Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1232: Lead away

Why does the mecha of the Genesis Organization appear around Langya Mecha Academy? What happened in the Southwest Military Region? There are countless questions in Chen Feng's mind, but the most important thing at the moment is to protect the school and not let these three mechas cause casualties.

Chen Feng’s answer was very firm. Wang Congwei hated being familiar with Chen Feng’s past record. He hesitated and decided to let Chen Feng go out: “Ms. Lang and Ms. Xu can’t come back in the southeast coast now. Stronger, it's up to you! Chen Feng!"

"Wrap it on me!" Chen Feng flew past the defensive shield that stopped shrinking, and smoothly came to the outside of Langya Mecha Academy.

In the distance, three black mechas flew to Langya Mecha Academy quickly. They were exactly the color of the mecha of the Creation Organization. Chen Feng opened the floating cannon behind him, ready to fight with them.

Seeing that there was a mecha outside Langya Mecha Academy welcoming them, the pilots of the Creation Organization were surprised that there are such bold people who dare not attack alone, and they look down on the strength of the Creation Organization.

Taking a closer look, they found that the mecha was actually driven by Chen Feng. For Chen Feng, the creation organization knew that he had stayed in the Langya Mecha Academy to repair and modify the machine, but they didn’t know where it was. Now that he is driving the modified machine, it means that this modified machine has been repaired and can be put into actual combat.

"It seems that we are still a step too late. His modified machine is ready for battle. We must quickly kill Chen Feng and destroy his modified machine!" The three pilots of the Creation Organization looked at each other and they came. The main purpose here is to kill Chen Feng.

Several people have been disturbed by Chen Feng several times. Even Ji Ling betrayed and fled because of them. The Anonymous had put them all on the kill list. After looking for an opportunity, he immediately dispatched mechas to the ancient Shenlan Republic. , Wanted to kill Chen Feng before he could attack.

Obtaining instructions from the Anonymous, the three mechas of the Creation Organization rushed all the way to Langya Mecha Academy. The target was Chen Feng who was still repairing the modified machine inside. As a result, the target appeared in front of them alone, just look at them. Can you seize the opportunity?

Without having to search for Chen Feng again, the mechas of the Creation Organization took out their weapons to prepare for an offensive, ignoring the nearby school that was gradually entering the form of a war fortress.

The weapons of these three mechas are heavy spear, giant hammer, and beam rifle, which can be well matched to siege, and they are obviously prepared for the weak points of Chen Feng’s modified machine strength and defense. The weapons are very targeted.

What’s even more rare is that the synchronization rate of the pilots in the three mechas has reached 93. They are the outstanding ones specially selected by the Anonymous from the creation organization. The power of the three mechas even Yunyang has to slip away. This time The attack was determined to take Chen Feng's head back.

If Chen Feng’s modified machine has not been greatly improved with the help of You Jia and Montalelli, I am afraid that it is really going to be destroyed, but even if the modified machine is in excellent condition, Chen Feng still dare not care. The opponent came prepared, followed by You Jia and others who had no combat effectiveness. He must safely defeat the three mechas on the opposite side and prevent other places from being affected by the battle.

There is a mecha garrison team in Langya Mecha Academy. Wang Congwei is trying to direct them to attack and reinforce Chen Feng, but Chen Feng stops him: "The pilots of the Creation Organization are better than our school, and they can drive straight to our school. It shows that these three pilots are the top ranks in the creation organization. Don't let the mechas of our school come out. They come out to no effect."

"You are too dangerous alone, and they can help you not to be besieged." Wang Congwei is not worried about letting Chen Feng fight alone. Since the pilots of the Creation Organization are so dangerous, Chen Feng needs other people's even more. Helped.

Chen Feng refused again. The participation of pilots with insufficient strength would only become a burden. He might as well handle it himself. With this newly upgraded modified machine, he is confident of victory: "I really don't need it. I am more flexible and more convenient. The battle, judging from the weapons and actions of their mechas, should be directed at me. I will lead them away so that the school will not be in danger."

"Okay! Remember to keep the communication open at all times. If you can't support it, you must say, I will send someone to reinforce you!" At the moment of the enemy, Wang Congwei weighed the pros and cons and made a compromise. He also had to consider the whole school's teachers and students and let Chen Feng It is the safest way to take away the mecha of the Genesis Organization.

"Understood!" Chen Feng activated the floating guns and propellers behind him, surpassing the three Genesis Organization mechas at an unresponsive speed, and swiftly advancing towards the distant mountains, pulling them down after a while. A long distance.

The Mecha of the Creation Organization was stunned for a while before returning to his senses, and turned the mecha to pursue Chen Fengfei's direction. In their opinion, Chen Feng had to escape because of a guilty conscience. They couldn't let the target escape easily: "He wants to escape! Chase it!"

Chen Feng watched the rear while flying, and determined that the three mechas were chasing after him and then concentrated on flying forward quickly. At the same time, he carefully controlled the modified aircraft to maintain the speed when it had not been modified, because the creation organization must There is sufficient research on his modified machine, and the creation organization's attack is based on this research. Once he shows a different speed, it will not be good for the opponent to hesitate.

Just as Chen Feng was worried, the Mecha of the Creation Organization constantly evaluated the speed of the front modified aircraft during the pursuit, and constantly compared it with the data in the database to confirm whether they could kill as planned. Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's control was very in place. The pilots of the Creation Organization found no abnormalities, and continued to pursue them boldly and confidently: "His speed is the same as in the data. We intercept him separately and can't let him escape!"

The three Creation Organization mechas were divided into three directions, each from different angles to outflank Chen Feng's front, because Chen Feng could not fly forward forever, they always had the opportunity to block him.

Chen Feng flew for a while, feeling that the distance from Langya Mecha Academy has been constant, and he is in a basin with a wide view and inaccessible, which is a very suitable place for decisive battles, so he controlled the lowering speed of the modified aircraft and waited for the creation. The World Organization's mecha catches up with itself.

Soon, one of the mechas of the Creation Organization chased up. He stopped the mecha in the air and shouted to Chen Fengyao: "Why don't you run away? Are you going to give up struggling and wait for death?"