Mecha and Knife

Chapter 520: listen to dad

Guerrilla warfare and frontal team battles are completely two concepts.

Especially when one side has only two people, while the other side has more than 1,400 mechas.

But when these two men drove five mechas and charged against more than 1,400 imperial mechas, no one was surprised anymore.

"So what if we are outnumbered? If even the two recognized strongest in our human world dare not fight, how can we win this war?"

Tu Yuan, who was on the bridge of the space battleship Shenshuiyuan, gave the order after speaking softly.

"Contact the Gods Mountain Command and apply for a double strike with the God's Light of Retribution."

The correspondent carried out the order and reported in time after receiving a reply.

"Report, according to the headquarters of the Gods Mountain, the space battleship Jishuibao is already in place, and the main gun of God's Light of Punishment has been warmed up."

In fact, there are only four federal space battleships equipped with energy electromagnetic pulse weapons such as God's Light of Punishment. Except for the two space battleships of the Longzhou Space Fleet, Shenshui Yuan and Jishui Leopard, the other two belong to Yingzhou. Both the Xiongzhou Space Fleet and the Xiongzhou Space Fleet are in the Battle Scar Canyon theater at this time.

God's Light of Punishment has a very strong attack effect on mechs. Even if the empire already has a countermeasure, it is still very strong, and it can play a role in turning the game around at critical moments.

But this kind of weapon does not distinguish between friend and foe, so the application conditions are very harsh.

Non-Duke A cannot block it.

Even the twenty-four ace mecha fighters in active service in the federation use ace-level exclusive mechas, as for half of them can ignore the influence of God's Light of Retribution, even if the mechas are made of tungsten steel alloy.

And in the process of using it, the external information transmission equipment of the mech must be completely closed, otherwise the electromagnetic pulse generated by the divine punishment light will enter the inside of the mech and destroy it.

And this also means that when the Federation uses God's Light of Retribution, the Empire can also use long-range firepower to bomb. It is difficult for the federal mech without intelligence support to evade it earlier, and the chance of being hit will greatly increase the chance of damage to the mech.

Therefore, after the appearance of God's Light of Punishment, only Ji Xinghe and Li Yuanba used it. The God's Light of Retribution originally prepared for Kaidilin and Rovich has not yet been fired due to insufficient conditions for use.

This is also one of the reasons why the Federation did not deploy God's Light of Punishment on a large scale.

There are many other reasons, but there are only two key points: 1. The main muzzle of God's Punishment Light needs to be made of tungsten steel alloy/tungsten steel alloy, and the Federation does not have so many. Second, God's Light of Punishment is a derivative technology of the energy main cannon technology, and it can be said to be a semi-finished product destined to be eliminated.

In fact, now is not the right time to use it. In addition to the terrain of the Gods Mountain battlefield, it is also because the three mountain-killing armors controlled by Ji Xinghe at the same time cannot block the light of God's punishment.

Therefore, whether it is the Shenshui Yuan where Tu Yuan is located, or the Jishui Leopard that belongs to the command line of the Zhongshenshan theater, they can only wait for a better time.

"Report, the Gods Mountain Command has applied to the Nantianmen General Command for authorization to use Dongfeng-520."

Hearing this report, Tu Yuan frowned.

Yang Antai is really courageous.

At present, the only missile that the Federation can guarantee that the Empire cannot intercept is the Dongfeng-520 of Longzhou.

The weapon called love and peace will naturally bring nuclear peace to the world, so all the warheads carried by Dongfeng-520 are nuclear warheads.

And using nuclear weapons...

Tu Yuan didn't say a word when facing the people whose expressions became worried after hearing the news.

He has no authority to prevent Yang Antai from using any kind of weapon, even if the weapon might kill Ji Xinghe.

He was promoted from a lieutenant general to an admiral by defending the battle zone of the fifth base, but he failed to bring him any promotion by defending the more difficult base six.

The reason, apart from the fact that there is no promotion, is because seven people died.

Although Kentweiss took him out of that incident, Tu Yuan couldn't take him out, because he was the biggest beneficiary of those seven people after their deaths.

