the imperial gorillas.

When kicking out with his right leg, which was completely covered by armor, Ji Xinghe leaned sideways and punched Tu Yuan with fists and kicks.

And shoulders, elbows, knees.

Facing Ji Xinghe whose every joint in his body seemed to be turned into a weapon, Tu Yuan was still in a state of motionless. Roots really grew under his feet when he landed on one foot, and they were roots with barbs.

Supplemented by the magnetic attraction function, the civilian general Tu Yuan actually gave people the feeling of standing like a pine tree in the wind and rain at this moment.

The storm-like attack could not stop him from withdrawing his right leg and sweeping Ji Xinghe again with both arms.

When Ji Xinghe avoided it with a short body and continued to attack like a storm as if he had shrunk, Tu Yuan's knees were lifted extremely quickly.

The magnetic function of the soles of his feet can absorb metal, and can also push metal away, similar to the thrust brought by the magnetic levitation technology, which makes his knee strike amazing.

But Ji Xinghe had already circled to his side, and continued to beat frantically at the armor covering his whole body.

winter winter winter...

It didn't sound like flesh and blood hitting the metal armor, but rather like the most common hammer in the machine repair area, hitting the mechas that needed repairing.


Tu Yuan ignored the alarm sounding in his ears, he was a little angry.

Although he was unscathed the whole time, he couldn't deny that he was beaten by Ji Xinghe the whole time.

One-sided beating.

Just like those imperial orangutans, this made Tu Yuan's temper come up.



"Turn on God of War mode."

"Yes, please select the God of War template."

Seeing the two figures appearing on the screen of the mask, Tu Yuan hesitated a little.

He has never doubted the fighting power of these two God of War templates, but if he chooses one of them to fight against Ji Xinghe, it seems a bit outrageous. But if you choose another God of War template...

Li Yuanba seemed to have said that with his armor removed, he couldn't beat Ji Xinghe?

"Template, Ji Xinghe."

"The God of War module has been activated successfully, the Xinghe mode has been activated, and the matching degree is -62%."

No one knew that Tu Yuan had really used all his strength at this moment.

It is indeed his full strength, because one of the key data is called matching, that is, his physical condition is not enough to support this suit of armor to exert its full strength.

The armor representing the highest technological level of the Federation, combined with the artificial intelligence combat assistance system "God of War Module", can make too many difficult attack moves. If the matching degree is not considered, Tu Yuan, who is in it, may Will be killed by his armor.

Even though the God of War module will consider the matching data and set up attack actions with the main purpose of protecting Tu Yuan in it, Tu Yuan, who is in the armor, still relaxes his body as much as possible.

This relaxation means complete loss of control.

The mechanical zombie, who was passively beaten, suddenly gave up its ability to take root on the ground. It took a quick step back and opened a certain distance, and then started kicking frantically.

The speed, strength, and attack angle have all gone up several floors.

Before the spectators had time to cheer for Ji Xinghe's upcoming victory, they saw that Ji Xinghe, who was actively attacking, entered a state of passive defense in an instant.

Amidst the muffled sound of bang bang bang, the military uniform that also served as a combat uniform began to shatter.

During the collision of powerful forces, Ji Xinghe's jacket became sleeveless, and his trousers became shorts.

The real collision of metal and muscle is displayed in everyone's sight. This is the real body of flesh and blood, blocking the real body of steel.

What makes people even more amazed is the attack and defense skills used by both sides in the battle at this time.

Regarding Ji Xinghe's fighting skills, no one doubts that Jijiaquan is well-known and has been practiced countless times. But about Tu Yuan...

Is it really General Tu Yuan inside this armor?

When people saw the mechanical zombie on the stage, with his arms straight, he made a 360-degree roundabout kick, and kicked Ji Xinghe with his arms off the ground with one kick.

The answer to the question is already obvious: the inside of this armor is definitely not General Tu Yuan.

The armor that opened the distance through the difficult attack action did not choose to take advantage of the victory to pursue it. Instead, it took the initiative to take three steps back after landing.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

When launching an attack, it means exposing one's own flaws.

It was waiting for Ji Xinghe's attack, and then looked for Ji Xinghe's flaws, relying on its own strong defense to forcibly break the attack.

The spectators could all see the changes in Tu Yuan, and of course Ji Xinghe could too.

Seeing that the victory was about to be achieved, he didn't feel discouraged by it, but rather excited.

Tu Yuan just now was really upset when he fought.

Ji Xinghe, who stood still, put on a boxing stance. This boxing stance is very familiar to today's spectators, the starting style of Jijia boxing.

But what they are not familiar with is the real power state of Jijiaquan.


With a soft sound, the sleeveless dress on Ji Xinghe's upper body suddenly collapsed, and the instantly swollen muscles of his upper body forcibly tore through the clothes and displayed in front of the eyes of the world.

People opened their mouths wide in astonishment, looking at the muscle lines that seemed to be carved out, and the bronze-colored skin reflected a metallic luster under the light.

This is the muscle state that a sixty-six-year-old man can possess?

