Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1100: Sharpen

Basically dispelled the doubts of the European Union command, the Anonymous left the command room after leaving a sentence: "Well, then I will go. You will investigate slowly, and I believe we will fight together in the end."

The Anonymous needs to think carefully about how to continue to extend the war between the European Union and the Gusu Empire in the future, and buy more time for the Saint Gama Empire, at least until it has obtained enough benefits from the Ju Timor Federation before it can stop.

Called Yunyang to his room, the Anonymous gave him the most resolute instruction, asking him to lead all the mechas of the Creation Organization to fight with all the mechas of the Gusu Empire, even if the last mecha is not left, he must Let the ancient Soviet Empire pay a heavy price, even if it fails in the end, at least it must help the European Union to resist the opponent and not easily lose.

Yunyang immediately expressed his opposition. He believes that the Creation Organization has done enough to avenge the deputy leader. There is no need to consume its own mecha combat power too much. This will greatly reduce their deterrence against other countries in the future. I hope that Anonymous can carefully consider this idea and re-issue new instructions from the perspective of the future of the Creation Organization.

The Anonymous immediately scolded Yun Yang and told him not to talk too much, and to follow his own command line. If he said more, there would be no Yun Yang in the Creation Organization in the future.

Owing to the obscene power of the Anonymous, Yun Yang swallowed his voice. After walking out of the Anonymous’s room, he secretly despised, "I really don’t know what happened to the leader? We actually want our entire creation organization to be buried for the European Union. Now Gusu The empire has already endured a huge blow, and our goal of revenge has been achieved. Why bother to wear mechas meaninglessly? The leader is stupid, right?"

But contempt is despised, and what should be done must be done. In the next few battles, Yun Yang led the mecha force of the Creation Organization to fight the ice city mecha every time. The troops were defeated, and then reinforced the defeated European Union mech troops next to them, and took the victory from the hands of the ancient Soviet empire.

Tchaikonov felt that he was going crazy. The Ice City Mecha unit he led claimed to be the strongest force in the ancient Soviet Empire, but they actually lost to the Creation Organization one after another, watching the other side show off in front of him. The taste can be uncomfortable.

In addition, Tchaikonov’s personal strength is slightly stronger than Yunyang, but Yunyang always carries a few mechas that are inferior to him. Every time he fights with Tchaikonov, several people besieged him. He couldn't turn his advantage into victory, instead he was confounded by the siege every time, and he didn't even have time to command the ice city mecha.

Under the order of the Anonymous’s death, Yun Yang was completely ruthless, abandoning the idea of ​​escaping and smashing with Tchaikonov, but got unexpected results, and even the pilots of other creation organizations seemed to be beaten. Generally, the pilots who have suppressed the ice city from the beginning of the battle, will start a self-detonation attack if it fails, and can always take away one or two enemy aircraft, bringing a huge shock to the enemy.

As for the combat power of the high-end pilots of the two sides, there is nothing to say. They basically set their opponents, and each battle will spontaneously fight together, which has no special impact on the outcome of the entire battle.

The battle between the promise and the Anonymous became more intense. Every time the two of them had to start a fierce battle in a demigod state. Tchaikonov’s creation organization could not gain an advantage in the mecha units, and he thought about sending mechas over. Help the promise, so that the Anonymous can be dealt with first. As a result, the strength of those mechas is far from that of the Anonymous, and they are all blown up within a few strokes. The Anonymous continues to fight the promise like the Wuminger, and the ice city has suffered a lot for no reason. Combat power.

From then on, Tchaikonov stopped thinking about the Anonymous, and concentrated on fighting against the mecha of the creation organization led by Yun Yang. You come and go, and the number of mechas decreases at a speed visible to the naked eye. It's almost less than half of the original.

Chen Feng and the others continued to cooperate with the European Union’s pilot pilots. Since the last victory, Ivanovic has stopped working with them. He was transferred by Chevanov to attack the European Union headquarters. Important responsibilities.

"As long as you can hone and cooperate well, even without me, you can defeat the opposing machine emperor pilot." This is Ivanovic’s original words. He believes that Chen Feng and the others can do better and properly hone. Practicing is what they need right now, and his joining will affect the six Chen Feng, so it is better to deal with more meaningful tasks.

Xu promised to accept Chevanov’s arrangement. At first, he strongly asked Ivanovic and Chen Feng to act together, but now he was the first to agree to Ivanovic’s departure. This made Chen Feng and the others. It feels incredible.

"Teacher Xu, why do you agree to Ivanovic's withdrawal? Do you really want us to deal with the European Union pilot pilot?" In his room, Hongbin finally found the opportunity to ask Xu promise.

He promised to use the wine gourd to give Hung Hung Bin's head and warned him not to yell at himself: "What is the hurry? I am also for your good. If Ivanovic is there, he will contract you most of the offensive and defensive responsibilities. Now, what more exercise can you get? Since you have won the last time, it doesn’t matter if you fail this time. It’s just a matter of letting you bear a little more, just as practicing how to fight in a headwind environment."

Chen Feng doesn’t quite understand the idea of ​​the promise. It stands to reason that they should fight for victory on the battlefield of high-end pilots. Why does the promise appear to be dismissive and let them hone it: "Isn’t it saying that they will repel the European Union as soon as possible Will we lose the situation adversely?"

"Because I believe in you~" He promised to leave with an unpredictable look, making it seem that he was not worried at all.

Chen Feng would not let his promise pass the test. If he didn't make it clear, he would not go to fight casually. If his failure affected the overall situation, he would never forgive himself.

Therefore, Chen Feng firmly grasped the promised hand from the side and prevented him from leaving easily: "Master, if you don't speak clearly, we won't listen to you, and don't blame us when something goes wrong."

"Yes, Teacher Xu, you must make it clear." Hongshui Bin also cooperated with Chen Feng to hold the promise from the other side, and the two of them firmly controlled the promise, not giving him a chance to leave.

"What can go wrong?" promised to shake his hand gently and failed to break free. He could only stay in place to explain: "I watched the fighting video in front of you, and I feel that even without Ivanovic, you might not be able to do so in a short time. Defeated."