Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1310: War Pan Bathing Country

Everyone drove their own mech and played a few rounds with Pan Yuguo, and found that Pan Yuguo and the special plane "madman" were indeed a good match. The Tang Sword in his hand exuded a breath of death at all times, and it was impossible to predict when it would suddenly erupt.

The most noteworthy is the duel between Hong Bin and Pan Yuguo. Both of them have a synchronization rate of 95, and they both have special planes. Their strength is the closest. Who can win depends on the performance of the scene.

As a result, the two played two games, and both sides achieved a victory. In the head-to-head duel, Pan Yuguo showed some strength to beat Hongbin. He used an indomitable momentum to suppress Hongbin's dexterous changes, and bit by bit his advantage. The expansion eventually defeated the flood bin.

The luck of Hong Bin’s victory was relatively large. There was a large ocean in the randomly assigned map. This was because considering that there were many coastal areas in the Southeast Military Region, battles would often take place at the seaside, so he often had to practice pilots in the sea. The fighting feeling in.

This allowed Hong Hung Bin to fully utilize the advantage of the special plane "Candle Light Youying". He was completely unmatched in the sea. After Pan Yuguo was lured into the sea by him, Hung Hung Bin did not give Pan Yuguo a chance and won a game. A crushing victory.

After the two drew, Hong Bin first admitted that he was inferior to his skills: "You are still better! If you really want to count the combat effectiveness, if I don't have the advantage of the field, I can't beat you. I really deserve to be called the most promising me. Master’s successor, admire!"

"You don't have to belittle yourself. The battle is not simply to see who is better, but to integrate with the surrounding environment. Most of our earth is the ocean, and your "candle light and ghost" is more than mine. With strong adaptability, I think in the future you will have a lot more room to play than mine." Pan Yuguo valued "Candle Light Youying" very much. The feeling of powerlessness when fighting in the ocean made him deeply aware of Shuibin's presence. Future plasticity.

Their mutual flattery was interrupted by the impatient people next to them. They were still anxious to fight against Pan Yuguo. How could they have such endless exchanges, and then everyone entered the simulation cabin one by one and took possession of themselves. His abilities are fully displayed.

Needless to say, Ye Qi, the title of "Southern Spear King" is not covered. The cross spear has brought a lot of trouble to Pan Yuguo. This special weapon is just like Tang Dao. It can bring surprises from time to time. If you don't recognize the advantage of the special plane, it will take a lot of experience to defeat Ye Qi.

Next is Chen Feng. Chen Feng took the floating artillery attack to the extreme, using the advantage of the large number of weapons to drag Pan Yuguo hard. Before the energy was exhausted, he didn't fall into the wind. The light beams flying all over the sky brought huge light to Pan Yuguo. He couldn't stop so many light beams because of the trouble, and there were many marks left by attacks on the "madman".

Chen Feng persisted for a long time, but the energy of the floating artillery was limited after all. Even though Montalelli had strengthened the energy system for him, it could not be used endlessly. After all the floating artillery became unusable, he continued to use the beam of light in his hand. The rifle delayed Pan Yuguo's approach, and the life-threatening serial gun shot at Tang Dao in a different way, trying to destroy Pan Yuguo's most threatening weapon.

Chen Feng’s attack angle was tricky, and the position of the hit was always consistent. Pan Yuguo felt that with his special Tang sword, he felt a little unbearable. The specially thickened blade had some cracks, and he would continue to be attacked for a while. If it is, it is likely to be damaged.

Can't let Chen Feng accumulate the output, Pan Yuguo speeded up and chased it, Chen Feng retreated all the way and continued to attack, but unfortunately he was not able to retreat faster than Pan Yuguo, and was eventually caught up and cut off his arm.

Pan Yuguo’s sword-drawing technique was originally domineering and tyrannical, and coupled with the increase in the thruster at the back of the sword, Chen Feng only felt that Tang Dao flashed away in front of her eyes without even seeing the shadow. The next second she saw her right. The arms are flying in the air.

Without the right arm, it would be equivalent to losing most of the combat power. Chen Feng wanted to give Pan Yuguo a final fight, but after Tang Dao traversed an arc in mid-air, he speeded up to Chen Feng’s cockpit again. Before he could make the next move before destroying the cockpit, Chen Feng was forced to withdraw from the simulation system.

"What a powerful Tang Dao! There is no defense at close range." Taking off the nerve connection helmet, Chen Feng gave a thumbs up to Pan Yuguo. The opponent's weapon was so amazing that he was convinced that he lost.

Pan Yuguo also looked straight at Chen Feng. This classmate who was not very eye-catching in school in the past brought him a surprise today. It was a modified machine with a completely different idea from other mechas, those flying in different areas. Floating artillery, this novel way of fighting is simply unheard of, and it has brought a lot of trouble to his victory.

If you don’t make up your mind to fight hard in the end, Chen Feng might really cause some damage. Pan Yuguo also praised Chen Fengdao sincerely: "You are also very good, just relying on the modified machine can make me so embarrassed. , If we have a special plane in the future, maybe none of us can beat you in singles."

"That's not enough, haha." Chen Feng hasn't dared to think about this kind of thing. He hasn't even said whether he can get a special plane. How can he defeat everyone else.

Seeing Chen Feng acting so brave, Zheng Zhirong was also eager to try: "The country of bathing, let's fight!"

The two entered the simulator again. Zheng Zhirong had just used the weapons on his modified machine and was quickly defeated by Pan Yuguo. The difference between the two people's strength was quite obvious. If it weren't for Pan Yuguo to see what tricks he could use the weapon, I guess he could. Win faster.

"Hey, it still doesn't work. Even if I use my skills more proficiently, the gap in the synchronization rate itself will give me no hope of victory." Zheng Zhirong walked out of the simulator in frustration. In fact, after he was carefully guided by Lang Ba, he used his technique It won't be inferior to Pan Yuguo too much, because the difference in synchronization rate caused him a gap in strength and speed, and he couldn't go further.

"This urgency is useless. When your synchronization rate comes up in the future, you will naturally become stronger." Chen Feng couldn't comfort him. After all, the increase in synchronization rate is not something that can be controlled by humans, and it is impossible for him to wash the Marrow Heart Sutra. share it.

Fortunately, Zheng Zhirong's mentality is very good. After a few seconds, he adjusted it and said to sister Nangong Mengdie: "You guys should try it too. I want to see if you two special modified machines with special abilities can fight against Pan Yuguo. To what point."