Mecha and Knife

Chapter 436: Man and machine in one

The orange-red dust was gently brushed away, revealing a human body in its entirety.

Only the upper half of the body was left, and the bone of the left arm was broken from the elbow joint. Under the cover of the broken military uniform, it was a completely withered body.

Because of the alien environment, no corruption will occur, so this corpse, which has been abandoned for an unknown amount of time, can still see part of its face clearly.

Ji Xinghe picked up the body carefully, and slowly raised his hand. The gentle movement did not make the body fall apart, and he was able to put it into the bag in his hand.

The Zhanshan Mecha following behind him stretched out his right hand, but Ji Xinghe did not hand the bag to Zhanshan like before, or rather handed it over to the 'Jiazi' who was driving Zhanshan at this time.

Because the body is not complete.

Moving a few steps to the right, Ji Xinghe brushed away the alien dust with the tool in his hand again, revealing a small part of human leg remains, which he gently picked up and put into the bag in his hand.

Moving the position again, Ji Xinghe couldn't find the missing half of the left arm of the corpse, but found a piece of the right hand instead.

This made his movements stagnate, and he stood there not knowing what to think.

Zhan Shan, who was following behind him, didn't make a sound, and remained silent all the time. Compared with Xingyue, Yazi's intelligence level was much lower. It only knew that it was following Ji Xinghe closely and kept the cockpit hatch open. , and prepared to take the bag Ji Xinghe handed over.

There are already many such bags hanging on its body.


The logistics soldiers who were searching for the remains nearby noticed Ji Xinghe's hesitation, and came over to persuade him.

"It's good to be home, they won't blame us."

"Yeah, general, um... the favorite sentence of the Longzhou soldiers I know is that we are all brothers. I think we are indeed brothers. Since we are all brothers, does this arm belong to this brother?" , this brother will not have any objections, and the brother who lost this arm will not have any objections either."

"Although there is a way to tell the difference, but...General, that is really difficult, and it will take a lot of time."

The persuasion of the logistics soldiers made Ji Xinghe put the arm into the bag, and sealed the bag with the military badge he had just removed from half of the body, and then handed it to Zhan Shan.

Seeing that Zhan Shan was covered with bags, the transport vehicle drove over, and a soldier cooperated with Zhan Shan and put all the bags beside the vehicle.

Ji Xinghe also stood by and watched. When Zhan Shan couldn't follow him, he couldn't act alone.

The empire's attack may come at any time, if there is danger, he must enter Zhan Shan's cockpit as soon as possible.

The soldiers put the remains in the bag into the high-temperature incinerator in the transport vehicle, and then closed the hatch to start the incineration function. Normal cremation would take at least half an hour, but under the action of ultra-high temperature, this dry body was burnt in only about ten seconds, and then automatically ground into ashes.

Then it was transferred into a metal box, and each box had a card slot, which could put the military badge representing the identity of the remains into it.

There are already more than one hundred such boxes in the transport vehicle.

As the remains in the bag were incinerated, Ji Xinghe took his Zhan Shan and those bags to search for the remains again.

The job is not easy.

Although not all of the remains are incomplete, there are many sacrificed soldiers who died only because they were hit by a bullet, or because of shell fragments or shock waves, and their remains are relatively complete.

But many of them have been abandoned for too long and are on the battlefield. The explosive power of the artillery shells, missiles and other weapons used by the empire and the federation caused secondary damage to their remains, and the flying dust would also bury their remains.

The Federation does not have detection equipment for the remains, and Ji Xinghe and others still use metal detectors. So I can only hope that the metal military plates of the heroes, or some metal accessories on their bodies, have not been buried too deep.

If it's buried too deep, it's really impossible to find it.

Fortunately, the dust storm from the alien planet hardly affected the Battle Scar Canyon area, otherwise the task of bringing the heroes home would be even more difficult, to the point of impossible.

During the search for the remains, people in the western theater explained why they abandoned these brothers.

"Our war zone is different from other war zones. It seems that we are fighting back and forth, but it is not at all. After the defense line with the outpost as the core is completed, the empire will launch an attack on us, and then our defense line will One by one they were breached."

"When the empire's battle lines are stretched too long, they will retreat and give us the outposts and defense lines they have destroyed. After we repair and deploy troops, they will attack us again. ..."

