Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1216: How to do?

Moreover, the creation organization, which has been hit hard, is now in urgent need of scientific research personnel, and Chen Feng cannot allow the creation organization to grow stronger and continue to do evil in public and private.

Chen Feng decided to help these researchers who were about to be pushed out of the exhibition hall, but he couldn't protect himself. How could he find a way: "But now the community is very exciting, the mechas outside have been searching around, and I can't help them."

What Chen Feng said is the fact that the situation is better than people. If you want to help others, you must have the ability to help others. You don't have anything right now. Who will listen to you if you don't have something you can handle?

You Jia understands Chen Feng’s dilemma. Although he wants him to help these researchers, he will not make trouble. The two people go up and stop it as a car with a man’s arm. In front of many angry passengers, their strength is too weak, so You Jia can only worry. Pray for a miracle.

"Wait a minute, there is a situation outside!" Just as the scientific researchers were about to be pushed out of the exhibition hall, Chen Feng suddenly shouted, causing everyone to stop their actions.

The three mechas outside searched and searched but failed to find the scientific research personnel to be kidnapped. This caused them to start looking farther away. One of the mechas was walking towards the exhibition hall where the pyramid was located. Side is very interested.

The approach of the Genesis Mecha makes the people in the exhibition hall more restless. If it breaks in, God knows what will happen, so he wants to push the scientific researchers out even more crazily, so that the enemy can quickly take people away.

Several people were pushed down in the chaos, and the people behind stepped on them again, and for a while, there were endless cries in the exhibition hall.

Chen Feng couldn't stand it anymore. He grabbed the megaphone from the tour guide and jumped to a table and shouted, "Stop it! Stop everything!"

Suddenly, Chen Feng drank the crowd who was about to fall into madness. The passengers raised their heads and looked at the man standing on a high place. It was just that he reminded the mecha outside that there was an abnormal movement. What happened this time?

Seeing the passengers regained their sanity, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "I believe everyone has heard of how cruel the Creation Organization is. Now they have been searching for so long and haven't found the target, and finally they are here. What do you think they will do after taking people away?"

Chen Feng’s words aroused the thoughts of the travelers. The celebrities of the Creation Organization are well known. They substituted themselves in and concluded that these three mechas would take away all the researchers and then slaughter all the people in the exhibition hall. People vent their anger.

Immediately someone scolded his mother. They came to Shura to take a tour, how could they get into such a murderous disaster.

Now it is to push these scientific researchers out, or not to push out. No one can guarantee that the mechas of the Creation Organization outside will suffocate people. There is a low air pressure in the exhibition hall, and they will not get better anyway.

The leaders of the scientific researchers stepped out and constantly apologized to everyone. It was their arrival that led to the disaster. They were very sorry, but people tended to avoid disadvantages, and they did not want to fall into the hands of the creation organization to flee for their lives. That's right, the blame for this incident can only be blamed on the creation organization's frenzied attack.

Passengers are not in the mood to pay attention to him. People who are familiar with each other snuggle together and pray for the unknown ending. The researchers are all embarrassed. They don’t know where they are. The mecha of the Creation Organization is constantly approaching. , I am afraid it is too late to escape.

Things suddenly became like this. Chen Feng didn't expect it. His original intention was to let everyone calm down and think about countermeasures, but he never wanted most people to lose their hope of life and turn into desperate acceptance. No one wants to work hard. Struggling.

Chen Feng jumped off the table and went back to the door to confirm the location of the Genesis Mecha, and found that it was still slaughtering the people running on the street with the beam rifle as it approached. The pilot inside was inhumane, everything Just shoot for your own pleasure.

If this mecha broke into the exhibition hall, it would be nice if the tourists inside could survive one tenth. Chen Feng didn't want to see this happen, and racked his brains to think about how to stop the other party.

At this time, the Mediterranean who was very afraid of Chen Feng ran to Chen Feng's side. He plucked up the courage and said, "Well, aren't you a pilot? There happened to be a mecha in the exhibition hall. You can drive it to defeat the mechanism of the Creation Organization. A!"

"No! That mech is too old, and it has been retired and fell into disrepair for a long time, how can it be driven to fight?" You Jia immediately rejected Mediterranean's suggestion, not letting him continue.

What the Mediterranean is talking about is the first mecha that was displayed in the exhibition hall to the visitors. Anyway, it was once a war-tested mecha, and the Mediterranean thought it could be used. Come to fight against the upcoming Genesis Mecha.

You Jia is for Chen Feng’s safety considerations. The mecha can be placed in the exhibition hall, and it must have been dismounted all dangerous weapons. The shields and beam swords equipped on it must be very fragile when exposed to the outside for a long time. It's hard to say whether it can attack and defend effectively, so You Jia doesn't want Chen Feng to take risks. To fight, he must at least have a handy mech. Driving that old antique is simply a child's play.

Chen Feng looked at the mechas in the exhibition hall with shining eyes. When he couldn't find other effective methods, he thought it might be impossible to try: "I think what he said is very reasonable, except for this one. Do we have any other ways to stop the Mecha? It’s just that I don’t know if this mecha still has energy. If it can’t even start, then don’t expect to use it in battle.”

"Yes, yes! This mecha can be activated! It can definitely take part in the battle!" The guide next to him rushed over and said to Chen Feng that the mecha can be used. In the desire to survive, he is very willing Share everything you know.

You Jia didn't understand why a mecha that had been retired and placed under the public was able to start and participate in the war? This is too unreasonable. Isn't it that the Luo side is not worried that bad people control it and cause damage?

So You Jia questioned the tour guide: "Isn't this mech used for display? Why can it be activated? You will actually add energy to a mech that is no longer in use? Are you lying to us?"

In order to survive, anyone can lie. What You Jia is afraid of is that the tour guide deceives Chen Feng to drive the mech to attack, and then takes advantage of the mecha to flee. She can't let Chen Feng be used to get into danger.