Mecha and Knife

Chapter 592: backtrack

Aidakang also saw Ji Xinghe's appearance at this time, even it had to admit that Ji Xinghe at this time really made him feel scared.

And, a tribute that hasn't been seen before.

But thinking that if Ji Xinghe didn't die today, he would fight it one-on-one the day after tomorrow at the latest, so he uttered angrily.

"Exposed domineering, courting death!"

Tao Wucha, who had already finished the preparation, agreed beside him, "I'm really looking for death."

The small jump gate inside the Gods Mountain jump base has been activated. Three Dukes, twelve Marquises, and 109 Earls are passing through the jump gate to the jump base in Battle Scar Canyon.

The internal strife that occurred due to the scramble to retreat has been quelled under Tao Wucha's strong intervention, and the speed is not unpleasant.

The overall strength of the empire in Battle Scar Canyon is still in a state of rout, but it has gradually stopped the rout.

Part of the reason is that many orangutans have seen the scene of Ji Xinghe holding a sword and pulling the coffin.

Failure to enter the final bastion means that a federal nuclear strike is unlikely to come.

Another part of the reason is that the Xinghe Independence Regiment and the Holy Independence Regiment led by Qin Tong and Rovich, respectively, are advancing towards the location of Ji Xinghe. They can also explain that the Federation will not use nuclear weapons for the time being.

Then hit it.

A portion of the Imperial forces decided to make a desperate effort, but they were relatively few. More than them are those who are still trying to retreat, and those who have begun to collect supplies and prepare to hide in bunkers to withstand nuclear strikes.

Counting those imperial troops who have already withdrawn and are withdrawing, the empire has lost the ability to stop the federal attack in Battle Scar Canyon.

"I have already ordered to intercept the two independent regiments of the Federation. They are responsible for blocking Ji Xinghe's forces. They are about to be in place. As long as Ji Xinghe dares to enter through the entrance, his back will be cut off immediately. If he dare not go in , the back road will also be cut off, we take the initiative to attack, he is dead today."

Tao Ucha suddenly regained his confidence.

Aida Kang was noncommittal, and was still entangled in his heart as before.

On the one hand, it doesn't want to fight Ji Xinghe one-on-one, because Ji Xinghe can always perform miracles in armor-piercing battles, so it thinks it's best if Ji Xinghe dies. On the other hand, Ji Xinghe is the only person known to have the ability to bestow gifts besides Emperor Wudi III.

It really wants this ability, even if it can't get the so-called blood of God from Ji Xinghe, as long as Ji Xinghe is trapped by its side, it can be equivalent to Emperor Wudi III in a sense.

Tao Wucha kept issuing and revising orders, and looked at the various battle reports displayed on the big screen, feeling a little puzzled.

"If the Federation wants to capture our jump base, it should send a large army to attack now. When our army's morale is unstable and there are problems with logistical supplies, they have a great chance to directly occupy all the surface of Battle Scar Canyon. Then attack the jump base Xu Xutuzhi, why didn't they move?"

Aida Kang let go of the entanglement in his heart and decided to resign himself to fate.

It replied: "Because the Federation is afraid that we will use nuclear weapons, if they occupy the surface of the transition base and wipe out our troops, we will definitely use nuclear weapons."

Tao Wucha was still puzzled: "Since the federation is sure that we will use nuclear weapons, no, it should be said that they are sure that we will destroy the jump base in the end, then why do they let Ji Xinghe do this kind of attempt? And the independent group , at this time, shouldn’t conventional mecha forces be used as scouting forces?”

Regarding this point, Aida Kang is also very puzzled. No matter how you look at it, the Federation has no reason to let Ji Xinghe use the current method to try to find the real location of the empire's leap base.

The independent regiment equipped with Zhanshanjia as standard should not be used as a scouting force.

Especially Ji Xinghe's independent regiment, they didn't fight through the canyon for a long time, but the fighting intensity was very high. The energy of the mecha and the physical strength of the mecha warrior are almost consumed now.

How could he be ordered to come and die?

After thinking about it, Aida Kang suddenly had a kind of enlightenment.

