Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1234: Unexpected

The effects of several attacks were not good, and Chen Feng did not panic. Knowing that he did not use his strongest state, the sooner the opponent exposed the unknown side, the more sure he would be in the fight.

Similarly, the beam saber and beam rifle on Chen Feng’s modified aircraft have been upgraded by Montalelli’s energy, and they have risen to a new level in power. Chen Feng has not yet exerted the real attack power of the beam rifle. He showed offensive appearance in the battle, so he didn't need to panic when he had a back hand.

However, the pilots of the Creation Organization, who were advancing while resisting the beam attack, felt that victory was getting closer and closer to them. In their opinion, Chen Feng was already in a state of poor skill, unable to use the most powerful weapon and restrained by his style. With the enemy close, they couldn't think of anything else Chen Feng could use to turn around.

The remote support from a distance kept helping the two mechas to reach Chen Feng’s side. The heavy spears and giant hammers attacked Chen Feng’s modified aircraft in turn, forcing Chen Feng to keep dodge and fight in a narrow battle. In the environment, the beam rifle was no longer suitable for use. Chen Feng had to replace it with a beam saber, using the left and right mutual fighting technique to use the falling colorful sword, using both rigidity and softness to dissolve the powerful force in the opponent's hand.

Although Chen Feng has always spared his energy, in the eyes of the pilots of the Creation Organization, they are infinitely advancing towards victory: all performances of Chen Feng's modified aircraft are in their plans, with barren defensive capabilities and weak strength. All these made him keep backing.

The fuselage was swaying, and the beam sword in their hands seemed to be about to fly out. They thought that they only needed to add another force to completely defeat Chen Feng and bring his head back to life.

Chen Feng's situation is indeed not very good. Under the highly targeted attack, he basically has no chance of winning in his original state. This is the result of new insights gained in Gelo, otherwise he has already lost the battle. coming.

Using a more streamlined technique to use the strength and softness of the Fallen Colorful Swords, not only did they not reduce their power, but they increased their power more powerfully, and the illusory sword shadows became more. Chen Feng realized that he had already He began to touch the threshold of creating his own martial arts, as long as he persisted, he would also have his own unique martial arts.

With the help of technical progress, Chen Feng continued to increase the power of the beam sword, and gradually could resist the natural advantage of the opponent's heavy weapons, and also used a large number of illusory sword shadows to confuse the opponent and win more space for himself.

Until now, Chen Feng still hasn't used the enhanced combat power. He wants to hone his skills through dangerous situations. Not always has such a good opportunity. When fighting outside, he will either encounter top-notch powers that he can't beat, or he will bully those ordinary ones. The pilot of, how could there be such an enemy who just happened to encounter the strength not too weak and completely aimed at his own weakness.

The opportunity is not to be missed. After the tentative fight, Chen Feng gradually aroused the idea of ​​using them to temper himself. The facts proved that it had a miraculous effect. From the initial pure defense to the slightest counterattack.

The pilots of the Creation Organization became more and more frightened. Chen Feng in front of him was like Xiaoqiang who could not be killed. He was clearly on the verge of collapse, but no matter how hard they tried, Chen Feng would always be able to rescue him from the most dangerous edge. Their visions of victory are completely different.

Three consecutive attacks that could end the battle were taken by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng actually started to counterattack. The pilots of the Creation Organization must wonder if he is crazy. A young pilot who has been thoroughly researched by them can actually do it. Constantly improving himself in the most unfavourable environment, is this going to get him out of it? The creation organization cannot leave such a big hidden danger.

Thinking of this, the three pilots of the Genesis Organization felt that they had to make changes. The mecha who had always been in charge of containing Chen Feng from the periphery quickly pulled himself out, and he wanted to do more to Chen Feng at a closer distance. A deadly attack; the other two mechas gave up the idea of ​​defending against Chen Feng's counterattack, and focused on attacking. They would rather attack Chen Feng's modified aircraft with a little injury.

The opponent is desperate, Chen Feng can no longer conceal his true strength, his skills are about the same, it is imminent to end this battle, and he has more important things to do.

The three mechas of the Genesis Organization have just formed a new encirclement, but Chen Feng’s modified aircraft flew out of the encirclement at a speed that they did not expect, and looked at them condescendingly: "The muscles and bones are almost active, let me send you down. Hell!"

"Arrogant! Who has been passively beaten just now?!" The pilots of the Creation Organization were furious. Chen Feng, who was still suppressed by them just now, was so arrogant. Did he forget how embarrassed he was just now?

Although Chen Feng's body style to escape from the encirclement just now was very ghostly, the creation organization pilots did not think it would pose a threat to them, because this was not the ability that Chen Feng had in the normal state of refitting the machine. Chen Feng should be able to break free this time. It caused him a lot of harm.

The pilots of the Creation Organization successfully fell into the trap carefully arranged by Chen Feng. With the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy, they all rushed towards Chen Feng in the sky, and wanted to encircle them again. When the encirclement was formed again, it was Chen Fengming. The time of mourning.

Chen Feng was waiting at this time. The other party wanted to encircle him. What he wanted was to divide and wipe out the three mechas.

The Chen Feng modified aircraft stayed at a very high position. The Mecha of the Creation Organization had to spend a lot of energy to fly upwards. As the altitude got higher and higher, the distance between them gradually widened. Two mechas using heavy weapons At the end, only the mecha using the beam rifle rushed forward and rushed in front of Chen Feng first.

As soon as the attack angle was determined, this mecha used a beam rifle to fire a dense barrage, using endless beams of light to block Chen Feng's upper, lower, left, and right sides. He wanted to buy more time for the other two mechas to get closer.

Chen Feng shuttled in the beam of light, and after exerting his full strength, he appeared to be comfortable: "Don't you have any other means? It is impossible to trap me with such an attack."

The pilot who attacked with the beam rifle ignored Chen Feng. His shooting skills in the creation organization were enough to rank in the top three. Therefore, he was very confident in himself and took the task of containing Chen Feng. But now Chen Feng Isn’t his attack a threat to him if he is so leisurely?

A beam of light flashed by Chen Feng, and the pilot’s forehead was seeping cold sweat like a waterfall: "What's the matter? His speed has risen by more than one level. I can't catch his movement at all. Not in!"