Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1365: Ambition

The two of them walked all the way to the small woods next to them, where there are so many branches that can just cover a person's figure, and dense leaves can also hinder the spread of sound. It is indeed a good place for private conversation.

Nangong Ao brought herself to such a place definitely not for trivial matters, and Chen Feng became more upset: "What are you looking for me for?"

Nangong Ao stared at Chen Feng's eyes for a long time, and finally slowly said word by word: "If I see it right, the sword technique you use is our unique Luoying colorful sword, right? ?"

"!" Chen Feng took a step back abruptly. Ever since he learned the Fallen Colorful Sword, he has been worried about whether he will be seen through. The result is really the same as he was worried. Someone finally saw through the origin of this sword.

But Chen Feng couldn’t admit it easily, because it would cause him and Nangong Huadie to be in great trouble, forcing himself to calm down. Chen Feng tried to say in a normal tone: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. The sword technique used was taught by Teacher Lang Ba. He said it was an anonymous sword technique he obtained during his travels and had no name."

"I really want to get to know your teacher Langba. Where did he travel, and he can actually get the Luoying Colorful Sword." Nangong proudly insisted that Chen Feng would be the Luoying Colorful Sword. Chen Feng's defense was pale and pale to him. Powerless.

Nangong pressed hard, and almost pressed her face to Chen Feng's face: "You don't need to deny it anymore. I have been in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion for so many years, and the swordsmanship of Luoying Colorful Sword has long been overwhelming, although I can't learn it. , But I know what this set of swordsmanship looks like when used, you can't lie to me at all!"

Nangong Ao is so sure because he is familiar with all the martial arts classics in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. During the years as a guardian, he has read these classics countless times. Except for a few that can't be learned, he will not learn. , Comprehend what you have learned, and let your martial arts reach the pinnacle, and you can easily see who has used the martial arts inside.

Without the gift of mech driving, Sora has a talent but nowhere to play. Nangong Ao’s heart is actually very aggrieved, so he pays attention to the battles of other tribesmen in his family who can drive mechs. Among them, Nangong Mengdie sisters are his most attention Two people.

The sisters of Nangong Mengdie have outstanding talents and performed well in the school. After graduation, they formed an independent action team to overcome obstacles in various tasks and won many honors for the Nangong family.

What Nangong proudly watched was passionate, but he really didn't have the ability to do this. Every time he watched the video of the battle between the two sisters, he would beat his chest and wait for him to be inside.

After watching the fighting videos of the Independent Action Team countless times, Huang Tian finally paid off and was discovered by Nangong Ao. A member of the team used the martial arts of the Nangong family to defeat the enemies around him one by one.

This person was Chen Feng, who could not tolerate his hands in the fierce battle. Chen Feng showed his strongest side to help the team defeat the enemy and achieve success in the mission.

Among them, it is inevitable that he has repeatedly used the Luoying Colorful Sword. Although Chen Feng is now basically shooting at medium and long distances, there will eventually be enemy planes rushing next to him. He does not know how to fight with two guns like "Spike God". Use Fallen Colorful Swords.

Nangong Huandie said that no one in the Nangong family knows this sword technique, and Chen Feng has never been recognized since using the Luoying Colorful Sword, so he did not deliberately conceal the movements of his hands, and can always make the Luoying Colorful Sword almost perfect. The show comes.

This gave Nangong a chance to see through. He had seen the swordsmanship of the Luoying Colorful Sword many times. Although he could not learn it, he had never eaten pork and saw a pig run. What does the Luoying Colorful Sword look like? He could basically imagine that as soon as he saw Chen Feng's moves, he immediately became energetic. When he reached the top, he took out the sword spectrum and compared it with one of them. Finally, he was sure that Chen Feng was using the Luoying Colorful Sword.

Facing Nangong's arrogant aggressiveness, Chen Feng aroused a strong sense of crisis. It seemed that this ordinary-looking guy was not as willing to ordinary as he seemed, but he just didn't have a chance, otherwise he would be a blockbuster.

Re-examining the man in front of him who did not look particularly prominent, Chen Feng saw the monstrous desire in his eyes: "Nangong Mengdie, they all misunderstood. You have been suppressing your ambitions, you are The scariest person in the Nangong family!"

"Since I was discovered by you, then I will not hide it. That's right! I am the deepest hidden person in the Nangong family. I obviously have almost invincible martial arts skills, but I don't have the talent for driving mechas. I am not reconciled! Why do you people who only know three-legged cat kung fu can shine on the world stage, and I can only hide in this small family!" Nangong is arrogant and crazy, now he doesn't have to hide himself anymore and enjoy Chen Feng. Roaring in front of him.

The other party was emotionally unstable, and Chen Feng couldn’t stimulate him anymore. In case Nangong Ao couldn’t even run to expose the fact that he would drop the colorful sword, he and Nangong Phantom Butterfly had to finish playing, so he tried to use a calm tone to ask: "You What do you want?"

"What do I want? I think you should be very clear that outsiders are not allowed to learn the martial arts of the Nangong family. If you have never been in the Nangong family, then you can only teach you the Falling Colorful Sword by the Nangong Magic Butterfly. Yes, if you teach the martial arts of your family to outsiders, you two have the same sin! If I tell the people the news, you will all be tortured by thousands of swords!" Nangong Ao once again told Chen before telling his own purpose. Feng put pressure on him, he must first completely defeat Chen Feng's heart defense before taking the next move.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, and the situation is better than others, and Chen Feng can't be tough: "I know what the consequences will be, so you just say that I will seriously consider it."

"My request is very simple, and you can definitely help." Chen Feng's obedience made Nangong Ao very satisfied, and felt it was time to tell her true purpose: "I want to be the next Patriarch of the Nangong Family. Now Nangong Dream The status of Sister Butterfly in the family has risen. Your outstanding performance recently can also affect the choices of some people. So if you all support me, I can easily become the new owner."

It turns out that Nangong Ao’s goal is to become the Patriarch. Thinking about it carefully, he does not have the talent for mecha driving and cannot get more honors from the outside world. So staying in the Nangong family and becoming the leader here is indeed a very smart choice.