Mecha and Knife

Chapter 426: 1st class

Outpost 1829, Battlescar Gulch.

More than 3,000 federal soldiers, relying on the defensive fortifications they built, blocked the imperial forces ten times their size.

The sound of artillery fire continues, but the sound is not strong. Is it because the fighting is relatively relaxed?

No, it's just because of the extremely thin atmosphere of the alien star. If those artillery fires were on the blue star, it would not be too much to say that it was deafening, like a thunderstorm.

"Mecha, they have sent mecha."

"Where's our mecha?"

"It has been assembled."

"Let them go."

In a stalemate defensive battle, there are generally only three ways to break the situation: 1. Flatten the defensive position with indiscriminate covering firepower. 2. Use a large number of troops to forcibly break through the fire blockade regardless of casualties, and fill those defensive fortifications with corpses.

The third way is to use the mechs to directly rush in and destroy the firepower output units on the position.

Even an empire that has a leap gate and can serve as a soldier for all citizens is unwilling to use the first two methods to attack the federal positions unless necessary.

So their mecha troops, of course, launched a charge on the 1829 outpost.

The federal mech fighters who had been waiting for a long time in the outpost's defense line started to scream after receiving the order to dispatch.

When many people face the 'beast' like the imperial orangutan, they all hope that they can also become a beast.

"The numbering is complete, each unit pays attention to their respective goals."

"Three teams, all of them, follow me closely."

"Pay attention to cooperating in combat. Don't single out if you can fight more or less. If anyone dares to single out, I will break their legs when they come back."

"The one with more gold stars goes up first to attract firepower."

"With great power comes great responsibility, and it's time to fulfill our responsibilities."

The more than 400 mechas in the outpost were divided into 16 teams, and the communication channels of each team sounded a bit chaotic when the dispatch order was issued.

But the formation after they rushed out of the bunker was not chaotic at all, the formation was neat and each took its place.

There are more than 400 federal mechs, but there is actually no numerical advantage in the face of the 300 imperial mechas charging.

The gap in individual combat power between Federation mecha fighters and Imperial mecha fighters will not be directly eliminated by the miracle brought by Ji Xinghe. It is also a standard mech fighter, and most of the Federation mecha fighters cannot guarantee Winning in a one-on-one fight, let alone a complete victory without a single injury.

According to previous records, the more than 400 mechas at the 1829 outpost, with the cooperation of the firepower of the position, at least 100 mechas must be lost to repel the 300 imperial mechas.

It can only be repelled, not wiped out.

All of them knew this, but none of them backed away when they should have charged.

fear death?

If they were all afraid of death, Battle Scar Canyon would have been completely occupied by the Empire long ago.

They are not afraid of death.

When they charge, the Empire cannot stop them, but someone can.

"Get ready, charge!"

When the shouts sounded, more than 400 Federation mechs slammed into action, and the whole ground trembled with their footsteps.

But before their speed could soar, a new order came suddenly.

"Mecha formation, retreat immediately."

The charging momentum of more than 400 federal mechas suddenly stagnated, and the formation was a little confused because of this. The order from the commander of the outpost made them subconsciously look at the alarm system.

No imperial missile bombing?

So why retreat?

In the communication channel, several super mecha fighters spoke out angrily.

"I'm going to give up on 1829? It's only been half a month, and we've moved from 1840 to 1829. Do you want to go back?"

"Retreat to the command headquarters? Is the western theater gone?"

"Even if we want to give up 1829, we can't retreat. We can only retreat after letting others retreat."

"All are there, ready to continue charging."

A super mecha soldier directly violated the military order, and roared angrily through the communication channel of the whole group: "Brothers, we can't retreat first, because if we retreat first, no one can stop them."

This is another account that is not clear at all. How to count the lives of more than 3,000 federal soldiers and the lives of more than 400 federal mech fighters?

For some generals on the Nantianmen, this account is actually easy to settle, but for the soldiers on the battlefield, this account should not be settled.

"I repeat, all are there, and the retreat order is executed."

"We retreat, you come to block?"

This kind of debate should not happen among professional soldiers, but before becoming professional soldiers, they all have a common identity-human beings.

With enemy forces on the frontier, this argument is fatal to Outpost 1829.

The commander who wanted to force the order to buy time before explaining, ignored that his prestige was not enough.

This is also normal. In more than half a month, they retreated from the line of defense where the No. 1840 outpost was located to the position where the No. 1829 outpost was located.

How many remains of heroes have been left along the way?

Morale is low, people's grief and anger continue to accumulate, how many people are not afraid of death, just because they want to die?

All the troops were beaten into remnants, and when they were defending outpost No. 1829 in a mixed manner, the temporarily mounted commander was not commanding the direct troops.

Seeing that more than 400 federal mechas were going against the order and preparing to continue charging, the commander came to explain helplessly.

But his explanation was interrupted.

A voice sounded on the communication channel.

"I'm Ji Xinghe, I'll block it."