No matter how hard Kentweiss picked it, he couldn't pick him up from the hearts of the people. Tu Yuan, Kentwiss's competitor, naturally gained the corresponding benefits.

But benefits and risks have always coexisted.

Because the truth of the matter cannot be made public, many mid-level officers believed that the death of those seven people and the more than one hundred people who were arrested at the same time were all due to their participation in the competition between Kentweiss and Tu Yuan. Such an end.

Tu Yuanfeng was killed again, otherwise, how could a general like him who can fight and win battles suddenly be idle?

"Commander, we can inform General Ji directly."

A staff officer made a suggestion, and when Tu Yuan didn't speak, he began to arrange the release of the final fortress.

Tu Yuan shook his head.

"Nantianmen will not agree to the use of nuclear weapons in the Gods Mountain, at least not today."

"The current situation is indeed not the case. There are only 1,435 Imperial Mechas, even if there are six Imperial Dukes, and under normal circumstances they cannot have such a cluster formation, it is the best time to annihilate them , Nantianmen will not agree, because even if they are completely wiped out, it will have no effect on the outcome of the entire battle."

After the staff officer finished speaking, he asked again: "But what if the empire continues to increase its troops?"

Continue to increase troops?

Tu Yuan looked at the screen, the five federal mechas that launched a fearless charge against the many imperial mechas, and thought about the two people inside.

Suddenly laughed.

"You all think that Ji Xinghe can win?"

A few minutes ago, people would not think that Ji Xinghe and Li Yuanba could win the battle. No matter how strong they are, there is a limit. If more than a thousand imperial mechs can be defeated so easily, but this battle between the Federation and the Empire The war in China has either ended long ago, or has entered the era of nuclear peace ahead of schedule.

It's not the federation to flatten the empire, or the empire to flatten the federation.

But now, it's different.

"General Ji has never been defeated." A staff officer said: "He said that he wants to leave an undefeated legend, so he can leave us an undefeated legend."

"The undefeated myth?"

Tu Yuan was a little helpless when he heard such a second-year term again.

"What Ji Xinghe wants to leave us is not an invincible myth."

"Ah? But General Li Yuanba said..."

"He said it wrong." Tu Yuan asked softly: "Do you still remember the title of Ji Xinghe?"

Ji Xinghe had so many titles that the staff officers couldn't understand Tu Yuan's meaning for a while.

So Tu Yuan said it himself.

"The old father of 300,000 federal mecha fighters."


People are puzzled, what does this title have to do with what Ji Xinghe wants to leave behind?

After thinking about it, some people thought of the undefeated myth Li Yuanba said, and thought of their father.

Then someone figured it out.

Tu Yuan's voice sounded again: "Don't think too much, follow the command, or... listen to Dad."


After calling out the word "Undefeated Myth", Li Yuanba once again took the lead in charging.

He really didn't care about anything, and never communicated with the headquarters, just like a soldier beside Ji Xinghe, who only cared about driving the mech to fight, and didn't care about anything else.

This may be one of his wishes.

At the beginning, Ji Xinghe could call himself Dust, but Li Yuanba couldn't because he was the son of a general.

But now, Li Yuanba could regard himself as an ordinary mecha warrior and charge in front of Ji Xinghe, but Ji Xinghe could not also regard himself as an ordinary mecha warrior, just driving the mecha to fight and neglecting other things.

Because Ji Xinghe has become a general.

A lieutenant general has a higher rank than a major general like Li Yuanba.


When Ji Xinghe was charging, he gave an order to Yang Antai, who had authority over him.

Yang Antai did not hesitate at all. The use of Dongfeng-520 requires the authorization of the Nantianmen Command, but the use of the orbital ballistic missile weapon array named Shangyuan does not.

The federal on-orbit missile launch platform located in the low-earth orbit of the alien star responded to the order immediately. When hundreds of missiles left the launch platform, the speed was already calculated in Mach, and they were still not stopping acceleration.

Ji Xinghe and Li Yuanba are only a little more than a kilometer away from many imperial mechas. In terms of the speed of their mechas, they can be described as instantaneous.

This speed should have been their main advantage in guerrilla warfare.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy retreats, we pursue, when the enemy surrounds, we break through, when the enemy blocks, we kill.