There was a muffled sound in winter.

That was Ji Xinghe taking a step forward.

The sound of tearing sounded again, and the clothes that were already in the state of shorts were also burst by the muscles, and the incomplete fabric fell to the ground, stacked like a lotus flower.


Ji Xinghe took another step forward.

After the tearing sound, another lotus bloomed at his feet.

Two steps later, Ji Xinghe, who was posing with fists, suddenly disappeared in place, and the two lotus flowers that had just bloomed on the floor were blown up by the sudden burst of strong wind.


There was a sound like a grenade exploding suddenly, and in people's wide-eyed eyes, Ji Xinghe's fist had already hit the soles of Tu Yuan's feet.

The strength of Ji Xinghe's punch can be heard only from the sound, but the armor is still motionless.

It took root once again.

The fists and feet that collided together were retracted at the same time, and when the armor was about to make an attack, it captured Ji Xinghe's movement through a high-speed camera, so it chose to stay where it was and kick out again.

Its choice was not wrong, the moment Ji Xinghe finished his leg movement, Ji Xinghe's second punch had already struck.


There was another explosion, and it was hard for people to believe that the sound came from the collision of the flesh and steel body.

Boom boom boom...

Punch after punch, Ji Xinghe's attack style became unpretentious, and the simple straight punches made people amazed.

The scene that people couldn't see clearly in the previous few punches was finally seen clearly by them. When Ji Xinghe punched and hit, his bronze-colored muscles flowed like water.

Layer upon layer, wave after wave.

While concentrating the strength of the whole body to attack, it can also relieve the strength of the fist.

So people understood why they could hear the roar like an explosion, but doubts arose in many people's hearts: Is this really scientific?


There was another explosion, and Ji Xinghe, who punched for the thirteenth time, stopped suddenly.

He stood still in a relaxed posture, looking at the armor standing in front of him, keeping his legs out, or looking at Tu Yuan.

"Can I call the doctor for you?"

? ? ?

Countless question marks appeared in the minds of countless people watching the battle.

The sound of Kacha sounded, and Tu Yuan's mask bounced off, revealing his pale and sweaty face.

People were finally sure that Tu Yuan was inside the armor, but they were also sure that it was definitely not Tu Yuan who fought Ji Xinghe just now.

"No need." Tu Yuan's voice was calm: "Go and change your clothes and get ready to attend the award ceremony."


Ji Xinghe turned and left with a natural movement. People's eyes focused on his right fist, but they couldn't see the expected bruises.

His fist was unharmed, but Tu Yuan needed to call a doctor.


The screen broadcasting this battle suddenly went black, and the noise suddenly sounded from all over the alien planet.

"Who's winning?"

"Of course Colonel Ji Xinghe won. Colonel Ji Xinghe even asked General Tu Yuan if he needed to call a doctor."

"But General Tu Yuan said no."

"Combined with the context, what General Tu Yuan said is that you don't need to call a doctor, not that you don't need to call a doctor. You can't read and understand."

"Is my reading comprehension not good enough, or are you over-interpreting?"

"Then guess, Colonel Ji Xinghe turned around and left the ring just now, why did General Tu Yuan still keep his legs out?"

"Armor damaged?"

"Then guess again, why the screen suddenly went black? If we rearrange the arena, is it necessary not to let us see it? Besides, what is there to rearrange the arena?"

"You mean, General Tu Yuan was also injured? Ah no, he was injured. Does he really need to see a doctor?"

"Be General Tu Yuan's leg was broken?"

"Eight or nine is not far from ten."

"But General Tu Yuan is wearing armor. That thing can resist the bombardment of portable individual missiles."

"Have you ever heard of fighting cattle across mountains?"

"Colonel Keji Xinghe said, let us believe in science."

"Yeah, he made us believe in science because he is the only one in this world who can cultivate immortals."


There are many controversies in the noisy discussion, but these controversies will soon disappear. Thanks to the communication satellite network deployed by the Federation in Alien, and no one has issued a confidentiality order, the people at the scene of the fifth base can see them. Everything that arrives spreads out.

In fact, before the news spread, people had already guessed the truth of the matter through the pictures they saw again.

When the picture was restored, Ji Xinghe, who had changed his clothes, looked unchanged from before in the camera.

Tu Yuan, who presided over the award ceremony, didn't seem to have changed from before, but the strange thing was that he was still wearing armor.

People looked carefully, and finally found the change that shocked them. The armor on Tu Yuan's body was not the one he wore when he and Ji Xinghe were singled out just now.

The deeper details are that Tu Yuan, who personally awarded titles and military medals to more than a hundred people including Ji Xinghe, has a leg movement that gives people a feeling that he can't keep up with the rhythm.

It was as if that leg was an unfamiliar mechanical leg, being dragged and moved.

So people confirmed one thing: General Tu Yuan's leg was really broken by Colonel Ji Xinghe, and it was in the armor-piercing state.

No, not Colonel Ji Xinghe.

From today onwards, it is General Ji Xinghe, Major General.