Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1377: Arrest

"After that, I was very lucky to learn the swordsmanship taught by Teacher Lang. This is the origin of my swordsmanship. You are welcome to contact Teacher Lang for verification at any time." Chen Feng has communicated with Langba on this statement, and it is perfect. No flaws can be found.

The current Patriarch does not believe in Chen Feng’s words. From his point of view, Chen Feng is simply jumping over the wall and talking nonsense: "Anonymous swordsmanship? What the hell? Langba can find our Nangong family’s unique knowledge outside. Do you think I will believe it? And Lang Ba has never used the Luoying Colorful Sword, how can he teach you? Don't lie anymore!"

In order not to implicate other people, Chen Feng can only insist that Qing Shan does not relax: "It's just such a coincidence that I can do anything, and if this set of swordsmanship is really what you call Luoying Colorful Sword, then Teacher Lang can't learn it. Meeting is also normal, but I was lucky to learn from swordplay, can't I?"

"Nonsense! The Luoying Colorful Sword is the secret martial arts of our Nangong family. How could it be obtained casually outside? I think you are lying to us and want to escape the blame!" The current owner believes that Chen Feng is making excuses to avoid himself , The body becomes more and more powerful.

Chen Feng did not indicate that what he learned was not the Luoying Colorful Sword. It means that he knew that there was a problem with the swordsmanship he learned. This gave the current Patriarch the opportunity to use the topic to verify from all aspects that the unique knowledge of their Nangong family was learned by outsiders. I'm sorry for the family if I take this opportunity.

"Come here! Bind the two of them to me. We have to investigate this matter and get to the bottom of it!" The current Patriarch ordered the people he brought to abduct Chen Feng and Nangong Huadie.

"Stop it!" Nangong Mengdie pushed away the person who wanted to do something to his sister, and stood in front of them: "Now that the truth is not ascertained, you are about to tie someone, it's too much!"

The current Patriarch is waiting for Nangong Mengdie to come forward. If she reacts too strongly, there is a reason to tie her down: "The truth? Haha, I only heard someone trying to cover up the fact that they were secretly learning Luoying Colorful Sword. I want to Take the two suspects away and find out the truth is wrong? Do you want to shield them?"

Since Nangong Ao chose to come forward to help the current Patriarch, he would no longer remain low-key and show mercy. He added: "It is already a fact that Chen Feng will drop the colorful sword. If no one is involved, please don't hinder us from investigating. If anyone comes out to obstruct, we will I think he has something to do with this matter, and he won’t be polite."

"Well, since you want to investigate, then you can investigate. I only hope that you will respect the parties and you can't take them against them until they are sure that they are guilty." Nangong Mengdie restrained the anger in her heart and took a step back.

When they came out of the room, everyone had already said that Chen Feng and Nangong Huandie would take care of the matter alone. In order to avoid suspicion that they could not interfere in any affairs, they only assisted with some minor things nearby.

This is for the consideration of Nangong Mengdie’s family, because Chen Feng’s fall of the colorful sword involves Nangong Huadie. As the family of Nangong Huadie, it is difficult for Nangong Mengdie and Nangong Keyao to escape the relationship, and the election of a new family leader is about to begin. During this critical period, any improper behavior will cause great disturbances. In order to ensure the safety of other people, Chen Feng asked everyone not to intervene too much to avoid accidents.

Seeing Nangong Mengdie's retreat, the current Patriarch was very proud. He just wanted to save Nangong Mengdie's face in front of everyone and lay a more stable foundation for his re-election.

"Take the people away, let's go back for interrogation." The current Patriarch waved his hand and took a group of people to wait to tie Chen Feng and Nangong Huandie away. The purpose of this trip has been achieved. There is no need to fight with Nangong Mengdie. Prying out the truth from the two populations is the business.

Being taken away from her comrades, Nangong Huadie was a little uneasy. Although she was also a member of the Nangong family, the people around her now became completely different from the past, especially the eyes that floated over from time to time by Nangong Ao made her feel The hair is creepy.

"Don't be afraid, they ask you to push me everything. From beginning to end, you just need to say that you don't know." Chen Feng saw the embarrassment of Nangong Huadie and quietly caught her ears when others were not paying attention. He said.

Despite some fear, Nangong Huadie still shook her head. She was voluntarily **** just to prevent Chen Feng from being persecuted. How could she push the matter out: "No, I have to defend Brother Chen Feng. , If they find out the truth, I will admit that I insisted on teaching you."

"Don't, you are a member of the Nangong family. If this situation arises, it will be very troublesome. Let me take it. Thank you for allowing me to learn the colorful swords of falling Ying. It is time for me to pay back." Chen Feng stopped. Nangong Magic Butterfly continued to speak.

Regardless of the danger, Nangong Huandie gave Chen Feng the Professor Luoying Colorful Sword, so that Chen Feng obtained a special skill when he did not have advanced martial arts, and used it to play a huge role on the battlefield. Chen Feng was very grateful and often thought about it. Looking for a chance to repay, now that I finally have a chance, how can I make people who are kind to me suffer?

"What are you two talking about? Don't whisper!" Nangong Ao noticed the small movements of the two and stopped in time.

The current Patriarch asked the person next to him to separate the two. From now on until the end of the interrogation, he will not allow the two to have a chance to communicate: "Separate them, and you cannot give them a chance to collude."

Being forcibly broken and pulled away by his arm, Chen Feng struggled to no avail, and could only shout to Nangong Huadie: "Sister Huadie, be careful!"

"Well, Brother Chen Feng, pay attention to your safety!" Nangong Huandie also reminded Chen Feng not to be careless. After all, Chen Feng is not a member of the Nangong family. The clansmen here do not have much friendship with him, and it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be yin to him. trick.

Nangong Ao looked on with cold eyes, and dismissed the friendship that the two showed: "Huh! It's really deep and righteous. I don't know if your friendship will be so impressive in a few days."

"Thanks to you this time, Chen Feng will really drop the Ying Colorful Sword, I must pry his mouth open! Now the sisters of Nangong Mengdie will no longer pose a threat to me, hahahaha!" Patriarch embraced Nangong affectionately Haughty shoulders, thinking that sister Nangong Mengdie would bow to herself, he almost couldn't control the joy in his heart.

Nangong frowned proudly, holding back and not breaking free. Now he still needs to use this guy who is kept in the dark. He can't make the other party wary because of the resistance in words and deeds, so he has to accept the nonsense harassment from the Patriarch with a face full of help.