But now they gave up these advantages and chose to engage in a frontal team battle with more than 1,400 imperial mechs.

Playing normally, of course it is impossible to win.

When four Ji Xinghe and one Li Yuanba rushed to the position of the imperial mechas, the six Dukes, which were at the forefront, had all retreated behind a large number of imperial mechas.

After they determined Ji Xinghe's combat intentions, they became bait, and Ji Xinghe did not exceed their expectations, or Aida Kang's expectations, and rushed over with the attitude of a wisher taking the bait.

The moment the two sides met, seven imperial mechas were destroyed, but the imperial mechas that had formed a cluster could not be pierced by defeating seven imperial mechas, and even seventy of them could not be pierced.

At the same time, a large number of imperial mechs circled behind Ji Xinghe, Xingyue, and Li Yuanba from both sides, completely blocking their back path, and the distance between the circles was also very short, which completely restricted Ji Xinghe and the others from charging. .

This time, it was really surrounded by groups.

Ji Xinghe and the others, who had lost their ability to charge, could only form a defensive formation. While attacking and killing continuously, they approached the six Duke Armors bit by bit at a speed almost moving.

But the distance between them and the six Dukes is getting farther and farther.

Because the six Dukes had no intention of coming to fight them at all, they kept retreating between the imperial mechas, and they were about to leave the imperial mecha corps that had completed the encirclement.

More than a thousand imperial mechas, how could they kill Ji Xinghe, Li Yuanba, who could not retreat, and three federal ace mecha fighters pretending to be super mecha fighters?

Yes, the empire still believes that the pilots of the three Zhan Shanjia are all federal mecha fighters, and Aidakang even thinks that Ji Xinghe brought the ace mecha fighter from the independent regiment here.

This is normal.

The independent regiment belongs to Ji Xinghe, how could the main general go to another battlefield alone to fight without any of the masters under his command?

Adakon still didn't find the problem, which was also related to the Light of God's Punishment just used by the Federation. At that time, the communication was affected, and the possibility of remotely driving the mecha was almost zero.

As for Ji Xinghe driving four mechas alone?

Adakon never dreamed of such a possibility.

"Report, federal missiles detected."

In the Imperial Transition Base of the Gods Mountain, Aida Kang heard the report, but there was no response.

Because it is very clear that when it heard this information, the Federation's missiles were about to hit.

This is the disadvantage of losing air supremacy. It is impossible to detect the missile from the initial stage and the middle stage. When it is discovered, the missile has entered the final flight stage. In terms of the technology of the federal missile, at this time it has exceeded Mach 20 at least. speed.

How to intercept the speed of more than 20,000 kilometers per hour?

It can only be intercepted with a saturated firepower network, and the empire's command system has already issued and executed the order without the need for Adacon's order.

The sky above the battlefield where Ji Xinghe was located suddenly brightened. It was a saturated defensive network woven in the sky by multiple near-anti-aircraft guns, anti-missile missiles, jamming bombs and other anti-missile weapons.

This network is very expensive.

If the Federation wanted to build such a defense network, it would have to spend tens of millions of military expenditures in a second, many of which were transportation costs.

Even if the empire has a leap gate, theoretically all resources are owned by Emperor Wudi III, and the cost will not be low.

In contrast, although the cost of mechs is very high, the latest batch of federal standard mechas, even the mechas using neural link technology, cost more than 120 million per frame, but the advantage is that they can continue to fight, even if they are broken. Can be recycled for maintenance.

Unlike these firepower weapons, it is doomed to a short-lived fate from the day of its birth.

When the sky brightened up, Ji Xinghe, who was like a mire, knew that the fire support he applied for was about to arrive.

A long time ago, when he first started driving the mecha, someone told him: If you can apply for fire support, you must apply for fire support.

The fire support of the Federation has also brought him vital help many times, how could he forget it?

"Get ready to jump."

Ji Xinghe ordered.


Li Yuanba responded.

The defensive net that has been in the sky for more than ten seconds still exists. In order to protect the more expensive 1,000 mechs, the empire has no intention of saving ammunition.

The existence of this net has another important purpose, which is to capture or kill Ji Xinghe and Li Yuanba alive. As for the other three federal ace mecha fighters, there is no possibility of being captured alive.

