Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1024: Ye Qi's Awakening Ability

Ye Qi walked to Hong Bin, patted him again, and delegated the heavy responsibility to Hong Bin: "I can hardly control the mecha. The rest of the battle is left to you. You must help us win!"

"Wrap it on me! Senior, go back and rest first." Hongshui Bin saw that Ye Qi was wrong, and promised to bring the victory back, and Ye Qi quickly returned to the defense line to rest.

The result of the battle between Ye Qi and Hongshuibin was unexpected to everyone. Hongbin reorganized his special plane "Candle Light Youying", and then contacted Chen Feng, who was helping promise to fight the Anonymous: "Chen Feng, Do you need my help over there?"

Chen Feng maintained his invincible and undefeated situation. He did not need other people to reinforce him in a short period of time. He asked Hongshuibin to help other pilot pilots on his side: "No, Wuming is not in a high spirit of fighting right now. I and my master It can be done, Shui Bin, you can help Pilot Fu, as long as they can free up their hands, victory will definitely be achieved."

"Okay, you guys be careful!" So Hong Bin rushed to the new battlefield non-stop. He just defeated a pilot emperor, which made him confident and ready to continue to perform outstandingly.

The addition of Hongbin made the eyes of the three emperor pilots of the European Union stared. They were all engrossed in fighting Fu Yuntian and they didn’t notice the situation of the other comrade at all. They thought it was that comrade. It is impossible to lose no matter how strong it is, and it turns out that it is not a companion but the opponent's person, which makes them unacceptable.

Regardless of whether they were willing to accept it or not, Hong Bin had already arrived anyway, and as soon as he arrived, he launched an attack with Fu Yuntian, cutting off another piece of armor from the special plane Fu Yuntian was dealing with, expanding his lead.

Fu Yuntian's offensive power was already strong enough, and with the addition of a flood bin, the other party was immediately overwhelmed. He fled back with a shot, he didn't want to leave his life here easily.

Fu Yuntian did not celebrate the victory, and took Hongbin to attack other enemies. He wanted to grasp every minute and every second to quickly lay the foundation for victory.

The collapse of one place caused the collapse of all places. From the battle between Ye Qi and Hong Bin, the failure of the European Union has been unavoidable.

With the addition of Hongbin, the six pilot pilots who were originally in a balanced state soon decided the winners and losers. Like dominoes, the three European Union pilot pilots failed one after another. On the battlefield, the European Union was defeated.

Seeing the evacuation of the emperor pilots of the European Union one by one, Anonymous was also unwilling to fight. He wanted to go back and think about whether to let the Creation Organization continue to stay in the vortex of this war.

Easily get rid of the entanglement of the promise, the Anonymous escaped Chen Feng's attack, and the special plane "dead" quickly disappeared from the sight of the two.

Because the Anonymous had no intention of attacking Chen Feng, the promise did not restrict him. Allowing the Anonymous to withdraw and leave, his own body reached the limit, and the special plane "Dark Night" fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Chen Feng had quick eyes and swiftly, and hurriedly drove the modified plane to the side of "Dark Night", and reached out his hand to hold on to the promise: "Master, how is your body?"

"Haha, don't worry, kid, it's just a sequelae. Let me take a while and I can still live and live." The promised tone is still so relaxed, even if his body hurts, he will not show it in front of others.

Trembling tremblingly, he took out the wine gourd around his waist and promised to start pouring wine. The pain of his body affected his movements and caused a lot of wine to spill from his mouth. However, he promised not to take care of this. He had to use the delicious wine to divert attention. , To cover up the unavoidable pain in the body.

Chen Feng didn't worry about leaving the master in this state alone on the battlefield, but he just helped him back to the back line of defense, and promised to be in a safe environment to be at ease.

In the defense line, Chen Feng encountered Ye Qi who was also resting here. After Hong Bin contacted him if he needed help, Chen Feng knew that Ye Qi and they had defeated a Jihuang pilot, so he went over to congratulate him: "Ye Seventh-senior, you actually defeated the King of the Machine Pilots. Congratulations, but I am curious how you did it?"

Ye Qi pointed to his eyes. After thinking for a while, he thought that the biggest reason should be in his eyes: "It may be in my eyes. I vaguely feel that my talent for awakening is to predict and analyze enemies. One step."

"Is Senior Ye Qi's awakening ability? Speaking of which, your synchronization rate has reached 95. I am afraid that you have not discovered the awakening ability..." Chen Feng did not dare to continue. The pilot without the awakening ability could not reach it. At the level of a top pilot, he was afraid that Ye Qi would be hit by speaking out.

Ye Qi is quite optimistic. He believes that he has no talent for awakening, but he hasn't mastered it well: "It's okay, if I can control the ability of eyes well, it will be my talent for awakening."

Looking at the distance, the battle on the main battlefield has not yet ended. The mecha units of both sides are still rushing into the battlefield. Even if Hongbin, Fu Yuntian and others join the battle group, it still takes a lot of time to establish a victory .

"Chen Feng, go and help too, try to win as soon as possible, so as not to have any accidents." Ye Qi urged Chen Feng not to stay in the back line, and should hurry back to fight.

Chen Feng took a look at Xu and Ye Qi last time, and assured them: "Well, Master, Ye Qi senior, you stay here and we will help you bring the victory back."

"Hurry up, it's long-winded." He promised to wave his hand to Chen Feng impatiently, telling him to leave, and then controlled "Dark Night" to lean against Ye Qi's modified machine: "That's good kid, he can actually beat a machine back. Royal pilot, this will be very helpful for the world to recognize your strength."

Ye Qi smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't think it was his own credit: "In fact, it was mainly because of Shuibin's help. If it weren't for his'Candle Light Youying' to break the opponent's armor defense, it would be impossible for me to treat him. What harm did it cause."

"But Shuibin can break through the opponent's defense. There should be your reason?" Xu promised not to be confused by Ye Qi's words. He knew very well that with Shuibin's current ability, it was impossible to defeat the Jihuang pilot. Because of the opportunity, there must be a deeper reason, and it is absolutely inseparable from Ye Qi.

The bitter smile on Ye Qi's face turned into embarrassment. He deliberately skipped the process of instructing Hongshui Bin by himself, but was promised to dig it out: "Uh, you found it."