The charging momentum of more than 400 federal mechas that had just started stopped again, and they could see them behind them without turning their heads. They even controlled the mechas and turned their heads to look behind them.

Because of the terrain, they couldn't see the picture they imagined.

But that voice was so familiar, so familiar that they didn't need to doubt it at all.

Colonel Ji Xinghe... No, it's General Ji Xinghe, he's here?

They were in the middle of the war, and their communication with the rear was affected and controlled to a certain extent, so they didn't know about the landing of the Ping An, and they didn't know that Ji Xinghe chose to join the war at the first time.

But what they knew was that if Ji Xinghe said he would block it, then he would definitely be able to block it.


"Retreat immediately, everyone is there, go back to the bunker."

More than 400 federal mechas that just violated the military order, just because Ji Xinghe said eight words to them, all of them carried out the order they were unwilling to carry out just now.

They didn't even know how many mechas Ji Xinghe had brought for support.

The commander of Outpost No. 1829 was a little excited and a little helpless, and also felt a little ashamed and a little bit regretful.

His idea was actually right. There was no need to say three or five sentences for a one-sentence matter. We should retreat first. More than 400 mechas were standing neatly there, waiting for the empire to bombard them with artillery fire?

But after all, he overestimated himself and underestimated Ji Xinghe.

If he had known that Ji Xinghe's words were so effective, why would he seek shame and let Ji Xinghe give orders?

It's all in one sentence, why is the gap so big?

Fortunately, he is from Yingzhou, otherwise, what he said would be the same as Ji Xinghe.

The artillery fire from the empire has arrived, and the more than 400 federal mechas that started to retreat retreated behind the bunker while evading.

But their eyes were always focused on the rear of the defense line, so the picture they were looking forward to finally appeared.

Ten federal mechas charged side by side, crossed a gentle slope, and appeared in their sight.

The Venus on the ten mechs shone like stars in the night sky under the light of the sky penetrating into the canyon.

Dazzling but not glaring, it is like the sunshine in spring, bringing infinite warmth to people.

"Ji Xinghe is General Ji Xinghe."

"General Ji Xinghe is here, here he is."

Cheers suddenly sounded from outpost No. 1829, which was fighting, and everyone who saw the ten mechas couldn't help shouting, as if they had already won the victory.

When ten mechas passed through their defense line, under the bombardment of the empire's artillery, they rushed straight to the three hundred imperial mechas.

People were stunned again.

"Zhan Shan? General Ji Xinghe is driving Zhan Shan? Not Xingyue? Not General A?"

"What about the back? Where's the Galaxy Mecha Independent Corps? Why isn't there any back?"

"Ten, only ten mechas?"

More than 400 federal mechas, when facing 300 imperial mechas, at least 100 of them must be sacrificed to be able to repel them.

Then there are only ten mechas, how about facing three hundred imperial mechas?

"Assemble, assemble now."

"Ready to support, everyone is there, ready to support."

"Move, **** me, move."

The mech fighters at outpost 1829 panicked again, this time for real.

After emotional ups and downs, their hearts are actually very tired. One bang, then decline, three exhaustion, just to say that they are now, really let them join the battle at this time, even if there is Ji Xinghe rushing ahead, it is difficult for them to truly display their combat effectiveness.

At this moment, another voice rang in their ears.

"Fuck me, just be honest, watch carefully, and study hard."

Compared to Ji Xinghe's voice, this voice is more familiar to them. It comes from the strongest mecha fighter in the western theater and the commander of all mecha units in name, the federal ace mecha fighter Kai Dilin.

What's the meaning?

Colonel Kedilin wants to kill General Ji Xinghe?

It's not to blame them for having such an idea, but it's hard for them to imagine how ten mechas should repel three hundred imperial mechas.

This is not Ji Xinghe's challenge. The imperial mechas will not challenge Ji Xinghe. Except for the mechas, the empire's artillery support has never stopped.

"Release their communication control, let them all show me. Who to watch? Whoever you love to watch, which one of the teaching team is not worthy of their learning? I have to watch carefully and learn, which one of them is better than me? "

Kaidilin's voice sounded in their ears again, even more inexplicable.

But the communication control was finally lifted, and the news about Ping An and the teaching team finally reached them.

At the same time, there is also a link to enter the perspective of the teaching team.

More than 400 federal mecha fighters who were flustered, their emotions were so complicated that it was hard to describe.

It is obviously a war, and it is obvious that it is ready to sacrifice its life for righteousness. Why did it suddenly become an online spectator?

Ridiculously absurd.

But they finally restrained themselves and continued to stay behind the bunker. Only then did many of them notice that the team led by Ji Xinghe was not named after the Xinghe team, but the teaching team.


When it comes to war, let's be serious, okay?

They didn't know how the gunpowder-flavored conversation between Ji Xinghe and Kaidilin ended up, so they really couldn't understand.

But it doesn't matter, when the facts are in front of people's eyes, people will naturally understand.

The federal mecha fighters who have accessed the perspective of Ji Xinghe and others are not worried about the safety of the teaching team, they are just a little worried about the 1829 outpost.

