Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1166: Goodbye Guan Yuzhen

Killing a Yun Yang is nothing, because there will be other "Yun Yang" in the Creation Organization. It is better to take this opportunity to destroy some old Burmese forces. The future actions of the Ancient Godlan Republic in Lao Burma will be There is more help.

Hong Bin entrusted Ji Ling's modified aircraft to the mecha troops who had arrived, and prepared to go to Lao Burma: "You should still bring them back to the country according to the original plan, and I will come back to you when I come back."

Chen Feng is very relieved to Hongbin. Moreover, there is no special plane on Lao Burma. According to the information they have, they have never had a pilot with a synchronization rate of more than 93. Hongbin is driving the "Candle Light Youying" alone. The past is enough to complete the sweep.

The two said goodbye to each other, "Candle Light Youying" rose into the sky, and proceeded quickly towards the position provided by Chen Feng. Hong Bin had to cause the greatest harm to all the forces in Myanmar in the shortest time, otherwise it would be bad for them to show their identity. Continue to do it.

The other mechas were modified machines that protected Ji Ling. A mecha carried it on its back. A group of mechas retreated to the main base of the Southwest Military Region. Ji Ling was injured and fell into a coma. This modified machine also suffered heavy losses. Need to go to a safe place for repairs.

On the way back to the territory of the Ancient Godlan Republic, Chen Feng and the others never encountered any danger again. After annihilating the power of the Creation Organization, the interior of the Ancient Godlan Republic is now very peaceful, and there has been no unpredictable attack.

Successfully arrived at the main base of the Southwest Military Region. There was Chen Feng and the others who were picked up by the doctor in the hangar. Chen Feng first helped Ji Ling onto the elevator platform and landed on the ground. He picked up You Jia and put her next to him. On the stretcher ready.

Chen Feng didn't let the doctor treat himself first, but nervously grabbed the doctor's arm and warned him to check You Jia for illness. He was afraid that the bumps of the battle would adversely affect You Jia: "Doctor, you have to help. She will check and don’t miss anything. I don’t want her to leave any hidden injuries."

"Don't worry about this, we are professional, and we will definitely help them to recover successfully. Don't be too busy, go to the infirmary with us for a check." The doctor told Chen Feng not to worry too much. They have treated countless people over the years. The pilots and the people in the mecha have rich experience and are absolutely sure to cure You Jia and Ji Ling.

The medical staff next to him came up to support Chen Feng. As a person who has also experienced a series of bumps, proper examinations are still necessary. Chen Feng did not refuse, and went to the infirmary together: "Okay, I beg you for everything. Up."

After checking several devices, the doctor prescribed some medications to Chen Feng to treat traumatic injuries: "Your physical fitness is very good, but you have received some impact from the bumps, but it is better to use medication to cure the impacted part. So as not to cause any bad changes."

"Okay, thank you doctor." Chen Fenggang took the medicine, and a medical staff came up next to him and helped him apply the medicine to the injured area. The cold feeling made him feel very comfortable, and there was nothing in his body. All of the pain disappeared.

The treatment effect of professional doctors is not the same. Compared with the pain resistance by himself, Chen Feng is countless times better. After receiving proper treatment, Chen Feng is concerned about the situation of You Jia and Ji Ling: "I want to ask, You Did Jia and Ji Ling check for any problems? Do they need treatment for a long time?"

"You Jia's words are okay, she just suffered some violent shocks, and her body couldn't bear to pass out of a coma. It would be fine if she stayed in the infirmary for a few days." The doctor first introduced Chen Feng's most concern about You Jia. Said that he could take good care of You Jia here, so Chen Feng was relieved.

As for Ji Ling, the doctor’s voice was a little worried: "Ji Ling’s words will take more time. According to the examination, he forcibly urged the mecha to perform actions that he could not bear, and suffered a serious mental impact. It is estimated that there will be no exchange for ten days and a half."

The person who was able to successfully rescue You Jia and bring back to the Yongqi Research Institute was the greatest credit to Ji Ling. Chen Feng didn’t want to see Ji Ling and left sequelae, so he quickly asked the doctor to take care of him: “He wanted to be able to take us. We tried our best to escape, and we all have to thank him for being able to stand here alive, doctor, don’t let him be troubled, please!”

"Don't worry about this. Since we have come to our infirmary, we will try our best to treat him. Moreover, he is also the person named by Commander Guan to see him. We will help him recover to his best condition." The doctor patted Chen Feng. Shoulder, clearly tell him that Ji Ling will be fine: "By the way, Commander Guan also said that when you wake up, you will be notified to see him. You can go to the command room now."

"Okay, I'll go over at once." Entrusting You Jia and Ji Ling to the doctor, Chen Feng walked out of the infirmary one step at a time, exhaled a long breath, patted his face, and patted away the negative emotions that affected his thoughts. Then he walked to the command room in a hurry.

Alarmed by the mecha units of the Southwest Military Region, Chen Feng knew that he was going to thank Guan Yuzhen face to face. Even if Guan Yuzhen did not ask him to go to the command room, he would take the initiative to pass and follow the familiar road. Chen Feng soon came to command. In front of the room.

The soldiers guarding the front of the command room had obviously been notified. They separated left and right to signal that Chen Feng could go directly in. Chen Feng nodded to them and walked into the command room, and once again saw the legendary "unbreakable shield".

Guan Yuzhen was still working at this late hour. He was sitting in a chair studying the projection map in front of him. Chen Feng saw that the map showed the area at the border of the Southwest Military Region, and wondered if Commander Guan had any new ideas for the weekend area?

Guan Yuzhen stared at the projected map intently, as if he hadn't noticed his entry. Chen Feng had to remind him in a low voice, "Commander Guan, I'm here."

"Um, sit down." Guan Yuzhen then retracted his thoughts, pointed at the chair next to him, and motioned Chen Feng to sit down and talk.

Chen Feng sat next to Guan Yuzhen obediently, looked at the projected map and asked, "Where does Commander Guan want to do it? The inability of the Creation Organization recently to pose a threat to our country. Do you want to hit the restless people around you? country?"

"That's it!" Guan Yuzhen moved forward for a moment, stretched out his hand to an area, and uttered a word concisely.

Chen Feng took a closer look. Isn't this the old Burmese he just visited? I didn’t expect Guan Yuzhen to be interested there