Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1093: Smooth action team

"Thank you, what is our relationship?" Hongbin waved his hands and said that it was nothing. He carried Chen Feng on his back and flew towards the St. Petersburg base. Chen Feng's modified aircraft was too damaged and needed to be repaired as soon as possible to participate in the future. battle.

He promised to drive "Dark Night" behind them, and never said a word during the whole journey. He looked at Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin trusting each other, and recalled that Lang Ba and himself had experienced many things in the past and forged a deep friendship. , Otherwise they would not become friends of a pair of very different personalities, and they would never meet to go to Langya Mecha Academy as teachers together.

The Anonymous waited around in the mecha unit of the Creation Organization, but he didn't see the promise reappearing in front of him, which made him mutter: "Why the promise hasn't appeared yet? The promised body can still support it. , What made him stop joining the battle? Doesn’t the Ancient Godlan Republic want to help the Gusu Empire win the early victory?”

The Anonymous didn’t know that the Ancient Godlan Republic had known his identity, and had been prepared for the Saint Gama Empire’s offensive, so he couldn’t get the correct answer no matter what he thought, but he didn’t dare to move out easily, just in case he promised that. What happened to the side was that he had no opponents as soon as he shot, so the European Union would win because of this. This was not the result he wanted to see.

So the Anonymous could only be bored there, waiting for the promise to appear, and promised to return to the St. Petersburg base leisurely long ago, instructing Jin Buhuan to send someone to help himself, Chen Feng and Hongshuibin repair the mecha before running away. The place where Zuixian Brewing took place.

The promised drunk goddess has not much leftovers, and has consumed a lot after the battle with the Anonymous. The reserves in "Dark Night" have bottomed out. He has to get new brewed wine to replenish it. Guzzling a bit to satisfy the body.

Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin stayed in the hangar. They learned professional mecha repair knowledge at school. As pilots, they knew best where their mechas were badly damaged and needed repairs. They started to work overtime in coordination with the maintenance team that came over. Add some repair work so that your mecha can be rejuvenated and return to the battlefield as soon as possible.

Let’s not talk about Chen Feng’s side. After Ye Qi and others separated from Chen Feng, they quickly rushed to the main battlefield in a team. This is what Jin Buhuan meant. The main mecha units of the Ancient Godlan Republic would not Fighting with the European Union mechas, but you can let guerrillas like them launch some attacks, which can prove to the people of the ancient Soviet Empire that they are serious in fighting.

With the addition of Ye Qi in the front to help attract the enemy’s attention and guard the enemy’s path forward, Nangong Mengdie was able to launch a powerful attack in the rear with no distraction. Although the new weapon is not as good as the heavy beam sniper she used previously, it is still able to Inflicted fatal injuries on the mecha of the European Union, and every shot can make the enemy frightened.

Nangong Phantom still stays behind her sister in stealth. The European Union is constantly sending mechas to attack the mecha phalanx that is responsible for long-range attacks. There will always be some fish that slip through the net. She can play a big role in staying, not only can protect Nangong. Dream Butterfly can also help other mechas.

It’s not the first time that Nangong Phantom has participated in the war. The European Union commander knew that the opponent had a stealth mecha, which was a headache for her, because in a complicated war, he could not send someone to take this mecha. Come out, but if you don't care, you will always be attacked when it is hard to detect. It is really difficult to handle.

Ye Qi's participation in the battle brought a little change to the balance of the battle, and the loss of the European Union mecha began to rise, which made Wuming frowned and prepared to send Yunyang to stop it.

The Anonymous pointed to Ye Qi, who had just stabbed through a mecha with a spear, and asked Yun Yang to restrict him: "Yun Yang, you took a few people to stop those mechas. I remember you fought with them many times. Should have experience?"

"Um, what about the ice city? No one will be responsible after I left Tchaikonov?" Yun Yang was not very willing. He suffered a lot from Ye Qi when he was in the Southwest Military Region. I don't want to be abused in the past, I found an excuse to want to stay.

"Huh?" The Anonymous glanced at Yunyang displeasedly. He didn't like someone defying his orders: "With me here, Tchaikonov dare to act rashly? Don't care what he will do. You follow my orders. Just do it!"

Wuming's tone was very bad, Yun Yang shuddered in fright, and immediately stood up straight and said that he had no objection: "Yes! I'll go right away!"

Specially selected five pilots with a relatively high synchronization rate. Yun Yang felt that this was more secure. There was no way. The shadow caused by Ye Qi in the past was too strong. Now he has broken the synchronization rate to 95. There is no hope of winning.

After Yunyang took the people away, the Anonymous called several pilots over, whispered a few words to them, and waved for them to start another action.

Yun Yang insisted on bringing people to the front of Ye Qi. He didn’t know if Anonymous was paying attention to him in the rear, so he could only step forward and invite him to fight: "Ye Qi, stop fighting with ordinary pilots, come and fight with us. !"

"You guys don't seem to be much better? You don't want to come to me to fight for abuse?" Ye Qi laughed happily. Before Yunyang was not his opponent, he even dared to take the initiative to challenge him. Could it be that he was impatient.

Of course, Yun Yang did not want to think about it, but had to do it. After saying a word, he pulled the next mecha forward together. He didn't want to face Ye Qi by himself. He would never go without a companion.

"Zhirong, let's kill them together!" Seeing Yunyang brought several mechas over, Ye Qi naturally wouldn't be polite with him and called Zheng Zhirong next to him to fight hand in hand. This is the battlefield where the bayonet sees blood. No one will. Show mercy to the enemy.

The strength of Ye Qi and Zheng Zhirong is even better. The five pilots that Yun Yang brought are only at the level of warriors, and they have limited effects. A large part of the pressure is on Yun Yang, and he and Ye Qi There was a big gap, and they were completely suppressed within a short period of time.

I was sent here by the nameless person. If he was defeated and turned back, how could he still be involved in the creation organization? Yun Yang had no reason to escape this time, so he had to bring these five mechas to stabilize the front. .

As you can see, when the situation is getting worse, Yunyang struggled to fend off the spear that Ye Qi stabbed, and roared at the five mechas around him: "You can't lose! The leader is watching us from behind! You have to give it to me." Hold it up!"