With an outpost and the lives of 4,000 people as a bet, is it really worth it to bet that Ji Xinghe will not lose face in front of more than 10,000 mech fighters?

After all, that is three hundred imperial mechs.

Moreover, the empire's attacking troops this time are definitely more than 300 mechas, and they can send more mechas to support them at any time.

When they find out that they are facing Ji Xinghe, will they kill Ji Xinghe at all costs?

When various thoughts arose in the minds of different people, there was an obvious pause in all breathing, and their eyes widened in unison.

Because they saw a scene that could be described as unimaginable to them.

But this scene is not uncommon for Ji Xinghe, Qin Tong and others.

The ten mechas of the teaching team finally passed through the defense line of the No. 1829 outpost, and appeared in the sight of the imperial troops without any cover or cover.

The 300 imperial mechs that were not far away from the teaching team suddenly had a significant change in the formation of the cluster charge.

Not evolution, but chaos.

There is also the continuous bombardment of the Imperial artillery fire on the 1829 outpost defense line, and there is also a noticeable pause at this moment.

They seemed more shocked and flustered than the folks at the 1829 outpost.

"It's him, it's him, it's him."

"The massacre, the federal massacre is here."

"That human being can't be killed, he has an immortal body."

"Ji Xinghe, it's Ji Xinghe."

Some people would think that because of the sudden chaos in the formation of the imperial mechs, it was caused by Ji Xinghe charging with nine ace mech fighters.

This is the first time that a top combat force of this scale has appeared in the entire Alien Battlefield.

Even in the Battle of Vulture Mountain, with the support of Han Li, Jackson, and Yu Ren, there were not so many ace fighters participating in the battle. Not counting Ji Xinghe's Xinghe Mecha Independent Corps, there were only five ace mecha fighters at that time, and four of the current nine aces were promoted in that battle.

It's all fighting, and naturally no one cares whether someone's gold stars have reached the standard, and it's too late to spray gold stars.

How can it be like this now, one Xinghe class, nine ace class, driving a mecha covered in Venus, appearing directly in the sight of everyone and all orangutan monkeys.

Moreover, the mechs of four of them have been fully upgraded.

But what no one could have imagined was that the exclamation sounded in the communication channel of the Imperial Army at this time was only because of a name and a person.

They didn't care how many ace mecha fighters Ji Xinghe brought with him, or whether the mechas of Qin Tong and others were replaced with the exclusive mechas of ace fighters, whose performance was comparable to their duke-level mechas.

They care that among the ten mechas that appeared in front of them at this time, one is almost completely painted in gold, which can only be seen if you look closely. There are countless lines between the gold, dividing the gold all over the mecha Became one gold star after another.

Each one represents an imperial mech.

What is more conspicuous are the thirteen big gold stars on the chest of this mecha, and the two suns surrounded by these thirteen big gold stars.

In their entire lives, they had never even met a single imperial duke face to face, and thirteen of them had already died in the hands of Ji Xinghe for such an unattainable existence.

Also, the legendary nuclear weapons, which represent the ultimate force, failed to kill this human being.

How do they kill them?

There is actually no difference between them who have not received the order not to kill Ji Xinghe and the imperial orangutans who have received this order.

The chaotic formation of three hundred imperial mechas had already collapsed before Ji Xinghe rushed in front of them.

More than half of the imperial mechs made a turning maneuver, and fled back to their position in a desperate manner.

There are also some mechs who stopped and froze on the spot, not knowing whether to continue to charge or to In the communication channel full of panic screams, their superiors also gave orders in panic, like It was the same as the command from the commander of outpost 1829 just now.

There is no prohibition at all.

How could such a formation be able to stop Ji Xinghe?

The battle begins.

No, the massacre begins.

When people were shocked by the demise of the teaching team, they even forgot the reason why they were able to access the spectator perspective.

But someone did not forget.

There are more than 10,000 mecha fighters in the western theater, no matter who is watching from the perspective of the teaching team, they can hear a voice that is a bit old, but full of energy and can speak very clearly.

"The first class, the heart-chopping knife."

Really teaching?

People didn't have time to let out any more exclamations, and they all pricked up their ears.

"I once said that their fear is our strength."

"But many people just know why and don't know why."

"The key to it is the momentum."

"Those who are in power, don't die without regrets, and when they die, they also seek victory."

"There is a poem, if you understand it, you will understand it."

"Go to Quantai to recruit the old department, and kill Yan Luo with a hundred thousand flags."

Most of the mecha fighters who heard Ji Xinghe's voice came from Yingzhou. At this time, they were excited but also a little bit wronged.

Kedilin felt the grievances of many people, and spoke out in a somewhat helpless tone.

"General Ji Xinghe, can you speak Eagle Language?"

He started calling General Ji Xinghe again instead of calling him by his first name.

But this change of attitude did not make Ji Xinghe soft-hearted towards him.


"But most of the people in the western theater are from Yingzhou, and many people's Longzhou dialect is not up to standard."

"Then find a translator, or learn by yourself."