Mecha and Knife

Chapter 780: Are you willing to go together?

After the high-level meeting of the second war zone ended, as Li Zhengfan said, there were no problems before the empire made any major moves.

The mercenary regiments who were still in the second canyon, after the missile from the Heian space battleship was blasted out, their military literacy improved by leaps and bounds.

They strictly complied with the orders issued by the Second Theater Command, and began to clear and investigate the entire Second Canyon, leaving only an area of ​​about ten kilometers, which was determined by the Second Theater. The area where the Imperial Jump Base is located in the Second Canyon.

People who noticed the changes in these mercenary regiments couldn't help but have a thought: If they could be banned like this before, wouldn't they not need Ji Xinghe to support them, and they could directly hit the entrance and exit of the Empire's leap base? ?

One possible extension of this idea is: Ji Xinghe can't be as aboveboard as he is now, controlling the second war zone with the empire's leap base.

He didn't fight it down alone, nor did the Second War Zone fight it down alone. It's not justified.

As the mercenary group eliminated the dangers in the second canyon to a certain extent, after the No. 6 base was rearranged, the relevant personnel began to enter the second canyon to make various arrangements.

Ji Xinghe's explanation was very effective. Not many people in the No. 6 base chose to leave, but because of his third punch, many people from other theaters had submitted or were about to submit applications to be transferred to the second theater.

Some of these applications will be approved, and some will be rejected.

But in any case, the staffing of the second theater will become more and more comprehensive, and the number will also increase.

There is still a shortage of people at this stage.

The engineer regiment that was finally assembled was not even enough for a battalion. Without the help of the mercenary regiment, it would take too long for the second theater to deploy its defenses in the second canyon.

Of course, the mercenary group is not without benefits.

In this regard, Liu Mian gave full play to the independent rights that the independent regiment has always been good at. He used some of the regular-level imperial-style mechs that were not needed in the second theater, so that the mercenary regiment, which could be evacuated from the dangerous second canyon, executed desperately. Follow the various missions in the second theater.

The mercenary regiments who have suffered heavy losses can recover blood, and the second theater can be deployed as soon as possible, saving manpower and material resources.

Mutual benefit and happy cooperation are indeed a win-win situation.

With the gradual completion of the defense, the empire's transition base in the second canyon has been compressed within a range of five kilometers.

But what makes everyone feel strange is that at such a time, the empire still has not made any response, neither a large number of imperial troops nor a large number of imperial firepower have appeared, just like the jump base has been taken by the empire. Closed the same.

Emperor Wudi III, really want to give up this leap base at one end of the alien planet to Ji Xinghe's second theater?

It is obviously impossible to determine the truth of the matter by guessing and analyzing. The second war zone began to organize manpower, formulate plans, and prepare to find out.

If you really let it, get it first and then talk.

As for the possibility that Li Zhengfan mentioned before, the second war zone already has a response plan formulated by Li Zhengfan, so there is no panic at all.


empire star.

Emperor Wu City.

"King's Landing Empire, hahaha..."

The laughter of Emperor Wu III made Aida Kang frowned, and it said: "Your Majesty, the Federation has spread the mobilization order of Ji Xinghe in our empire through Dongguo Cilian, and the rebellion is more serious than before. We The method of thunder must be used."

Ji Xinghe's mobilization order was quickly formulated by Su He, as if it had been prepared for a long time.

It is not difficult to communicate with the Federation. Suhe is really prepared for this aspect, but it is actually very difficult to communicate with the Empire, because the Second War Zone does not have the ability to establish communication with Dongguo Cilian. This was done a long time ago. It is in the hands of the Nantianmen Command.

The person in charge of this task is Tang Qiao, the current commander of the War Scar Canyon theater.

The warscar canyon's jump base is on the other side of the Empire Star, and it has been closed by the empire. The only thing left is a jump communication device that is said to have been preserved by Dongguo Cilian after trying everything possible.

Of course Tang Qiao didn't change his mind, but it was obviously inappropriate to play Tang Qiao's card at this time.

Fortunately, Su He is very good at using public opinion as a weapon. With the name of Ji Xinghe, he forced the Federation to agree to pass Ji Xinghe's mobilization order to Dong Guo Cilian, and Dong Guo Cilian was also impatient to pass this A mobilization order spread throughout the empire in the way of their imperial rebels.

At the same time, there are also Ji Xinghe's people and events, such as: defeating Aida Kang in the armor-disarming battle, killing King Zhenbei in the armor-piercing battle, blowing the head of Zhennan King with one punch, and dismantling the phone with bare hands. A killed King Zhendong who was driving Prince A...

For the Federation, this is actually beneficial and harmless.

If they really want to stop it, they will only try to stop Ji Xinghe's mobilization order, which was spread by Su He in the Federation, but unfortunately they couldn't stop it.

Ji Xinghe is no longer the dust he once claimed to be, and this may be the reason why Ji Xinghe finally 'returned'.

Hearing Aidakang's words, Emperor Wu III did not respond, and was still looking at the screen in front of him. Its eyes did not stop at Dongguo Cilian's deeds of Ji Xinghe. Really speaking, Ji Xinghe can complete These deeds are inseparable from its inaction and disorderly actions.

It is still looking at Ji Xinghe's mobilization order.

In fact, there is not much content, except for the excerpted content of the recording between Ji Xinghe and Jackson, that is, why Ji Xinghe wants to mobilize, which can be regarded as an explanation to the entire Federation.

