Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1133: The key to saving people (part 2)

Compared with the kidnapped You Jia, Wang Congwei pays more attention to the safety of Chen Feng in front of him: "That won't work, your past is too dangerous. You have brought so many blows to the Creation Organization. If their people see you, Crazy? I can't let you go."

Chen Feng is anxious. If Wang Congwei does not support him, there will be no way to save You Jia: "But You Jia can't help but save. If the people of the Creation Organization know her identity, will they treat her? Start? Can you guarantee that she will be safe and sound?"

Wang Congwei was speechless. Like Teacher He before, he was not absolutely sure to answer this question.

Chen Feng struck while the iron was hot, trying to dispel Wang Congwei’s doubts: “Moreover, Ji Ling was not familiar with other people. I was responsible for the communication with him at that time. I was the best person to start a dialogue with him. I'm worried."

"But I don't worry about letting you pass. You are a promising pilot. I can't let you fall into danger. Rescue operations cannot be successful casually. We have to consider the consequences of failure." Wang Congwei still Disagreed with Chen Feng’s plan. As the vice principal of Langya Mecha Academy, he must be responsible to everyone in the school, including students who have graduated like Chen Feng. He also has to consider his safety before thinking about it. Other.

Chen Feng and Wang Congwei’s opinions were at odds. Neither of them wanted to compromise. At this time, Mr. He said something that made people feel awkward: “Or let’s go to Principal Pan, and let him talk to Commander Ma directly. I think we should It can let the military sell its face and send people to assist our operations."

"Yes, I can't ask the military to take action, but they can't give up the face of Principal Pan." Wang Congwei gave Teacher He a thumbs-up, "Jiang is still old and hot, Teacher He, you have a good idea, I Call now!"

Wang Congwei just wanted to pick up the phone to contact Principal Pan again, but the phone rang first. Who would call this call at this time?

Wang Congwei took a closer look. It turned out to be a communication request from the military department, and that number was unusually conspicuous. It was the phone number of Commander Ma’s office.

Wang Congwei is only the vice president of Langya Mecha Academy, and his prestige and achievements are not enough. Therefore, he just contacted a relatively high-level military officer in the military department, and did not dare to directly contact Commander Ma.

When I saw the call from Commander Ma’s office, Wang Congwei hurriedly made a silent gesture to Chen Feng and Teacher He, and then immediately picked up the phone: “Hey, I’m Wang Congwei. May I ask you Commander Ma? ?"

The opposite is indeed Commander Ma. He personally called Wang Congwei to communicate with you about the kidnapping of You Jia and apologized for the previous officers’ behavior that they would not help Langya Mecha Academy to save people.

"Now it is our people who have something to do there. We sent troops to save our own people. Where do we need the consent of the three countries? There is no need to control them, just do what they should do!" This is the principle of Commander Ma. Then, he didn't think about the obstacles he would encounter when going to Lao Burma. In short, the kidnapped You Jia must be rescued.

Commander Ma’s arrogance made Wang Congwei quite agree that this is what a mecha-powered country should look like. Those who want to save themselves must also consider this and that, then what are the soldiers doing? Just be an ostrich together. Up!

Commander Ma attaches great importance to the situation reported by Wang Congwei. The ancient Shenlan Republic continues to develop, which has also made the military organization more and more bloated, and the quality of the people inside has also appeared uneven. , It seems that it is time to clean up the interior of the military department and kick out the black sheep who are in their place and do not seek political affairs.

After confirming that the military will help, Wang Congwei mentioned Chen Feng's suggestion. Commander Ma asked Wang Congwei to switch the communication to a video call and talk to Chen Feng directly.

Wang Congwei stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly. Commander Ma’s face appeared on the wall facing the desk. Commander Ma looked around and locked his gaze on Chen Feng: "How can you do this? Quickly guess the identity of the attacker. It's pretty good. Our military department just received the news that the Creation Organization had retreated near Lao Burma not long ago."

"Actually, I just guessed it casually. I'm doing it right." Chen Feng didn't take credit for arrogance, and asked Commander Ma: "I would like to ask you to approve me to go to Lao Burma. As long as Ji Ling is there, I can You Jia was rescued."

"Ji Ling is indeed there. According to the latest information, he has left our country in the past few days and joined the rest of the Creation Organization in Myanmar." Hearing Chen Feng mentioning Ji Ling, Commander Ma It was immediately confirmed that Ji Ling was currently in Lao Burma.

The military department is the military department, and the information it has is too comprehensive and accurate. Chen Feng is happy. If this is the case, his plan will have a basis for realization: "I want to contact Ji Ling in the past, as long as I can ask him to help, I believe You Jia can easily get out of danger."

Commander Ma waved his hand. He thought Chen Feng’s plan was questionable: "Are you sure? As far as I know, Ji Ling did not show that he would break with the Creation Organization. You may not meet with him. The effect, you may even get yourself in."

"But without Ji Ling, we can't know where You Jia is locked up, let alone what the people of the Creation Organization will do to her. The Creation Organization has lost so many researchers, and God knows if they will take them into captivity. Those who came were moved to other places, and when the time came to find the needle in the haystack, how could we save people back?!" After getting through with Teacher He and Wang Congwei, Chen Feng continued to try to persuade Commander Ma.

"I agree in principle to let Chen Feng go to Lao Burma. He has rich experience in fighting with the Creation Organization and should be able to deal with crises better." At a critical moment, Wang Congwei spoke out to express support for Chen Feng. He was working as a counselor. I have taken Chen Feng for two years and have a deeper understanding of this student. He is a down-to-earth person. Regardless of his status as a pilot, it is indeed more suitable to go to Lao Burma to save people.

Commander Ma also took out Ji Ling’s attitude to talk about the matter. Before being unsure of what Ji Ling would do, it would be unwise to let Chen Feng go to such a dangerous place: “But how would Ji Ling’s attitude be? I don’t know, if he is still interested in the Creation Organization, Chen Feng would just throw himself into the net if he contacts him. It’s too unsafe."

In the end, the question came to the same place again. Chen Feng knew that it would be almost impossible to go to Lao Burma. As long as he could speak to Commander Ma, the operation would be very easy.