Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1355: stand by

"The advantage of your floating gun is that it can carry out a larger range of attacks, so what you want to increase is the threat of the floating gun. I think when you use the floating gun, you will only use the deadly serial gun except in one-on-one duels. In other cases, the shooting is more random, which is too wasteful!" This is the situation of Chen Feng's battle that he promised to observe. Although he has only watched it only a few times, he can already see the most critical problem with his eyesight.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and it can be said that the promised method perfectly solved his weakness of insufficient attack power when dispersing attacks: "Yes! If all the skills I know are used on different targets, then every enemy will face each other. They will be more difficult to defend against me."

"Little devil, don't be eager to be happy. The method I proposed is also very demanding of you." Xu promised to slap Chen Feng on the head and let him listen to himself: "Fighting with one enemy is not the same as fighting with multiple enemies. Every floating cannon has to be changed according to different enemies. Whether you have the ability to do it is still a question. You will be happy when you do it."

"I will do the test immediately! But we are going to the Nangong family soon. It may take a while to get the results." Chen Feng is still very excited. Although the difficulty is very high, he feels that he can do it. At this point, his talent for awakening is unique and worthy of further digging.

Xu promise rolled his eyes to Chen Feng, and while drinking the wine, he said that there was no need for him to worry about this: "What anxious, tell you there are also simulators in the Nangong family. How many of them you need, wait until you get there. It's too late to get it slowly."

"There is an analog machine in the Nangong family? Well, I am ignorant." Chen Feng couldn't laugh or cry. It turns out that there are still these equipment in famous families, no wonder their success rate is much higher than ordinary people.

Then the two continued to analyze past battles in the room, and were very satisfied with Chen Feng's various performance promises. It can be said that it is difficult to do better at Chen Feng's age, but they promised in some details. I will be more careful and teach Chen Feng to correct small problems that may seem trivial.

Chen Feng accepted humbly, and remembered the promised teachings deeply in his mind. Every success is made from small details one after another. Ignoring the control of the details is equivalent to placing success on the hurricane cliff, anytime May be scraped away.

Chen Feng benefited a lot from coming down overnight. This is the advantage of having a master. Although he promised that he didn’t care much, but he had nothing to say in teaching apprentices. He did everything well, which made Chen Feng proud. Human growth rate.

I learned a lot from the promise. Chen Feng even wanted to stay for a few more days. It was so convenient that he promised to instruct him more, but he was promised to give the room: "I can teach you this because I analyzed your time. For all the battles since then, there is no more to say now. Go away, don't disturb me drinking, wait for a while before you come to me."

"Thank you, Master~" Chen Feng smiled and thanked for the promise, and ran back to his room.

When he returned to the room, Hongshui Bin had already returned first, and seeing him sitting on the bed with his eyes closed and meditation should have benefited a lot. Chen Feng didn't bother him, and returned to his bed gently and began to recall the harvest of the evening.

The idea proposed by the promise seems to be easy to do. To make the floating gun use a deadly serial gun for every target is equivalent to Chen Feng's multi-tasking and at the same time he has to upgrade every weapon to the extreme. This is not a small one. Challenge, he currently has no confidence to do it.

Chen Feng kept imagining the details of the operation in his mind, unknowingly the sky was bright, it was time to set off for the Nangong family.

"Brother Chen Feng, we should set off~" Nangong Huandie knocked on the door of Chen Feng's room on time.

Awakened by the knock on the door, Chen Feng opened his eyes and saw that it was already 8 o'clock in the morning. He had forgotten the time when he was patronizing and thinking. If Nangong Huandie hadn't come and knocked on the door, he would have delayed the assembly.

"Come!" Thinking that Chen Feng could not continue to lie down on the bed, he got up and opened the door: "Sister Huandie, please go to the hangar first. Let's clean up and we will arrive later."

After dismissing Nangong Huandie, Chen Feng looked back and saw that Hongshui Bin was sitting on the bed rubbing his eyes and yawning. It seems that he hadn't slept all night, and I don’t know what Murong Fan taught him to make him sleepless. .

The two people were in the same state. They looked at each other and laughed. Hong Hung Bin quickly got off the bed and rushed into the bathroom to wash up: "Hurry up, everyone is probably waiting for us."

"It seems that you have learned something new again, how about it? Is it effective?" Chen Feng huddled up to Shuh Bin's side to brush his teeth and wash his face, taking the time to ask about his harvest last night.

Hongshui Bin smiled confidently, but he received very professional guidance from Murong Fan: "I learned some skills from Master, and how to better use the advantage of'Candle Light Youying', I believe I will wait for the next battle. Can show stronger combat effectiveness. Don’t you seem to have benefited a lot? I feel that you get more from Teacher Xu than me?"

Hong Hung Bin's feeling is very keen, and nothing else, just learning the Heart Washing Sutra has made Chen Feng too much better than others. It can be said that promise is the most suitable candidate to be his master. Chen Feng is very grateful whenever he thinks of this place. , If he hadn't been admitted to Langya Mecha Academy, hadn't become a promised student, maybe he wouldn't have the current grades.

The two quickly finished sorting and rushed to the hangar, where everyone else was already in place, just waiting for them.

"I'm sorry, we spent the evening studying what Master taught me and ignored the time, which wasted everyone's time." Chen Feng first stepped forward to apologize to everyone, but was delayed by the two of them when he said he wanted to leave on time. Not apologizing can't justify.

Hongshui Bin continued to apologize next to Chen Feng. Fortunately, everyone can understand and expose the matter after a few words.

Seeing that everyone really didn’t blame their own thoughts, Hongshuibin said to Ji Ling again: "Ji Ling, you can rest assured to act with us. I also told my master about you. He said that if you dare to obstruct you, you will report it. Give his name, and see who dares to be disrespectful to the'War God' and continue to target you."

After receiving good news one after another, and it was supported by people with high status, Ji Ling finally no longer had any scruples: "Thank you, it is because of your support that I can act freely, thank you everyone!"