Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1082: Hand in hand against powerful enemies

Hung Hung Bin successfully pushed back the Anonymous, and then he arched his waist and aimed at the retreating "undead". With a beam cannon on his back, he fired directly without even aiming. A beam of light crossed out and hit the cockpit where the Anonym was again.

Hung Hung Bin's actions were smooth and flowing, and not only succeeded in helping Chen Feng to escape, he could also launch an attack on the spot, taking the lead in the battle with Anonymous. This was also the effect of his tacit understanding with Chen Feng.

As soon as Chen Feng raised his hand, Hong Hung Bin knew that Chen Feng was ready to resist, and no matter how strong the "Undead" giant sword was, it was impossible to kill Chen Feng in just one or two seconds. As long as they can pose a threat to the Anonymous within this period of time, they will be able to successfully help Chen Feng turn danger into danger.

How could Wumingshi be easily hit by Hongshuibin, lightly turning his side so that the beam of light flew by his side, even he raised a huge sword and smashed it, smashing the big beam of light directly: "Small bugs, Do you think this can hit me?"

"Of course they are not your opponents, I should be the one who fought you." The promised voice appeared behind the Anonymous, accompanied by stormy beam attacks.

When the Anonymous turned to attack Chen Feng, Xu Xu was liberated. According to the distance between himself and the Anonymous, he decisively took out a beam rifle and launched a fierce shot at the Anonymous. Compared to Chen Feng's floating artillery, the attack was much stronger around the Anonymous body. Place.

Anonymous secretly made a bad sound. He ran to attack Chen Feng Wuguo, which was equivalent to exposing himself to the promised attack range. This distance was the most suitable for promising to give full play to the advantage. Then he would be suppressed for a long time.

After Chen Feng got out of danger, he moved back for the first time, and four floating cannons and two beam rifles aimed at the Anonymous again, and followed the promise to launch an attack. The power of his weapons was not as powerful as "Dark Night", so he focused on focusing In bewildering Wuming's sight and judgment, he repeatedly used his own light beam to cover up the promised light beam, making Wuming very hard to defend.

As for Hongshuibin, he promised to let him get close to the Anonymous to fight: "Little Devil Shuibin, do you dare to fight the Anonymous? If you dare, just lean up and let me see your courage."

"Just go up, there's nothing I dare to do!" Hongshui Bin directly drove "Candle Light Youying" to face the difficulties. He didn't care how strong his opponent was. Anyway, he was not as strong as his master. He was in the hands of "War God" Murong Fan. The above can be supported for a while, there is no reason that you will lose in battle with the Anonymous.

Seeing that Hongshuibin actually started fighting close to the Anonymous, Chen Feng couldn't help being furious. Faced with such a dangerous opponent, if there was a mistake, Hongshuibin would be dead: "Master, how can you let Shuibin go up? Was it you, it would be completely finished when an accident happened!"

"Hehe, what are you afraid of? As the closed disciple of the'War God', he is far stronger than you think." Xu promised and smiled indifferently. He was confident enough to let Hongshuibin step forward: "Since you are so worried He, then try to create a safe environment for him, let me see how far you can control so many weapons?"

He promised that he was not worried at all. In fact, with him in check, the Anonymous had no chance to be cruel to Hongbin. His shooting attack was powerful, and the Anonymous could not be trapped in order to defeat a young pilot who was not very important. Danger.

Therefore, I promised to take the opportunity to start a practical teaching of Chen Feng. I taught Chen Feng so many shooting skills. It is not as effective as a practical battle with a strong enemy. I want to come today and this battle will bring Chen Feng. Very different experience.

Even Hongshuibin said to Chen Feng that he was fine, and asked him to focus on fighting without thinking: "Chen Feng doesn't need to worry about me, I can stick to it."

With his worries buried in the bottom of his heart, Chen Feng focused more on controlling the six weapons to attack Anonymous. He could not let Hongshuibin be in danger in front of him, especially if he would never forgive himself if something happened to Hongshuibin because of his mistake. .

Under the state of full concentration, Chen Feng controls the floating gun and beam rifle more delicately. The angle at which the floating cannon flies is more tricky. The beam rifle can also be fired at a more appropriate time. Although his own strength has not improved, the efficiency has been improved. At one point, the performance in the previous battle was completely like two people.

Seeing Chen Feng entering a state of selflessness, Xu promised nodded secretly. What Chen Fengque did was to let himself fight without distraction. He always considered what actions too many opponents would make, but ignored the most important facts. It should be yourself, as long as you are strong enough to control the situation, why bother to think about the opponent? Just crush it all the way.

But now, the Anonymous is extremely powerful. Unlike his promise, Hong Bin is in an environment where he will be killed if he makes a mistake, and he can't expose the Anonymous flaws so that others can analyze the actions of the Anonymous.

Therefore, Chen Feng couldn't grasp what the Anonymous would do in the next second, and couldn't help Hongbin to defend safely. He could only improve his attack to the extreme and create an environment for Hongbin without being tired of defense with offense instead of defense.

Chen Feng’s attack power has suddenly increased. It stands to reason that it can help Hong Bin alleviate some of the situation, but things are different from what he thought. Hong Bin did not appear relaxed because of his fighting, but became more and more. Hard work, closer to failure.

Chen Feng couldn't accept this result. The floating gun was no longer satisfied with shooting Anonymous from a distance. He also actively controlled it to rush into the Anonymous when it was cooling down, preventing him from attacking Hung Hsung Bin in a way he had never used before.

Chen Feng exhausted all the methods he could use, and finally managed to help Hongshuibin resist the Anonymous, but he didn't even have time to breathe, his eyes never left the Anonymous, and he quickly thought about what he should do next. do.

Speaking of Hong Bin, his performance is also quite perfect. He can actually contend with Wu Mingshi slightly in the front. Although he is always at a disadvantage, he can still insist on not being defeated. The body of "Candle Light Youying" is not too severe. Blow.

From the Southeast Military Region to the Gusu Empire, after continuous growth and progress, Hongshuibin was completely different from when he left from the side of "War God" Murong Fan. He abandoned all flashy postures and focused on the most effective techniques. And I became more familiar with the special variant of "Candle Light Youying", and can freely control it to transform in various situations.