Mecha and Knife

Chapter 556: unexpected scramble

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After accepting the qi transmission of the imperial orangutan, he will have the power of qi for a short period of time.

Those who are close to the water first get the moon.

Because of Ji Xinghe, Longzhou Xingkong Military University is no stranger to the power of qi. In more than two years, more than two hundred outstanding students have used the inflatable named Kazeman one to three times.

This was done intentionally by Ji Xinghe, in addition to allowing these outstanding young people to feel the power of Qi earlier, it was also to avoid some troubles.

On the Azure Planet, only the orangutan Kazeman has the power of Qi, and the others are all in the Nantianmen space station.

The efficacy of qi to heal diseases, heal injuries, and prolong life is temporarily a secret to the public, but to a small group of people, it is what they need and even desire.

If Kazeman is turned from an inflatable treasure to a near-omnipotent medical orangutan, it is tantamount to killing chickens to get eggs and exhausting water to catch fish.

For a small group of people, the orangutan Kazeman is obviously not enough. Once the gate is opened, it means that they will want to transport other orangutans to the blue star, so as to become the federal medical orangutan .

Simply, don't use them!

An orangutan with Qi can only be an inflatable treasure, and can only be used to study the secrets of Qi.

This is also one of the reasons why the tower top organization will be more eager than before and get in touch with Aida Kang again.

When using Kazeman brand inflatables, more than two hundred outstanding military students will naturally conduct systematic tests to determine the improvement brought to them after inflating them.

It has to be said that although Kazeman is not weak, the Kazeman brand inflatable is a bit weak. The power increase it can bring to people is short-lived on the one hand, and the effect is also very weak.

Fang Wang has inflated three times before, and is one of the students who have inflated the most times.

But he had never felt so powerful before.

Usually, it hurts a little to punch the fist, and the sandbag that needs protective gear was blown up by his punch, but when he inflated it before, he couldn't do this.

What surprised him even more was that the strength in his body did not disappear as quickly after strenuous exercise as before.

"The instructor gave me a lot more air than when I was inflated before."

He shouted like this, and came to another sandbag, which was also made of leather as tall as a person.

Different from the excited punch before, this time, when he punched, he lowered his waist and rode his horse, trying to control the strength of his whole body as much as possible, and then using some experience gained when he inflated before, he stimulated the energy in his body. gas.

There was a bang.

The sand splashed all over the sky, making Ji Xinghe not far away seem to see a dust storm on a foreign star.

Exclamations finally sounded, and people seemed to be unable to suppress their inner excitement any longer, and as if they had just come to their senses, the entire training room became noisy.

"The gas in my body is still there, it's still there."

Fang Wang shouted excitedly to the people around him. When he walked towards the third sandbag, he told his current state and feelings in a passionate tone.

"It's a lot more than before, and I can feel that it's consuming slower than before."

"I feel it recovering, after it's been consumed by me, it's recovering."

His strong psychological quality was displayed at this moment. Fang Wang was not overwhelmed by the sudden powerful power. His destructive behavior did not stem from his desire to destroy, but from his desire to do something. Clear and master the spiritual will of your own power.

He has not forgotten his responsibilities and obligations.

As the second human being in the federation who has acquired the extraordinary power of Qi, what he shoulders is more than becoming a mecha warrior like Ji Xinghe?

He knew very well that he couldn't be as strong as Ji Xinghe, but he firmly believed that he could keep climbing towards the mountain named "Ji Xinghe".

While climbing, he had to solve some troubles that Ji Xinghe shouldn't have to bear.

Yes, as an adult, he knew very well that from this moment on, Ji Xinghe would have some troubles.

He will go all out to help Ji Xinghe, just like Ji Xinghe helped him.

No, it didn't help him, but changed his destiny and the destiny of all mankind.

Can't be let down.

No one knows what Fang Wang's powerful heart is thinking. People look at him enviously, but they don't know that his heart is becoming stronger.

What he got was not only the power of qi, but also responsibilities and obligations.

"Yes, I have the power of Qi, I really have the power of Qi."

Fang Wang stood in front of the third sandbag and punched again.

But this time, he didn't explode the sandbag as before. There was a muffled bang, and the heavy sandbag swayed, but the outer leather was not broken.

With this punch, he suppressed the impulse in his heart and did not use the power of Qi.

Then he punches again.

Then, there was a bang, as if a grenade had been stuffed into the sandbag in advance, and it was detonated when Fang Wang threw his fist.

The dust flew up, flooding Fang Wang's body for a short time, making him look a bit embarrassed, but everyone who looked at him felt that he was glowing.

When the sand fell to the ground, Fang Wang, who was still in the punching posture, retracted his fist, then took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, his mood was calmer than before.

At this moment, he has regained his status as the second place in the mech piloting major of Longzhou Xingkong Military University.

"My physical strength has been increased by about 30%."

Fang Wang continued to shout loudly, explaining his feelings.

But this sentence made many people frown, it was only a 30% increase, how could it have such an effect?

