Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1326: Join hands

The crowd sat in the conference room waiting for Pan Yuguo's return. Chen Feng took the opportunity to close his eyes and rest his mind. If he was about to set off at night, his physical strength would be a big test, because they didn't have much time to rest during this period, so they had enough physical fitness. Reserves will directly affect subsequent offensive operations, and it is best to reserve as much as possible in advance.

The same goes for everyone else. Everyone is adjusting their state in their own way, improving the combat state while minimizing the consumption of physical energy. This is an ability that every qualified pilot must possess.

I don’t know how long the door to the conference room was opened again, and Pan Yuguo walked in in a stride: "The Zhu Timwen Federation promised to send mechas immediately. This time they will send about ten mechas to participate in the operation. The division rate is basically around 90, and we will start from this base together when we converge."

Ye Qi couldn't help saying hello. The Zhu Timwen Federation was very powerful this time. If the action is successful, their support will be attributable to them: "Very good! In this way, we can at least deal with more than ten Saint Gama Empire mechas. This is very helpful for breaking through the line of defense!"

"The pre-preparation has been completed, Captain, it's your turn to speak. Let's announce this action!" Chen Feng turned to look at Nangong Huandie. Now that all the preparations are in order, he just waited for the captain to give an order. Announcing the start of the operation.

"Haha, thank you Brother Chen Feng~" Nangong Huandie smiled lightly. She liked Chen Feng's approach so that her captain would not steal the limelight from the two main organizers, Ye Qi and Pan Yuguo, but also show Own existence.

Ye Qi nodded approvingly to Chen Feng. Since coming to this independent action team, since he is a few years older and has richer combat experience, he has to take away many performance opportunities that should have belonged to Nangong Magic Butterfly. It makes his position in the team a bit awkward, but there is no good way to resolve it. Until Chen Feng put forward this sentence, it turned out that Nangong Magic Butterfly could still announce the start of the action, so that everyone could realize who the true leader of this team was.

Nangong Huandie glanced at everyone, and after making sure that everyone was looking at him seriously, he coughed slightly: "Everyone has worked so hard for so many days, and there is nothing left to say. I hope our operation can be successful, and Everyone can come back safely, come on! Let's work hard together!"

"Oh!" All the people in the conference room waved their fists, and cheered themselves up while responding to the Nangong Phantom Butterfly. After all, they had to face the plasma gravity compression gun that even the "War God" could not handle. It is impossible without pressure.

After mobilizing everyone’s emotions, Nangong Huadie continued: “Because we have to start operations at night, physical reserves are particularly critical. Let’s go back to the room and rest first, and strive to maximize physical fitness. Deal with all possible situations."

"Okay, let's go to the cafeteria for dinner first, is there anyone with you?" Chen Feng and Hongshuibin started walking outside the conference room, preparing to have a meal first and then return to the room to rest. Necessary food can be better served Physical fitness provides the basis for protection.

Ye Qi grabbed Zheng Zhirong and Ji Ling by the arms and led them to keep up with Chen Feng's pace: "Slow down, let's go too."

When Pan Yuguo was about to raise his footsteps, Nangong Huadie called out: "Senior Yuguo, wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

"Oh? You tell me?" Pan Yuguo stopped in confusion, wondering what else this rapidly growing school girl had to discuss with him.

"We can all go to rest, but Yuguo Senior has to contact the people from the Zhu Timwen Federation, so it will be more difficult. If you need help, you can bring it up. I will try my best to cooperate." It turned out that Nangong Huadie was considering Pan Yuguo has other jobs, wondering if he can help a little bit beside him.

After sitting in the position of captain of the Independent Action Team for several years, Nangong Phantom Butterfly has matured a lot. When thinking about things, she will think of all aspects and do her best to help her teammates. This is the same with Pan Yuguo. I don't want to see Pan Yuguo want to share the pressure because of extra trivial matters affecting his state.

Pan Yuguo thanked Nangong Magic Butterfly for his kindness, and said that these things are not a problem, he can handle it: "Haha, you don't have to worry, just contacting it won't take me much energy, you will see me in the best condition tonight! "

Now that Pan Yuguo said so, Nangong Huandie stopped worrying about the matter and left the meeting room with her sister: "Okay, then I'm looking forward to meeting in the evening, goodbye~"

The docking between Pan Yuguo and the Zhu Timor Federation is fairly smooth. They are about to set off to ambush the plasma gravity compression cannon. Of course, Commander Pan will not make Pan Yuguo tired, and specially sends someone to help him pick up from the Zhu Timwen Federation. Of mecha.

It should be said that the Zhu Timor Federation also attaches great importance to this cooperation. Although it is unwilling to accept the command of the ancient gods, the strength of the dispatched personnel is still quite good, and there are three modified aircraft in the team, and the overall combat effectiveness Not to be underestimated.

After seeing these ten mechas, Pan Yuguo was more certain that the offensive action would be smooth. As long as these ten mechas can land smoothly, they can at least deal with more than 15 enemy planes and make their breakthrough actions more confident. .

The leader of the Zhu Timwen Federation is an uncle who is about 40 years old. Although he is in the base of the Military Region of the Ancient Godlan Republic, he still has not put away his arrogance. He held his head high and said to Pan Yuguo: "Until now Tell us what the plan of action is? If you do this, I can hardly explain it to my men."

"I'm very sorry, this operation is of great importance. For the sake of safety, we must not leak the wind. I will tell you the details after we set off." Pan Yuguo is determined not to let go. Now the two sides are not familiar with each other, and he cannot be sure of the Zhu Timor Federation. People at will not leak out the action plan after they know the action plan, so they must wait until they go to sea to tell the truth.

"Huh! It's just to destroy the plasma gravity compression gun. Is it so mysterious?" The middle-aged uncle sniffed with disdain, and looked at Pan Yuguo contemptuously: "If it wasn't for your reputation and Commander Pan. Promise, we won’t come to work with you without knowing anything, we won’t be so lucky next time!"

Pan Yuguo was very upset with the other party's attitude, and said without failing to say: "Haha, rest assured, after this cooperation, you will find how happy it is to act with us!"