Mecha and Knife

Chapter 70: I am dust

The contest ended and the crowd dispersed.

"Ming Jin, Dark Jin, Hua Jin, Dan Jin, what kind of Jin are you?"

Ji Xinghe was a little dazed by the sudden question raised by Jackson, who hadn't left, and the blind and crippled people beside him were also a little dazed.

But Jackson had a very serious expression on his face. When Ji Xinghe didn't answer, he asked a question that made Ji Xinghe extremely astonished.

"Or, you have already reached the level of Gang Jin?"

Ji Xinghe didn't answer, and his expression changed from stunned to complicated, but Jackson, who saw this scene, misunderstood again, exclaimed: "No way, is it the realm of breaking the void and seeing gods? "

The few Yingzhou mecha fighters who were following Jackson listened in a daze. They couldn't understand what Jackson was saying at all. It wasn't because of a language barrier. There are two official languages ​​of the Federation, Yingzhou language and Longzhou language, people who can come to Alien are proficient in these two languages, but it is because of different cultures.

The lame man and the blind man understood the two Longzhou mecha fighters. Although they understood, the two of them still have blank expressions. Everyone is a mecha fighter. You are still a super mech fighter. What are you talking about? what?

"Don't hide it from me." Jackson hesitated: "I know your son. At that time, I not only lost to Han Li, but also to your son, just because I fought with your son in private, and he was another First-class Mech Warrior, so no one knows."

Sure enough, when Ji Xinghe heard Jackson ask the first question, he had already guessed this point, and when Jackson asked the third question, he was very sure of this point, because these realms are all He told Ji Chenxing. Jackson may also learn about these realms through other channels, but combined with Han Li's behavior of giving himself fame and money...

Jackson continued: "At that time your son told me that you Longzhou people know kung fu, I don't believe it, because I have seen many, many Longzhou people who are not as good as me, I mean I was still very weak at that time. But your son said that it is because their kung fu is not good enough. They can only be considered good if they can practice Ming Jin. God is not bad, and there is another realm of the same level called the way of sincerity to know the past."

"I'm Dan Jin." Ji Xinghe interrupted Jackson because he was not in a good mood.

"Then can I worship you as a teacher?" Jackson hesitated again after being excited and asked: "If you need me to be your son, I don't mind. Your son said that your family's kung fu is passed down from family to family. Don't teach it to outsiders."

Ji Xinghe was silent.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" The blind man and the lame man were angry. They felt that Jackson was adding salt to Ji Xinghe's wound.

"I'm sorry, but don't get me wrong, I really mean no harm, I..."

"It doesn't matter." Ji Xinghe interrupted the upcoming dispute, and said in a calm tone: "My kung fu can be taught to you or to anyone, but it will take at least twenty years for you to master it. And you can't practice on another star, you need to go back to Azure Star."

Jackson sighed in disappointment: "Forget it, I don't want to go back until I win."

Ji Xinghe nodded and said goodbye. His mecha should have been repaired and he can go back to base No. 6. He is not going to rest at base No. 3 even for one night.

Jackson didn't bother anymore, and completed the transfer cleanly, but before leaving, he still seriously warned: "Although you are right, other people's experience is not your experience, but I still hope you remember what I said earlier Article 5, don’t trade injuries for injuries if it’s not necessary, let alone trade lives for lives.”

"Thank you." Ji Xinghe waved his hand and left. He didn't nod, because he already understood another reason why Jackson came to him to fight.

And after Ji Xinghe left, Jackson was also extremely annoyed, and the first-level mech fighter beside him asked curiously.

"Major, why did you release the water?"

"I didn't let it go. I really want to win because I want him to know that he is not as strong as he imagined. It is a good thing to have confidence, but too much confidence can easily lead to accidents. This is Han Li's fault. I came to make it up, but what I didn't expect was that I actually lost."

"Major Han Li's fault?"

"Yes, Ji Xinghe is actually a mechanic. I heard that Han Li lost to a sixty-five-year-old mechanic, so I communicated with Han Li to make fun of him. As a result, Han Li told me that Ji Xinghe was Ji Xinghe. Chen Xing's father, and he originally wanted to lose on purpose, but in the end...forget it, we all lost, and Ji Xinghe may not need us to worry."

"Mechanic?" Several mecha fighters recalled the battle just now, and really couldn't understand why the mechanic was so good at fighting. But this is not important, what is important is the words Jackson said just now: "Major, what is Dan Jin?"

"Well, it's a long story..."

On the other hand, the lame and blind men who wanted to persuade Ji Xinghe to rest for one night before leaving could only give one away after the persuasion failed, and Jackson was inevitably mentioned in the process.

"Old Ji, it's really you who made Jackson froze for a while."

