Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1350: Break through the line of defense

Edward clenched his fists to cheer himself up. Seeing so many mechas rushing towards him, it was absolutely deceptive to say that he was not afraid. This kind of tension and oppression was enough to scare him and turn around and flee.

Edward persisted. He kept in mind that his mission was to block the enemy's pursuit, and controlled the "Boxing King" to take the lead and charge forward: "Chong! Don't let them advance unscrupulously, stop them with me!"

After launching the double fists, Edward attacked directly. The two iron fists passed through the mecha troops of the Zhu Timwen Federation, destroying one mecha after another. These smashed mechas fell directly to the sea, in order to ensure The speed of the pursuit, there will be no companions to rescue them.

Although it caused a lot of damage, Edward himself was also attacked by fire, forcing him to evade after the first round of attacks. Edward didn't dare to take it lightly. If he was hit by so many attacks at the same time, even if he was driving. It's a special plane that must be killed.

The iron fist that flew out was quickly taken back by Edward, because he found that some mechas were approaching, if they were surrounded by them, his iron fist would not come back. In order to maintain combat effectiveness, Edward gave up part of his offensive power and replaced it with close combat.

With the advantage of special planes, Edward was a fish in the Zhu Timwen federation mechas. No mecha could survive three rounds under his iron fist. The constant mechas were exploded by him, and the number of kills increased rapidly.

Edward used all his best to attack. He could not remember how many times he punched and how many mechas he shot down. In short, he was surrounded by enemies. He broke one mecha and another mecha appeared, let him It's almost numb.

The mechas that followed Edward also launched an offensive against the Ju Timor Federation mecha army, but their numbers were too small. After causing limited casualties, they were dissipated and battled separately, which could not last long.

Seeing that he was almost completely downwind, Edward exploded with his energy again. The "Boxer" was fully fired, and he swung his fists until he could hardly see the appearance. Each of his blows contained full strength. He repeatedly blasted the mechas around him, trying to share some pressure for his companions.

Under Edward’s fighting, the garrison briefly slowed down the pursuit of the Ju Timor Federation, which was considered to have successfully completed the mission. The cronies left by Adams saw that the mission was almost completed and began to persuade Edward to leave: "We have already done so. It’s time to postpone the task. Now that there are so many enemies, it will be life-threatening if we leave behind. It’s time to retreat!"

"Hold on for a while! It's not long enough before the large troops retreat. We can hold on for an extra second is a second!" Edwards was unwilling. In his opinion, what he did was not enough. He needed to evacuate. The large forces in China make more contributions.

Edward’s efforts were not in vain. The mecha unit of the Zhu Timor Federation was stuck here for nearly fifteen minutes. Although some mechas turned to pass by, the number was not large, and the whole was still Stopped on the high seas.

The abnormal situation here attracted the attention of the pilot crew of the Zhu Timwen Federation. They could not let the mecha army stay here for too long, and set off to prepare to deal with Edward's trouble.

Edward focused on attacking the mechas around him. As the number of surrounding enemies increased, his attacks could no longer be as effective as they were at the beginning, and would gradually be taken over by enemy aircraft, causing less and less damage. .

Edward has never wavered. He just wanted to delay as much as possible. He had not protected the plasma gravity compression gun and had to make up for it in other ways. This was the best way for him to serve his country.

A fist smashed the mecha in front of him, but because the enemy plane's intervention by the side failed to kill it, Edward was just a little regretful when he was in danger. A long spear appeared from his side and struck his cockpit directly. go with.

Edward turned his head and tried to escape, but he still couldn't get rid of the lock. This made him realize the evil: "No! A strong enemy has appeared, I am not his opponent! I can't fight anymore, I must retreat immediately!"

Even the opponent’s lock can’t get rid of, indicating that there is a big gap between his own strength and the opponent. This should be the pilot pilot of the Zhu Timwen Federation. Edwards thinks he is not an opponent of this level of pilots. It is time to proceed. Retreated.

Edward wanted to withdraw, but he had to get the consent of the other party. The special plane of the Zhu Timwen federation did not let Edward's plan go. The spear pointed directly at Edward's cockpit, and he wanted to cut the young pilot in front of everyone. The meaning of the next.

Edward was in a huge crisis. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of the opponent's attack. So he gave up the idea of ​​attacking other mechas around him, raised his fists and smashed the spear, wanting to protect himself first.

The iron fist hit the spear, but the spear did not move at all. The power infused by the Imperial Pilot Zhu Timwen was stronger than Edward, and he could not shake it at all, and the reaction force bounced away Edward's iron fist. The spear kept piercing the cockpit of the "Boxing King" without stopping.

Edward encountered the biggest crisis in his life: he has no spare power to defend and evade. If he is stabbed with a spear, he will not die or be seriously injured, and in the current environment, injury is equivalent to death!

This is that the cronies left behind by Adams played a role. They fought hard to protect Edward and blocked his spear to withstand all the attacks. Four of the five mechas were pierced, leaving only The last mecha still has the ability to move.

"Hurry up!" The mecha pushed Edward back, shouting hoarsely for him to leave.

If you don’t leave, you will never want to leave. Edward looked at the pilot who had just saved him with tears, and vowed that he would definitely repay the kindness: "I'm sorry you! I will take care of your family!"

Edward swore a poisonous oath, turned his heart and ran away, and ordered the other mechas who were still fighting to also retreat. Now that the Mecha pilots of the Zhu Timwen Federation also joined the battle group, there is no point in insisting on the defense line. You have to give up.

"Hmph! Lucky for you!" Zhu Timwen, the Federal Aircraft Emperor pilot, arbitrarily solved the last mecha, but did not chase Edward again. The goal of defeating the line of defense has been completed, and he is too lazy to go to the young man to do it again. .

The last line of defense of the Saint Gama Empire collapsed completely, and the Mecha of the Zhu Timwen Federation could finally launch an unscrupulous pursuit, vowing to catch up with the retreating enemy and shame it.