"It can be said that the Empire is fighting a war of attrition with us in Battle Scar Canyon. They want to consume our troops and resources, because they know that our supply is far more difficult than them."

"At the very beginning, we would try our best to bring back the remains of our brothers, but many times we didn't have that much time and energy, because the fighting never stopped. There are more and more corpses..."

"Moreover, even if we bring back the remains of our brothers, they will not be sent home, but will only be buried on the spot. The place where they are buried will not always be our occupied area, and there will be no place for them to be buried by the empire. The risk of bombardment. There have been two times before, we can only watch them who have already sacrificed, and were hit by the missiles of the empire..."

Hearing these words, Ji Xinghe didn't express any opinion, but continued to take back the remains while expressing his position: "This time, I will take them home."

The logistics captain of the western theater asked curiously: "General, do you really want to go back to Azure Star?"


"Then..." the logistics captain hesitated before asking, "Are you coming back?"

Ji Xinghe replied without any hesitation: "Yes."

Everyone on the comm channel laughed, but no one could see their smiles.

"General, can you tell me when you will be back?"

Hearing this question, people became worried again. Ji Xinghe's age problem couldn't be solved at all. If Ji Xinghe came back too late and he was too old to move, then what's the point of him returning to Alien Star?

The significance of being a banner is not great to many people.

"If there are no accidents, it will be about three years."

"Three years?"

Ji Xinghe's answer caused many exclamations in the communication channel, not only people from the western theater, but also the Xinghe Mecha Independent Corps who just connected to this channel.

They finally arrived and completed the overhaul of the mecha, and came to join Ji Xinghe to carry out the task of recovering the remains, just in time to hear the last conversation.

Ji Xinghe knew why these people were exclaiming, and asked softly: "Have you all heard that I can only fight for three years?"

The logistics captain replied aloud: "Yes, it is rumored that you can only play until you are sixty-nine years old, because people live to be seventy years old, and when you are seventy years old, you can no longer maintain your state. And Now you are sixty-six years old, three years later..."

This is what Ji Xinghe said personally before, so it is not a rumor, but after all, time has passed and everything has changed a lot.

So, it is time to correct this rumor.

"Yes, I did say that it is rare for a person to live to be seventy years old. After the age of seventy, no matter how good the kung fu is, no matter how good the previous physical condition is, it will be difficult to maintain the peak condition. But, when I reach seventy When he was ten years old, he could still play very well."

When Ji Xinghe changed the topic, everyone in the communication channel cheered up, but at the same time, there was a lot of confusion.

"Why? General, it's not that I don't believe you, I just don't understand."

"Because I am stronger than I was then." Ji Xinghe's words suddenly became mysterious: "Simply speaking, I was standing on flat ground at that time, but now I am standing on the second floor, so I can see farther scenery."

There was a moment of silence in the communication channel, and someone asked aloud: "General, do you mean that you have broken the limit of human beings again?"

The word you means that the person who asked this question is from Longzhou, from the Galaxy Mecha Independent Corps.

"Yes." Ji Xinghe confirmed: "I broke the human limit again."

The cheers suddenly sounded, some inexplicable, just because of a sentence Ji Xinghe said, and it is a sentence that there is no factual evidence to prove it, but people seem to have heard that the sun will rise from the east of the blue star. Not the slightest doubt.

Ji Xinghe looked at the Xinghe Mecha Independent Corps that had already appeared in his sight, and began to give lectures again.

"The fourth lesson, the hidden and great power."

In the communication support vehicle that has been following Ji Xinghe, the four technicians became excited instantly, and immediately began to record Ji Xinghe's courses, and opened the real-time communication broadcast permission.

"This kind of power can also be called the unity of man and machine."

Ji Xinghe, who added to the name of the class, did not start the lecture immediately, but gave an order.

"The Galaxy Mecha Independent Corps, all of them, drive your mechas and bring our heroes back."

The mecha fighters in the ninety-four mechas were all stunned, using the mechas to bring the heroes back?

It can't be, let them bring the urns of the heroes back to the outpost. Not to mention that this task is too simple, but in terms of operational efficiency, they are not as good as transport vehicles.

But if it's another possibility...

