Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1061: Burnt

The opponent hesitated between advancing and retreating, just enough to give Nangong Mengdie time to lock his position, the heavy beam blocking gun fired again, and the thick beam once again pierced the sky, moving towards the opponent's special plane's right leg position quickly Flying away.

The European Union aircraft king pilot hadn’t figured out how to deal with the attack behind him, but another attack flew towards him, and this attack was even more deadly, and he had to be hit by this amazing beam. After most of his life, he immediately controlled the special plane to fly upwards, which was the safest choice.

Ye Qi didn’t have a more threatening long-range attack weapon. Chen Feng and Nangong Huadie’s attacks all ran in the direction of Ye Qi. He flew upwards completely out of the area that would be attacked, and he was still happy to see Chen. Feng and Nangong Huandie stopped the attack in a hurry to avoid accidentally injuring the exposed Ye Qi, which was quite interesting.

The European Union’s emperor pilot’s leisurely control of the special plane flew above the crowd. He had not yet realized that the biggest crisis was about to come to him.

At this moment, there was an open space around it, which was the best opportunity for a high-speed assault. Hongshui Bin and Zheng Zhirong jumped from the ground almost at the same time, reuniting with this enemy special plane at their fastest speed.

In order to live up to everyone's expectations, the "Candle Light Youying" piloted by Hongshui Bin was transformed into an eagle shape just after leaving the ground. Under the eagle shape, his speed surpassed everyone present, spreading his huge wings like a big Peng with iron wings. Cut to the opponent's waist.

Unexpectedly, Hong Bin, who should not be here, suddenly appeared and attacked, and the speed was a little faster than his own. The European Union pilot pilot wanted to drive a special plane down, but found that the space below was blocked by the three of Chen Feng, if If he insisted on descending, he would be surrounded by three mechas.

The European Union Aircraft King pilot rejected the possibility of descent, but when he wanted to fly upwards, there was not enough time. The "Candle Light Youying" piloted by Hong Bin not only transformed into an eagle shape, but also turned on all the propellers behind him. Coupled with the two-wing assisted flight, it flew to his side in an instant, and a pair of iron wings almost cut into the waist of his mecha.

How could Hongbin hit him? This was an attack from a special plane. It was completely different from Chen Feng's squabbling. Once hit, it would be very serious. Will the unevenness cause a fatal blow?

It was a matter of his own life and death. In the desperate situation, the European Union pilot emperor broke out a powerful force that he had never shown. He completed the three actions of sideways, bending, and swinging weapons in a second.

He hit the weapon from the bottom up under the wings of "Candle Light Youying", and with the help of the rotation of the fuselage, he mobilized all his power, and he just pushed the special plane of Hongshui Bin up, so the wings could not hit the opponent smoothly. .

As the opponent was a well-known fighter pilot, Hung Hung Bin knew that he could not succeed with a single blow, so he prepared a second plan in advance. After the eagle-shaped attack was resolved, he immediately controlled the "Candle Light Youying" to transform back into a human form. , So that the enemy's memory of the sword drawing technique is used consistently, and the momentum of the attack is not relaxed.

The emperor pilot of the European Union was scared into a cold sweat. He clearly remembered how he was repelled by Hongbin's sword drawing technique. With a twelve-point spirit, he cleverly blocked Hongbin's attack and controlled the special plane to fly back. , Now the situation of the battle is different, he needs to distance himself as soon as possible so that he has more time to adjust.

But he only retreated less than twenty meters back, and heard another roaring sound, which sounded like several weapons flying towards him at the same time.

The European Union Aircraft King pilot turned his head and saw that it was true. Behind him were two iron rods, two beam sabers, and a long spear attacking his limbs and head respectively. Behind these weapons were Zheng Zhirong's mecha, with a long knife in his hand, was approaching himself with a celestial spirit.

Things shouldn't be like this. The European Union pilot emperor felt that he had been watching Chen Feng's trio in a frenzy last second, but it was only a few seconds before the frantic person became himself, which is too ironic.

The hurried European Union aircraft emperor pilot only had time to shoot away the five weapons that were flying. In the end, Zheng Zhirong took a fancy to him. The long knife broke through the defense of the special aircraft's armor and almost cut the line inside the fuselage.

This is the result of the helpless choice made by the European Union’s King Pilot. Since you can’t avoid it, choose the one with the least damage. At least Zheng Zhirong is the weakest among the six and was hit by him. There will be no big problems.

His choice was still in Ye Qi's plan. After Zheng Zhirong hit his opponent, he immediately flipped his wrist and turned the long knife, stuck in the body of the opponent's special plane, and the mecha thrusters were fully opened to control the opponent. It can act at will.

At the same time, the two swords in the hands of Hong Hung Bin once again used the sword drawing technique, and the heavy beam blocking gun of the distant Nangong Mengdie fired again, separately attacking the left and right shoulders of this special plane.

Attacking one after another, the level of danger is getting higher and higher. The European Union pilot emperor feels like he has fallen into the control of a spider web. No matter how hard he struggles, he will eventually lead to disaster.

Whether it is an attack from the "Candle Light Youying" or a heavy beam sniper rifle, as long as it is hit, it will cause huge damage. The European Union aircraft king pilot is blinded. He does not know how to choose. The damage of the special plane has not been repaired, it seems that choosing which one to avoid will end in a bleak.

In the end, the conditioned reflex of the body helped him make the decision. The special plane from the European Union leaned to the left, opened the shield on the right arm and suffered a long-planned blow from Nangong Mengdie.

After all, the heavy beam sniper rifle is still slightly inferior to the special aircraft. The European Union aircraft emperor pilot thought that if he was hit by a full attack by Hongbin, he would probably never see the sun tomorrow. And the attack of Nangong Mengdie, His special plane can hold on for a while, as long as he quickly withdraws and retreats during this period of time, it will not completely lose combat effectiveness.

Hung Hung Bin’s attack failed, while Nangong Mengdie’s attack hit the enemy special plane severely. The powerful beam hit the shield on his right arm continuously, and even Hung Hung Bin next to him could smell it. A smell of burning.

Although Nangong Mengdie's mecha is not powerful, the heavy beam blocking gun specially strengthened by Lin Xian for her is indeed extremely powerful, and even the armor made of bright metal is unbearable under the condition of full output.