"It turned out to be a heart-chopping knife."

"Heart Chopping Knife?"

"Well, Ji Xinghe's heart-cutting knife."

Tao Wucha was even more confused: "I've heard of the heart-chopping sword, but is there any direct connection between this heart-attacking sword technique and his current behavior? Our army's morale has been broken, and it doesn't make any sense for him to do so." , I can’t, you want to further affect our morale on the battlefield of the Gods Mountain?”

"He is cutting me with a heart-chopping knife." Aida Kang suddenly laughed and asked, "Do you know that Ji Xinghe is actually very afraid of death."

Tao Wucha was born as one of the most noble families in the empire, and he is also a grand duke, and he can become the general of the empire in Alien, so he naturally has a lot of relevant information about the federation.

It frowned and asked, "You mean, his granddaughter? But didn't your previous actions against the Federation's No. 6 and No. 5 bases show that he didn't care about his granddaughter's life or death at all?"

Recalling the failed battle plan at the beginning, Aida Kang felt a little regretful, and also a little regretful.

"No, some things can be inferred from the process to the result, and some things must be inferred from the result to the process. Judging from Ji Xinghe's choice at the time, he really didn't care about the life or death of his granddaughter. But judging from the results afterwards, Ji Xinghe It's not that Xinghe doesn't care, it's just because he is confident that he can defend and win."

Tao Ucha understood.

"So, he wants to tell us now that he is no longer afraid of death?"

"Well, he has already mastered the gifted ability. His granddaughter's birth defects must have been cured by him. Now... his granddaughter should be eleven years old. At this age, she can already take good care of herself. Add him Even if it is a shadow that can be left behind after sacrifice, he doesn't need to worry about his granddaughter anymore."

Aidakang guessed the truth, and then said: "So, he wants to tell me that he is not afraid of death, and put pressure on me. Because he knows very well that I must be afraid of death."

Tao Wucha didn't find it strange that Aida Kang bluntly said that he was afraid of death. How about winning or losing regardless of life and death?

It's not like killing Ji Xinghe will win the Federation.

Even if this is the case, there is no reason for Aida Kang to sacrifice for the empire. The empire belongs to Emperor Wudi III, not Ada Kang.

Being born to be a king made Aidakang lack of ambition, and he did not dare to show his ambition.

"The Federation can't make a mecha comparable to the emperor's armor. No matter how powerful Ji Xinghe is, how can he defeat you? Moreover, his multi-armed Xingyue armor should not be completely repaired in a short time. .”

Aida Kang pondered for a while, looking at Ji Xinghe who was getting closer and closer to the entrance and exit, and there was a hint of admiration in his tone when he spoke again.

"The mecha performance levels currently used by the Federation, Wangshan, Breaking the Array, Zhanshan, General, and Guoshi, respectively correspond to our Baron and Viscount level mechas, Earl A, Marquis A, Duke A, and General A.

When Ji Xinghe was driving Viscount A, he defeated our Earl A. While driving Earl Armor, Kazeman was captured driving Marquis Armor. While driving the Marquis A, he defeated Bell Rossi who was driving the Duke A in public. While driving Duke A... none of our Duke A dared to appear on the battlefield with him.

When he was driving the God's Punishment Armor and the Xingyue Armor, the two national soldier-level mechas of the Federation that are equivalent to our General Armor, Yinan died, and my Prince Armor was snatched away by him.

This time when he fights with me, he will definitely drive my Prince A. After the transformation of the Federation, the performance of the core engine will definitely be improved, and it will definitely not be weaker than the Emperor A I am driving.

As for the body material, the emperor armor and my prince armor are both made of tungsten steel and gold, and their defense power is comparable.


Ada Kang paused, looked at Tao Wucha and said, "If you didn't kill Ji Xinghe today, then when Ji Xinghe fights with me, would you be willing to fight him in the Emperor Armor instead of me?"

Tao Wucha shook his head without any hesitation.

Not to mention that Aidakang just laid the groundwork, even if it didn't say anything, it would not dare to challenge Ji Xinghe, even if it could drive the Emperor Armor.

