Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1039: Third eye

When he was suppressed by the enemy, it was too late to save Hongbin’s life. How could he have time to think about how to fight is best for him, what kind of response is the most effective, and the fight was completely messy, which caused him to repeatedly fall into danger. among.

Now Ye Qi bears the danger that originally belonged to him for Hong Bin. This makes Hong Bin completely understand that he is in danger because he is not strong enough, but if his partners are allowed to bear the danger for themselves, then they need to be rescued by themselves. .

By now, Hong Bin finally completely abandoned such flashy moves. Everything was done in a way that maximized the combat effectiveness of the "candle light and shadow". The two giant palms in the leopard form slammed at the enemy plane, trying Smash the cockpit directly.

The attack speed of Hongbin was not much faster this time, but the angle was very tricky. If he was shot by him, he would be seriously injured. The King Pilot of the European Union immediately turned around and blocked Hongbin's attack with a weapon, allowing Ye Qi to get it. Time to breathe.

The European Union’s pilot emperor wanted to quickly kill Ye Qi, and then get rid of the troublesome Hongbin and Chen Feng, but he was first upset by Chen Feng’s floating artillery, and then he was attacked by Hongbin’s sudden stronger attack. Sleepy, it seems there is no way to achieve the goal.

Ye Qi was deeply rooted in Guan Yuzhen's True Story. Even when the beam shield was close to damage, it still effectively used it to block several threatening attacks, and the beam shield was still unbroken, and could still be used to save lives at critical times.

The cross spear in Ye Qi’s hand was not idle either. The spear head kept changing shape, which interfered with the opponent’s judgment. Once again, he stuck the opponent’s weapon with the cross spear tip, if it weren’t for fear that the quality of his weapon was not as good as the opponent’s. Hurry up, Ye Qi felt that he could control the opponent for at least two or three seconds.

As the battle progressed, the energy of the six floating cannons raised by Chen Feng was about to bottom out. When the floating cannons were replaced, Chen Feng’s attack power was the weakest, but if they were not replaced, they would not be output. Therefore, Chen Feng quickly reminded Hong Bin and Ye Qi. Said: "Be careful, I'm going to change the floating gun, the attack will have a small stop, don't let him use it."

Ye Qi responded boldly: "My beam shield hasn't broken yet! He still can't kill me!"

No matter what, Ye Qi must give Chen Feng and Hongshuibin confidence. As long as he is a little shaken, these two students can't attack without distraction, and the situation will only get worse.

Chen Feng controlled the six floating cannons to launch the final round of attacks, and then controlled the modified aircraft to fly forward quickly, while the six floating cannons flew back together. He wanted to shorten the time to retract the floating cannons so that he could be in the shortest time. Resume the offense within.

Chen Feng controlled the six floating guns to fly back quickly. At this time, he could no longer control any weapons to attack. This was quite unfavorable in the fierce battle, which prompted Chen Feng to have a new idea. When he returned, he asked You Jia to help. He added an automatic return system to the floating guns, allowing them to fly back to the back of the modified aircraft on their own, so that he can focus on controlling other weapons to attack.

The lack of Chen Feng's firepower has greatly increased the pressure on Hongshui Bin's body. At this time, he was the only one who could help Ye Qi, and any mistake would have an irreparable impact.

To be cautious, Hong Bin changed "Candle Light Youying" back to a human form. In this form, he can best deal with various situations, and there is a threatening sword drawing technique that can cause invisible pressure on the opponent.

The continuous beam attacks around him suddenly stopped, and Hong Bin’s attack also slowed down. The European Union pilot emperor immediately sensed the opportunity and punched the "Candle Light Youying" on the chest to force Hong Bin back, and another one. The hand used a weapon to hit Ye Qi's cross spear and bounced downward, and then activated the thruster to approach Ye Qi's body. He wanted to get rid of Ye Qi with the least interference.

"Chen Feng's floating gun has not been replaced yet, I must hold on!" At the moment of life and death, the third eye symbol on Ye Qi's forehead appeared again. As soon as it appeared, it stared at the enemy's left hand. The left hand that repelled Hongbin was shrinking on the chest of the enemy plane, and it should be accumulating power for the next attack.

Ye Qi felt that he was in a trance, and then a message flooded in. The enemy would attack his jaw with his left fist. If he was hit, the modified machine would fly off the ground for a short time, and then he would be caught. The combo is directly taken away.

"It's this feeling again! I must master it!" This is the ability to lead himself to victory last time. Ye Qi greedily absorbs the feeling that this ability brings him, hoping to transform it completely one day. Into one's own routine ability.

Ye Qi suddenly became different, the original strong defense became more structured, making the European Union pilot emperor feel unable to start, just like facing a turtle with its whole body indented in its shell, nothing at all. The law caused fatal injuries to Ye Qi.

It has been more than once that I have felt that my ability has been enhanced. Ye Qi used this ability to help him more carefully, not just passively accepting the information transmitted to him by the third eye, but to cooperate with him in thinking and searching. Its source.

After Ye Qi's diligent search, he finally found that his ability to see through the opponent's actions and analyze its shortcomings came from his forehead, and one message after another came from above, even if the opponent was the pilot of the machine, all actions Still being analyzed seven or seven eight.

It's a pity that Ye Qi is still in danger at the moment, and he can't go into the details of what happened to his forehead, which made him miss the opportunity to discover the third eye symbol again, but I believe he will be aware of it someday.

In this way, Ye Qi literally survived the most dangerous time, and Hongshui Bin next to him returned to his side, and the two fought side by side and fought tenaciously against this powerful enemy.

Since the last time he was repelled by the magical blow of Hongbin, the European Union pilots had lingering fears of him. After Hongbin's introspection, his actions became more refined and the threat to a higher level, so he could not attack Ye Qi without hesitation. , And it is another reason why Ye Qi can sustain it.

After Chen Feng’s six floating cannons returned to the modified fuselage, he quickly raised the remaining four floating cannons, and at the same time pulled out the two beam rifles on his side. This is another set of his most powerful weapons. Configured.

"Unlucky! I didn't get rid of him!" Once again, the European Union aircraft king pilot smashed the wall of the cockpit heavily, making his palms sore to vent his dissatisfaction.