When they were dazed, Ji Xinghe had already completed the armor piercing, and drove his mech to start searching for the remains.

The difference from before was that this time, he used the huge metal palm of the mecha to pick up the body from the orange dust, and then walked towards the location of the transport vehicle.

During the whole process, no secondary damage was caused to the remains. Under his control, the huge mecha gave off a feeling of lightness.

And just like what he just said, with the hidden and great power, the unity of man and machine has been realized.

The ninety-four mechas of the Xinghe Mecha Independent Corps finally confirmed the content of Ji Xinghe's order, and scattered to search for the bones exposed on the surface.

The buried remains will be searched by the logistics soldiers with metal detectors.

No one questioned Ji Xinghe's order, because in many people's opinion, even if the mecha caused secondary damage to the body, it would have no effect on the fate of the body being cremated.

Moreover, the act of using a mecha to recover the body is not considered a blasphemy, but a kind of respect.

All the Zhanshan-level mechas of the Galaxy Mecha Independent Corps are equivalent to the Marquis-level mechas of the empire. How can it be blasphemy to use such an expensive weapon of war and the elites of the federal mecha fighters to perform operations?

It's military training, but the heroes know it well, and they will be gratified that they can still contribute to the Federation at this time.

But Ji Xinghe's voice sounded again when the ninety-four mechas started to move.

"They were all heroes, they were all great, and their remains should not be harmed again."

Just this one sentence made all the 'new recruits' in the ninety-four mechs tense up, including the 'veterans' Jiang Yun, Chu Feng and others, also became nervous.

Their maneuvers, which were already cautious, became more cautious, which made their operation difficulty qualitatively improved.

Compared to the maneuver of walking in unison, this time it was even more difficult.

Ji Xinghe's voice continued to sound.

"What you hold up is not only their remains, but also their wills. Operate your mechas with your heart, feel their wills with your heart, and you will be able to find the hidden power hidden in your body. To be able to claim their legacy power..."

If you want to ask Ji Xinghe's four classes after he came to the Western Theater, which one is the most mysterious, from the current point of view, it must be the fourth class.

But if you want to ask which class is the best to learn, all the mech fighters who can see these four classes all choose the fourth class as the answer.

Not all Mech Warriors need to search for bones, but they can do other things instead.

"Mechas are for war, but the real service of mechas is us humans. Use mechas to do things that humans can do, to do things that you can only do when you take off your armor, and you will find that, Manipulating the mecha is actually not difficult."

"Especially when the neural link technology is becoming popular, you need to find this kind of power. Because after using the neural link technology, it is no longer to operate the mecha, but the mecha has become an extension of your body in the true sense , only by getting acquainted with the actions that the mecha can complete from a small point can the real power of the mecha be displayed..."

The content of the course that Ji Xinghe said is very different from the courses that the mecha fighters of the Federation have learned before.

All kinds of standard and non-standard tactical maneuvers are what they need to study hard and train for.

This made people question, is the training method mentioned in Ji Xinghe's fourth class really useful?

Some people question it, but naturally some people believe it. The reason is very simple: because he is Ji, the only Xinghe-level mech fighter currently in the Federation.

So many mecha fighters began to try this training method. Before this class, it was not uncommon for mecha fighters to use their mechas to carry supplies, but it mostly happened on the battlefield.

But now, it happened in many training areas, not only using mechas to carry supplies, but even people driving mechas to practice boxing.

Just like Ji Xinghe back then.

It is worth mentioning that most of them practice Jijia boxing.

As a result, the Federation's energy consumption has increased a bit, not to mention, when Ji Xinghe finished his fourth class, the imperial troops at the 1840 outpost finally took action.

On the afternoon of the second day after Ji Xinghe arrived in the western battle zone of Battle Scar Canyon, six hundred imperial mechs left outpost No. 1840. They rushed to the edge of the canyon where the firepower of the western theater was difficult to cover, and bypassed No. 1837 where Ji Xinghe was located. Outpost, straight to the rear of Outpost 1837.

It seems that they want to completely encircle the 1837 outpost, or Ji Xinghe and his independent Xinghe Mecha Corps, before the reinforcements from the western theater arrive at the 1837 outpost.

"Galaxy Mecha Independent Corps, all members are assembled and ready to fight."