Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1368: Talk heart

"Since Nangong Ao has been able to hide himself in your family for so many years, I think you may not be able to find something you can use. Try to find out his past and find out what kind of person he is so that we can decide whether to help him. "Chen Feng believes that the two sisters may not be able to find too many valuable clues, but the main purpose is to find out whether they support Nangong Ao.

Nangong Magic Butterfly is full of motivation and vowed to complete the task successfully: "Okay! I will go to other tribes tomorrow, and ask all those who have had contact with Nangong Ao!"

Nangong Mengdie is not worried about letting her sister go alone. The more concealed the investigation, the better. Otherwise, it will not pay off if Nangong Ao is offended: "I will go with you. The investigation should not be too obvious to arouse Nangong Ao’s vigilance. We must keep it low-key."

Chen Feng also said that he would help with the investigation, and he needs to learn more about malicious people in order to prevent danger: "We also go around a lot. We can use the environment here as an excuse to understand Nangong's proud personality. How long has he lived? Ten years should still leave some flaws?"

"Then it's settled. We finally got together again. Let's spend tonight happily." Hongshui Bin stopped talking about this topic and began to prepare for the evening carnival. Now the time is not too much. At night, they can get together happily.

In the face of frequent warfare, the chance to reunite is precious. Everyone didn't want Nangong's arrogance to affect their mood, put it aside, and went up to find the three of You Jia who were still in the room.

Nangong Keyao was a little surprised to see everyone coming up so quickly: "You have already decided? To help or not to help?"

"We haven't decided yet. We have to investigate Nangong Aoduo first to determine if he can help." Nangong Mengdie told his father everyone's final decision. For the future of the Nangong family, they will not easily obey Nangong. The arrogant threat.

Nangong Keyao looked at his daughter indulgently. For so many years, he had not created a good growth environment for them, and there was a lot of guilt in his heart. Now they have all achieved remarkable achievements, and he is happy to rely solely on his daughter: Well, I support your decision."

Now the status of Nangong Keyao's family in the Nangong family is unusual. The servants are on standby to fulfill their requirements. With Nangong Keyao's order, the kitchen is hot and dry, and they soon serve them delicious dishes. Delicacy.

Everyone was eating a steaming midnight snack while telling their recent experience. During the period, Nangong Keyao quietly told Nangong Mengdie that he was very satisfied with Lin Xian during the exchanges just now. If the two want to get married, they will Help them negotiate with the family members and strive to get the blessings of all the people.

Nangong Mengdie is very pleased. This is the main reason she brought Lin Xian back. After a few years of graduation, the relationship between the two of them has grown stronger. It is time to discuss marriage and get her father’s approval. Start preparing for the wedding.

Lin Xian does not know the good news yet, but I believe he will be ecstatic when he knows it. His parents have absolutely no opinion on Nangong Mengdie and they can get married at will. What is lacking is the opinion of Nangong Mengdie’s father. Agree, the love marathon between him and Nangong Mengdie can come to an end.

Because of the Nangong Proud incident, Nangong Mengdie decided to postpone the incident before telling Lin Xian, and after the potential threat was lifted, he would enjoy the joy with everyone.

After a feast, Chen Feng and others slumped on their chairs with their round stomachs. Hung Hung burped and said, "Uncle, your servants are very skilled, and they are almost catching up with the two elders I know. ."

The two elders mentioned by Hongshui Bin are Mr. He’s wife Aunt Lin and the boss of Joey from the Gusu Empire. The cooking skills of these two have almost reached the level of God of Cookery. Therefore, Hongshui Bin is the servant of Nangong Keyao’s family. The evaluation is very high.

"The main reason is that nowadays the family takes more care of our family. Don't even talk about eating these delicacies before. We don't even have a servant in our family. It's all my father who is working alone." Nangong Huandie suddenly felt a little sad. , Thinking of the various experiences of being looked down upon in the past, and the grief of her mother's premature death, the mood became depressed.

I can’t bear to see the lively and cheerful Nangong Die Die sinking into a low ebb. Chen Feng handed over a glass of water and gently put her hand on her shoulder to comfort her: "Sister Die Die, you have to look forward. Now you and Meng Die are not Is your strength getting stronger and better, as long as you can maintain it, your family will be more valued in the future."

"Well, my sister and I will continue to work hard to protect this family!" Nangong Huandie wiped away the tears that were about to shed, and became firm again. She and Nangong Mengdie had an agreement to support this home, she wouldn't weak.

After a series of actions, everyone is a little sleepy. The allocation of accommodation rooms is still handled very well. Several people are lovers of each other, so they can be directly assigned to the same room. The rest remain unchanged. opinion.

Entering a separate room, Chen Feng and You Jia were lingering for a while. Just now, no one was too close in front of everyone. They both exercised restraint. Now they return to their exclusive space and they no longer have this concern. The kiss was almost out of breath and was willing to stop.

Gasping for breath, Chen Feng faded away from You Jia's clothes. The two are considered old and old wives. They have completed a series of cloud and rain things, and lie on the bed contentedly with the aftermath of a climax.

You Jia fell on Chen Feng’s arms and looked at Chen Feng intently with both eyes: “I keep hearing about the damage caused by the plasma gravity compression gun, and I keep studying how to break its defenses in school, but I’m worried. That's it."

"It is indeed an extremely powerful weapon. We are also opportunistic to destroy it. If we do it again, we will not succeed." Recalling the battle on the island, Chen Feng's heart was surging, and the fierce battle really was. Any deviation from the track will change the outcome of the entire battlefield.

You Jia put his hand on Chen Feng's chest, feeling his strong and powerful heartbeat, and felt that this was his happiest moment: "Anyway, you are the one who wins in the end. Congratulations. I like you the most. You will never let me down. Performance."

"I will try to keep it up." Chen Feng gratefully held You Jia's small hand. No matter what happened, You Jia always supported herself.