Fang Wang then gave the answer.

"The real destructive power comes from the qi in my body. I'm not sure how many times I can make such attacks, but from what I feel, the qi in my body is only consumed..."

Fang Wang pondered for a short while, and closed his eyes, assuming a stance of Jijiaquan. Ten seconds later, he resumed the posture of standing at attention, and opened his eyes.

He said, "I can still throw six punches."

Three punches plus six punches, that is nine punches, such a mathematical problem, even Qin Wangzhan can easily calculate it.

It's a pity that Qin Wangzhan has been away from here for a long time.

If he can stick to it, he might want to become a mech warrior now.

Or maybe, he will continue to stick to what he loves.

Fang Wang, who was still able to punch six punches, did not go to the fourth sandbag. This training room has a large area, but the number of sandbags is actually not many.

He probably wanted to save a few for other volunteers.

It could also be...

"Instructor, I want to conduct a more comprehensive test immediately."

Fang Wang looked at Ji Xinghe, the enthusiasm in his eyes made the audience and other volunteers feel a little glaring.

People naturally had an idea: if Ji Xinghe asked Fang Wang to die now, Fang Wang might not even say his last words.

Just because Ji Xinghe has mastered the power of the gift and chose Fang Wang as the first gift?

No, in the past two years, Ji Xinghe Fangwang spared no effort to teach the mecha majors of Longzhou Xingkong Military University.

The instructor's voice came from the bottom of his heart.

It was the instructor who was shouting, but it was heavier than the word instructor itself.

So, people naturally came up with an idea: three squads have been lost, one hundred and thirty-nine super mecha fighters, four independent regiments of ace mecha fighters, and there are successors.

But these thoughts have nothing to do with today's experiment. The news has spread from here to the whole world when Ji Xinghe ended Fang Wang's gift and Fang Wang did not show the power of Qi.

Because he is Ji Xinghe.

Because he just said: Give it a try, use your qi to heal your body.

Use your anger!

"Heal the wound first."

Ji Xinghe looked at Fang Wang's right shoulder, and after saying something softly, people recalled that just now Ji Xinghe said that Fang Wang was injured, and Fang Wang's four punches just now were all with his left hand.

Fang Wang is not left-handed, his right hand is stronger.


This time, Fang Wang responded without any hesitation, as if he had heard an order.

He has proved that Ji Xinghe is not lying, although he does not need to prove this point.

The anxious medical staff rushed to Fang Wang immediately, and came to the conclusion that Fang Wang's right shoulder was broken.

The treatment methods were then used, and all kinds of equipment and instruments used for detection were also in place, and Fang Wang began to monitor and use the power of Qi to heal his body.

From this moment on, the efficacy of qi in healing diseases and wounds will no longer be a secret, nor should it be a secret anymore.

Human beings have truly mastered the power of qi... no, it is Ji Xinghe who has mastered the power of gifts.

And this kind of power, before today, only the emperor of the empire possessed.

Countless orangutans and monkeys in the empire have spent more than two hundred years and paid an unknown price, but they have never been able to crack the secret.

If Ji Xinghe went to the empire at this time, would the empire's rebel army immediately accept Ji Xinghe as their leader? Will the Empire's rebels gain more support because of this?

Ji Xinghe can become another emperor of the empire. He will be stronger than Emperor Wudi III because he still has the support of the Federation.

Maybe Ji Xinghe will not go to the empire. The empire is still somewhat dangerous for a human being. But is it possible for Ji Xinghe, who stayed in the federation, to become the emperor of the federation by relying on the power of the gift he has mastered?

Even the Uncrowned King has some...

People's thinking gradually became strange.

But the experiment still has to continue. One success can be said to be accidental, two or three times... When chance becomes inevitable, people's strange thoughts may begin to influence people's attitude towards Ji Xinghe.

The second volunteer, when Ji Xinghe looked at him, and when almost everyone in the audience looked at him, was unexpectedly calm.

Because he is the number one in the Mecha major of Longzhou Starry Sky Military University, and he is about to graduate, so he can be said to be the best in the whole school.

And Longzhou Xingkong Military University, who was the number one in the whole school in the past, has become a super mecha fighter with 53 gold stars. He was the number one in the school last time, and died when he got the ninth gold star. Last time I was number one in the whole school, I sacrificed when I got seventeen gold stars...

But this does not detract from the gold content of Longzhou Xingkong Military University's No. 1 school, because the school's mech major once had a No. 1 in the school. The second broke the Imperial General Armor.

He now has not a gold star, but a red star.

Han Li, who just got the 32nd red star, also has an even more enviable title-the chief disciple of Ji Xinghe.

The strongest, so he is the chief disciple.


Jiang Li's tone was as calm as his state.

The current Ji Xinghe is also very calm. He has understood the secret of the gift and has mastered it to a certain extent.

Being able to go from "seems to understand" to "really understand" and now "partially grasped", Ji Xinghe feels that he should thank Xingyue.