"Yes, yes, not only Jackson, but also the mecha fighters in Yingzhou around him, all of them were bluffed by Lao Ji, hahaha, it's all right now, everyone in Longzhou knows kung fu. It’s going to spread again.”

"I'm Dan Jin." The **** imitated Ji Xinghe's tone and then laughed: "Hahaha...Old Ji, why don't you just say that you are Gang Jin, anyway, no one can beat you without your armor."

"I've learned it too, and I'll bluff people like Lao Ji in the future." The blind man pretended to be serious: "I'm Gang Jin."

"You are a fart Gang Jin. Lao Ji can bluff people because he can beat people. No one will believe you if you say you are Ming Jin."

The lame man and the blind man wanted to make a joke, and wanted to make Ji Xinghe laugh when he was in a bad mood, but Ji Xinghe didn't laugh, but responded calmly.

"I didn't frighten him."

"???" The lame man and the blind man stopped at the same time, watching Ji Xinghe's back approaching his mecha, with astonished expressions on their faces.

In the No. 6 base, Su He, a reporter from Xinxin, came to the communication area in the base. The internal communication in the base relies on the local area network, and everyone can communicate freely. But if you want to communicate with the outside of the base, you must go to a special communication area to connect to the communication satellite. The application for permissions and corresponding resources is very complicated.

Fortunately, Ji Xinghe has just made meritorious service and was promoted. Reporter Su himself has the authority to interview Ji Xinghe. If he doesn't know how to drive a mech, he can even go to the third base with Ji Xinghe, and take pictures of Ji Xinghe. His responsibility, and Ji Xinghe being followed by him is also the middle strategy agreed between Ji Xinghe and Major General Tu Yuan before he came to Yixing.

Knowing that Ji Xinghe had obtained the medicine and safely passed through the most dangerous no-communication area in the Sanliu Canyon, Su He dared to bring Xinxin to communicate with Ji Xinghe.

When Ji Xinghe's face in the cockpit of the mech appeared on the screen, Xinxin's eyes were already red, but she tried her best not to cry.

"Grandpa, don't worry, Xinxin is very good. Mom said not to run, because it's easy to fall..."

The conversation between the grandfather and the grandson made Su He's eyes turn red. He turned his back and waited for a while, then he felt someone pulling the corner of his clothes.

"Uncle, talk about the business, Xinxin is done."

In less than a minute, is it really over? Su He could see Xinxin's reluctance, but he didn't let Xinxin continue to talk to Ji Xinghe, he respected Xinxin's sensibleness.


Su He did have something serious to say, and he who had calmed down spoke quickly but clearly: "The second episode of the program has been edited, and the content of the report will end before you go to the third base. The video of the battle between you and Major Jackson, we are planning to edit these into the third episode, and we want to ask your opinion."

Although Ji Xinghe followed the middle policy when he came to Yixing, he still has the right to veto his own reports, after all, the protagonist of the reports is him.

Slightly pondering, UU reading www. Ji Xinghe made an opinion: "Cut out the videos of me, Han Li, and Jackson, and don't report them."

Su He was stunned for a moment: "Why? Old Ji, this is a great opportunity for you to make a name for yourself. You have defeated the two super mecha fighters. Not only to make a name for yourself, but you have always wanted to create a mecha that really belongs to you. Is it? If there are two episodes of the program, public opinion will definitely be able to divert resources. This is what Major Han Li originally considered. And there is Xinxin's..."

"Little Su." Ji Xinghe said calmly while controlling the mech, "Have you seen Dust?"

"Ah? What dust?"

"Dust blown up by the wind."

"Have you seen it?" Su He replied with some uncertainty, because the dust is too small to be seen by the naked eye.

"Han Li is the wind, Jackson is the wind, and I am dust." Ji Xinghe's tone suddenly became a bit vicissitudes, making Su He suddenly remember that he is an old man who has gone through vicissitudes: "A good wind relies on strength, and dust can also go up." Qingyun, but it will eventually fall back to the earth, ashes to ashes to ashes. I don’t want to be taken to a height that doesn’t belong to me like dust, because… I may not be able to bear more responsibilities and obligations like them.”

More responsibilities and obligations often mean sacrifice, but is Ji Xinghe afraid of death?

Su He thought of the beginning of Ji Xinghe's story, and he replied in his heart that he was not afraid. He looked at Xinxin beside him, and saw the reason why Ji Xinghe said so.

"I understand, I'll tell them." Su He asked again: "Then what about you destroying three imperial mechs?"

"This can be aired because I did it myself and it's what I want to do."

The dust grows wings, and without the help of the wind, it can also swim up to the long sky of Qingming, and dive into the waves of Lushui.