Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1170: Victory return

In the end, Hong Hung Bin was even better. With his strong synchronization rate and special machine "Candle Lights You Ying", Lao Burmese’s mecha couldn’t match his speed at all. At the end, he was about a kilometer away from the residential area. He was overtaken by Hongbin when he was away.

After catching up with these cunning enemies, Hong Bin controlled the "Candle Light Youying" to turn half a circle to the right, and directly used the right wing to cut the fastest mecha into two from the rear. The mecha was cut in two. After running for two steps, he collapsed to both sides, blood was spilled on the ground, and even the pilot inside was neatly cut in half.

The beam cannon in the beak of "Candle Light Youying" was not idle. While using the right wing to attack the enemy aircraft, the beam cannon was aimed at the nearest mecha next to it, and a beam of light directly destroyed its upper body. The smoking mech "plops!" Kneeled to the ground with a cry, and there was no possibility of getting up again.

The pilots in the last two mechas were going crazy. Where did this flood bin emerge from? Why do you want to chase them? They just heard the news and discovered the base of the Creation Organization. Even if they want to occupy the base, it has nothing to do with the Ancient Godlan Republic. Why did they get such a big evil star?

They didn’t know that the reason that drove Hongshuibin to kill them was Wuershan, who they had bullied. If Chen Feng didn’t tell Hongshuibin about this, Hongshuibin would only go after Yunyang and others. The parties on the side basically don't have any ideas, because after all, it is an uncontrolled zone, and no one has the obligation to do justice.

Most of these mechas have been wiped out, and Hong Bin will not let go of the last two mechas. He drew his long sword and attacked them at the same time. The difference in strength between the two sides is too great, even though the two mechas still try their best. He wanted to escape into the residential area, but in the death-like attack of Hong Bin, they all hated Huangquan and fell on the escape road.

After eliminating all the mechas of the old Burmese forces seen on the scene, Hongshui Bin thought that he finally lived up to Chen Feng's entrustment, and that Wuershan should be able to be a little bit more cherished. Turning his head and glanced at the residential area that was gradually lit up because of the battle, Hongshui Bin gave a thumbs up, and then drove "Candle Light Youying" away. When everything was over, he should return to the Southwest Military Region.

In the residential area, a man was crying, crying and screaming: "Xiaoqi, you can finally stare at you. The **** pilot who once occupied you is already in a different place! I will use him next time. This time I will not fail again. Please give me a little more time. When all this is over, the people of Myanmar can live and work in peace again!"

It turned out that after hearing the movement outside, Wu Ershan got up for the first time. He happened to see the appearance of the mecha headed by Hong Hung Bin with his right wing. The mecha headed by him was extremely influential. Even if he died deeply, he would never forget, that the pilot who piloted it killed his own daughter. Seeing that the enemy was killed in front of his eyes, Wu Ershan's hatred was eliminated by most.

Hung Hung Bin’s "Candle Light Youying" Wu Ershan recognized it at a glance, so he understood that this was Chen Feng fulfilling his promise to him, and the rest was to overthrow the forces that ruled Lao Burma. After doing this, he Only then have the face to go down to see his daughter.

Although Hong Bin quickly killed all the mechas sent by the various forces in old and Myanmar to inspect the movement, it took a certain amount of time after all to fly all the way back to the main base of the Southwest Military Region, and the sky had already begun to light up.

Hongshuibin parked "Candle Light Youying" in the hangar, and immediately pulled the soldiers next to him, and asked him carefully about Chen Feng's condition and noted the room where Chen Feng was. He first went to the infirmary to visit You Jia and Ji Ling only went to Chen Feng's room after seeing them lying comfortably on the hospital bed and receiving the care of the medical staff, preparing to tell him what happened in Lao Mian.

The sound of the doorbell awakened Chen Feng. During his sleep, Chen Feng was always waiting for Hongbin to come back, so he didn't sleep very deeply. After the doorbell rang twice, he woke up and saw Hongbin standing outside his door through the cat's eyes. , Quickly opened the door to let him in.

"What's the matter? It takes so much time to open the door." After Hong Bin entered the room, he murmured. After he rang the doorbell for a long time, Chen Feng opened the door too slowly.

Chen Feng waved his hand helplessly. He was also trying to prevent Xu Xin from standing outside, so he checked who was ringing the doorbell: "Hey, don't you know, I just returned to this base, Murong Xuan It is really annoying to let Xu Xin come to me."

Hongshuibin also has no affection for Murongxuan. He is very curious why Murongxuan came to Chen Feng: "Speaking of Murongxuan, we haven't dealt with him for a long time, and the relationship with us is so stale. What do you want?"

"I don't know, Xu Xin wants me to go with him, so I don't bother to care about him." Chen Feng shook his head. No matter what Murongxuan wanted to do, he had no interest at all. What he cared about was the experience of Hongshui Bin.

Pulling Hongshuibin to sit down, Chen Feng asked, "Are you going well with Lao Burma? The movement made by Ji Ling should attract a lot of Lao Burma's mechas. Have you taken revenge for Urshan?"

"That is necessary. There are about 20 mechas around the base of the creation organization. Except for the infighting caused by me that caused them to kill each other a few, the other mechas were all killed by me." Hongbin's record is full of joy. He has not killed so many mechas so heartily: "Tell you, I finally chased after the outskirts of the residential area, and they almost escaped."

Chen Feng thinks that Hung Hsung Bin’s killing of the old Burmese mech on the outskirts of the residential area is a beautiful accident. It should be seen by many old Burmese people and understand that those who oppress them are not unbeatable: “This is good. Yes, at least Wu Ershan can see the old Burmese mech being killed. It should be comforting for him."

"Although I wiped out some mechas, it is impossible for the old Burmese forces to have only these mechas. They can still keep oppressing others. There is also the base of the Creation Organization, so let them take it? It feels a pity." Hongshui Bin felt that he was not doing enough. There are nearly 20 mechas in a mere amount, which may not make all the forces in old Myanmar hurt.

Chen Feng is not worried about the creation of the base of the creation organization: "There is no way. We can't occupy the base of the creation organization in the past. Let them take it away. The base is very simple and can't play a big role. It can cause conflicts between them, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."