The real core content, in fact, is only one sentence - I want to be king in the empire, are you willing to go with me?

It's dragon language.

Emperor Wudi III is very familiar with dragon language, and can even be said to be the best orangutan in the entire empire who is good at dragon language.

So when it sees this sentence, it can feel that when Ji Xinghe said this sentence, his momentum and aura are strong, and he is by no means weaker than it.

It's a pity that, like many orangutans, monkeys, and many, many people, it doesn't know that this sentence is really not said by Ji Xinghe, but that Su He said it was said by Ji Xinghe.

But this is also normal, the stories of legends are often like this, and the people around the legend, as well as the latecomers, add fuel and vinegar, beautify the rhetoric, and pretend to be their names...

After Aida Kang finished speaking, he waited quietly.

Emperor Wudi III spoke again after a long while. It looked at Aida Kang and asked, "I want to rule the Federation, are you willing to go with me?"


Aidakang was a little shocked: "I am willing, but are we really going? In the current situation, it is obvious that it is more appropriate for Ji Xinghe to come to our Empire Star. To use a word that Li Zhengfan said before, it is Close the door and beat the dog."

An inexplicable smile appeared on Emperor Wudi III's face.

"Didn't you really want to go back for revenge?"

Aida Kang, who already possessed the gift ability, didn't know whether it was because of the rapid increase in strength, or because he knew that sooner or later he would die on the blood of God that gave him the gift ability. Facing Emperor Wudi III, he was not as powerful as before. Pretending to be respectful.

It said unabashedly: "I wanted to go back to take revenge before because I have the ability to take revenge. Of course, as long as you are willing to help me. But it is different now. Ji Xinghe's independent regiment now has about a thousand Marquis A , Duke A and Prince A are quite a few, even if you hand over the Royal Guard Mecha Battalion to me, I am not sure that I can defeat his independent regiment, how can I avenge this?"

King Zhendong, who led two regular mecha corps and the anti-Xinghe corps composed of two marquises, said that he wanted to give Ji Xinghe a big gift, but in the process he was unwilling to give Ji Xinghe a gift, and wanted Ji Xinghe In the end, this great gift was still given out.

This gift is indeed very large. Originally there were more than 300 Zhanshanjia (Marquis Armor) independent regiments. In this battle, more than 600 Marquis Armors were captured. It is more than two thousand.

According to Adakon's understanding of the independent regiment, it is very sure that those regular-level standard mechas will all be 'sold' by the independent regiment to the Federation, and then in exchange for repairs and transformations. .

Coupled with the military achievements of Ji Xinghe and the second theater, it is completely sufficient in theory.

An independent regiment with three hundred Zhanshanjias is so difficult to fight, but an independent regiment with a thousand fighters, who would dare to fight?

Anyway, Aida Kang didn't dare to fight.

"Do you think my Royal Guards Battalion can't beat the Independent Regiment, or do you think..." Emperor Wudi III's smile widened a bit, looking at Ada Kang and asked, "You can't beat Ji Xinghe?"

Edakon was silent.

It doesn't seem to hide it, but it still hides it.

"I can't beat Ji Xinghe, so even if I take your Royal Guards Battalion, I can't beat the independent regiment led by Ji Xinghe. As long as I am killed by Ji Xinghe, he can lead the independent regiment to wipe out three hundred First Duke."

This time it was really telling the truth.

But Emperor Wu III was very dissatisfied.

"Ji Xinghe is the seventh stage, and you are also the seventh stage. He has inheritance characteristics, and you also have them. What are you afraid of?"

I'm afraid you'll kill me by slapping your back, just like killing our uncles.

Aida Kang didn't answer, but looked at Emperor Wu III with calm eyes, it believed that Emperor Wu III could understand.

Emperor Wudi III really understood it, and it asked: "Do you also think that I killed all three of them on purpose?"

Aidakang replied noncommittally: "Dong Guo Cilian made all the deaths of the three of them public. Now the nobles and commoners in the country think that the three of them were killed by you. The difference is that the nobles are very afraid , very panic, the civilians and slaves are very happy and looking forward to it.”

"Expect me to continue to kill other nobles?"

"Of course, for commoners and slaves, the fewer nobles, the better."

"But I really didn't kill them."

The tone of Emperor Wudi III had a rare innocent feeling, and he explained it seriously.

"If I want to kill Zhenbei King, I will give him the opportunity to bring a total of five Prince Armors, including the Prince Armor he is driving, and so many Duke Armors, at the cost of a space battleship, To kill Ji Xinghe alone?

If I wanted to kill King Zhennan, would I give him that weapon? Moreover, it was when Ji Xinghe only drove a Shanshanjia and was damaged by our concentrated fire bombardment.

If I want to kill Zhendong King, will Zhennan King launch an offensive in advance on the Mountain of Gods in Yixing, and attract Ji Xinghe to support him at the cost of millions of troops? "

Sounds like is really fine.

Because the actions of King Zhenbei and King Zhennan were undoubtedly the end of Ji Xinghe's death, and the death of King Zhendong could not be blamed on Emperor Wu III.

Who would have allowed Ji Xinghe not to support the independent regiment, but to support the mercenary regiment that was hunted down by him?

But Edakon discovered one of these three problems, and his expression was a little shocked.

"You gave that weapon to King Zhennan?"


"So, now that weapon is in the hands of Ji Xinghe?"


Aida Kang took a deep breath and asked with a strange expression: "What do you want to do?"