Without Xingyue's reminder, he would not choose to use this kind of experiment that would put him under great pressure, and there would be no outstanding young people like Fang Wang and Jiang Li who would cooperate with him to complete the experiment with the firmest beliefs. experiment.

How can you count on those heinous criminals to succeed?

From this point of view, Xingyue's trust in human beings, and in young humans like Fang Wang and Jiang Li, is actually more pure than that of Ji Xinghe.

"Think about it, why do you want to get the power of Qi."

Ji Xinghe recalled the changes in Fang Wang he felt just now, and after reminding him aloud, he put his hand on Jiang Li's right shoulder.

The power of Qi gushed out again.

Jiang Li, who was still in a calm state, was thinking about the question Ji Xinghe had just asked, and feeling the qi in his body.

His posture has become the stance of Jijiaquan. He has already practiced Huajin, stronger than Fang Wang, and he can more clearly feel and try to control the qi passed to him by Ji Xinghe.

A minute later, Ji Xinghe let go.

Compared with the process of passing the breath just now, he didn't change anything this time. In the eyes of the people around him, he just casually put his hand on Jiang Li's shoulder, and then looked at Jiang Li quietly for a minute.

It gives people a relaxed and freehand feeling, but... can it be done?

People's eyes focused on Jiang Li, and Jiang Li slowly opened his eyes in a standing posture. He glanced at his right shoulder, and then said softly, "Instructor, my shoulder is not broken."

People were stunned, then angry.

Is now the time to say something like this?


Ji Xinghe nodded when he responded, and then said: "I didn't control it well just now, but now, I can control it well."

So, it's done?

When Ji Xinghe said this, no one would care what Jiang Li said. People's trust in Ji Xinghe had already reached an extreme, and now it has climbed again.

If the previous Ji Xinghe was like the highest peak on the blue star, then the current Ji Xinghe is the highest peak on the alien star—Mountain of the Gods.

It is not only the highest peak on the alien star, but also the highest peak in the entire galaxy.

"Then I'll go test it."

Compared with Fang Wang, Jiang Li's performance was much calmer, perhaps because he was not the first person to receive Ji Xinghe's gift, or perhaps because the first place gave him a stronger heart.

Or maybe, only if it is strong enough can it become the number one.

Jiang Li's test was not as violent as Fang Wang's, but it made up for the tests that Fang Wang hadn't done before. While Fang Wang was treating a broken shoulder, he began to conduct the most comprehensive test with the cooperation of relevant personnel.

About gas.

This made Fang Wang very envious, and those who envy others are often being envied by others.

People envied Jiang Li, and even more envied Fang Wang. The first person to receive the gift was destined to be famous in history.

But the person who should leave his name in history the most is destined to be Ji Xinghe.

Ji Xinghe is about to start the third experiment. The third volunteer is not a student of Longzhou Xingkong Military University, but a mecha warrior who has returned to Azure Star to rest.

Although there have been changes that are unfavorable to the Federation in the alien war, people are not steel machines after all.

Just like Han Li before, he had already obtained 73 gold stars, and he might become an ace mech fighter at any time, but he was forced to return to Azure Star for a short rest.

Because Han Li's mech team was wiped out, leaving him alone, is such a blow really that easy to bear?

If there is a problem with his psychology, then the next battle will be his death.

Han Li's performance was very good. By interceding with Ji Xinghe, Tu Yuan thought that he didn't need to rest, so he and Ji Xinghe got on the same spaceship.


The voice of the mecha warrior was very loud. He stood at attention and saluted. His state was between Fang Wang and Jiang Li. It was not because the psychological quality of a super mecha warrior was not as good as that of a military student who had not yet graduated, but because, only in Alien Only mecha fighters in the true sense can understand the power of imperial mechas, and only then can they understand...

The power of Ji Xinghe!

His excitement was only because he was standing in front of Ji Xinghe.

"Thanks for your hard work."

While Ji Xinghe nodded, he was about to reach out but was interrupted.

"Wait a minute!"

It's a slightly crisp child's voice.

"Ma Ergou!"

The second crisp child's voice sounded, with obvious anger.

When Ji Rong Xinyue made a sound, she had already chased after Ma Ergou who was running wildly. She never thought that her most trusted soldier would dare to make trouble at this time.

But Jirong Xinyue failed to catch up with Ma Ergou who was rushing towards Ji Xinghe because Lin Shu stopped her.

Another soldier she trusted the most.

Both are her best friends.


The voices and movements of the children attracted everyone's attention.

No one stopped because Ji Xinghe was present, and because these children were all soldiers of Ji Xinghe.


Ma Ergou ignored Ji Rong Xinyue's gaze about to beat him to death, rushed to Ji Xinghe, stood at attention, and saluted.

Like the mecha warrior who came back from the alien planet, he called out this title.

He said with firm eyes.

"Let me go first."

What's the matter with this kid? Not sensible at all...

When the adults had just had this idea, they suddenly thought of another thing, another child.

As a result, the eyes of the adults became complicated.

This child is too sensible.

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