In Aidakang's view, Ji Xinghe and Li Yuanba are the two biggest fish in the federation. If they are dealt with, the rest are nothing to worry about.

But how can a real big fish be afraid of fishing nets?

That net, which cost tens of millions per second, failed to completely block the federation's full support for these two big fish.

Of the hundreds of missiles, most of them successfully broke through the blockade of the firepower net, and accurately hit the positions where Ji Xinghe and Li Yuanba were located.

This is also one of the reasons why they were able to hit successfully. The Empire could never have imagined that the Federation would ignore the relatively low defense of the three planes, and it would be difficult to block the bombardment of the Federation missiles that also discriminate between friend and foe.

Therefore, the saturated fire blockade has not actually reached saturation in the true sense.

Of course, if you want to be saturated in the true sense, judging from the area of ​​the battlefield where Ji Xinghe is located, it is possible to destroy hundreds of millions in a second.

The sky was extremely bright, and there were groups of fires bursting in the air, like small suns one after another.

The ground suddenly trembled, and the roar was accompanied by shock waves, which began to spread regardless of enemy or friend.

The newly born shock wave and the dust, warheads, and metal fragments of the mech engulfed by the shock wave were affected by a new round of shock waves before they could fully release their power.

The flames kept lighting up, the high temperature continued to rise, and the shock waves that kept sweeping through wave after wave.

The Federation lost the perspective of high-altitude reconnaissance, and also lost the main perspective from Ji Xinghe and Li Yuanba, because the communication was also affected.

This made the Federation very worried. They were not sure whether Ji Xinghe's ability to manipulate four mechas at the same time would cause problems due to communication being affected.

Ji Xinghe and Li Yuanba would definitely not die in such a firepower bombardment. Except for the use of nuclear weapons, their mechs can guarantee their safety.

But if he loses control of the three Zhanshanjias, so that they are destroyed by the imperial mechas, when there is only one Ji Xinghe and one Li Yuanba left... can they still fight?

The empire also lost the ability to observe this battlefield, but Aida Kang didn't panic at all.

Because another 120 imperial mechs had rushed down from the mountain of gods, and their target was the battlefield where Ji Xinghe was.

The number is not large, but the elite level is even better, because this is the anti-galactic mecha corps formed by it.

Due to the short time and lack of resources, it has not yet reached the size of an independent group, but it is enough.

Adakon, who had anticipated the use of fire support by the Federation, also had an unstoppable backer for the Federation.

When these one hundred and ten earls and ten marquises rushed to the battlefield, the firepower net over the battlefield finally dissipated.

On the battlefield hit by more than 60 Shangyuan missiles, the dust gradually dissipated.

The federation, which has air supremacy, saw the picture on the battlefield one step ahead of the empire.

Hundreds of imperial mechas have lost their maneuverability under the bombardment of the Federation's Shangyuan, and the number of imperial mechas that can move on the battlefield is already less than a thousand.

Judging from this result alone, the value of Shangyuan has been fully recovered.

Hundreds of imperial mechs mean hundreds of gold stars. People suddenly heard the origin of the weapon name Shangyuan: the east wind blows flowers and thousands of trees at night, and it blows down, and the stars are like rain.

But the effect brought by Shangyuan is not enough. The four Ji Xinghe and one Li Yuanba who were originally surrounded by heavy siege have already taken the opportunity to stand out from the siege.

They also...

They were besieging three and the other two Dukes did not come to support, they were running away.

There is also a Duke A, which has been destroyed or damaged.

This form did not make the Gods Mountain Command cheer, because they have seen the reinforcements from the empire's mechas, and at the same time they have seen nearly a thousand imperial mechas that are still capable of fighting on the battlefield, heading towards Ji Xinghe, Ji Xinghe, Li Yuanba launched a charge from where he was.

Even if it can defeat the three Duke Armors, so what?

It's not about being trapped in the siege of the enemy.

With two enemies and two thousand, after all, it is beyond the limit of human combat power.

"Support immediately."

Before the support order was issued, Ji Xinghe's voice sounded.

"God's Light of Punishment, double."

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