"So, you want to..."

After Tao Wucha said, he made a gesture with his eyes.

Aida Kang understood and nodded.

Tao Wucha wanted to say something again, but felt that its meaning was too complicated, and his eyes could not express it clearly at all, so he waved his hand after a little hesitation.

Aida Kang also waved.

The surrounding orangutans and monkeys stayed away one after another. Emperor Wudi III would definitely know about this scene, but it was not a big problem.

Tao Wucha said in a low voice: "As you said, Emperor Armor's system that uses the holy crystal as energy has been dismantled. Even if I give you the holy crystal, you won't be able to use it."

Aida Kang's eyes suddenly brightened.

"How many Saint Crystals do you have? Here?"

As the most powerful energy source possessed by the empire, holy crystals must be numerous. Needless to say, large leap gates, even a relatively large number of miniaturized leap gate devices, each door is equipped with a holy crystal.

Those in charge of the management are all close associates of Emperor Wu III. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be extra Saint Crystals in Alien Star.

Moreover, Tao Wucha's family is only responsible for mining the raw ore of the holy crystal, and the raw ore needs to be processed later to become a usable holy crystal.

Aida Kang wanted to make a deal with Tao Ucha before, but it was not what Tao Ucha thought now. The real implementation of the plan was completed on the Empire Star.

But Tao Wucha misunderstood, and Aidakang found the news that made him very happy.

"I do have a holy crystal."

Thinking of today's defeat, Tao Wucha secretly gritted his teeth and looked at Aida Kang and said, "And it's a real natural holy crystal, but..."

Adakon took a deep breath.

Among the raw ores of holy crystals, there is a very small probability that natural holy crystals that do not require post-processing will be born. The value of such holy crystals is directly proportional to their rarity.

It knew that the Emperor Armor it obtained temporarily, and the Emperor Armor currently used by Emperor Wudi III, used natural holy crystals.

The holy crystals processed in the later period were almost all used in the Yueyue Gate and the emperor ship of Emperor Wudi III.

"Give me."

"You can't use it."

"I use it."

Hearing Aida Kang's resolute tone, Tao Wucha suddenly realized: "You mean, Qi?"

"En." Aida Kang didn't need to hide it at this time, and said: "This news is already enough for the value of that holy crystal."


Although Taowucha's Qi is not as good as Ada Kang's, his father's Qi is not much worse than Ada Kang's, only ten years or so. With his father's current physical condition, he has every chance to reach Adakon's current If Adakon can use the energy of the holy crystal through Qi, then his father can do it theoretically.

"But I already know." Toucha wanted more.

Aidakang suddenly laughed, and after taking a look at Tao Wucha, he stopped talking and turned his gaze to the big screen.

It looks like it has given up.

But Tao Wucha suddenly panicked, thinking that Aida Kang had the title of conqueror, and in the past three years, he had killed tens of millions of orangutans and many monkeys on the Empire Star.

And are these orangutans and monkeys really all rebels?

"I'll give you one first."

There is more than one?

Originally, he just wanted to get some holy crystal raw ore from Taowucha's family, and then think of a way, suddenly felt angry in his heart.

Because in its view, everything in the empire should belong to its family.

It may have the idea of ​​replacing Emperor Wu III, but an imperial noble like Tao Wucha should not hide its family's wealth.

But the anger was suppressed by Aida Kang, and he got Shengjing first, and then he will talk after Ji Xinghe is dealt with.

No matter how many pieces there are, they are all theirs.

"it is good."

The previously mentioned deal has been revised, and both parties are very satisfied, especially Taowucha, who feels that there are more holy crystals as bait, and Aidakang will definitely help it solve its decision-making mistakes today.

But soon they were dissatisfied, because Ji Xinghe, who finally reached the entrance and exit of the jump base, did not go directly down.

"The entrance and exit are not completely blocked, Ji Xinghe is waiting for the independent group."

"Cook his back."

"Already copying, but he is too good at playing, he copied it, and can't stop it."

"Go and dig out Su Chuanyun, and let Ji Xinghe taste his heart-cutting knife."

"it is good."