Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1391: Missing evidence

But Nangong Keyao didn't say anything, and silently patted Nangong Mengdie on the shoulder to show encouragement. Although he is just a idler in the family, he will give everything to protect his daughter.

After deciding that Nangong Mengdie will participate in another Patriarch campaign, what we need to study is how to investigate and deal with the Patriarch who killed them. Even if they are sure to be the black hands of Nangong, they must find sufficient evidence.

After the last round of the Patriarch election, Nangong Ao has been known to all the tribesmen, and his ability has also been recognized by most tribesmen. Now it becomes very difficult for Nangong Mengdie to compete with him. The only breakthrough is the Patriarch’s. Death, only by making Nangong proud responsible for what he did can he resolve this crisis.

But where do you start? Last night, almost everyone was immersed in the aftermath of the end of the campaign. Basically, no one went outside to face the cold moonlight alone. Even the owner of the house did not neglect his own safety and was assassinated. Who pays special attention to the banks of the river that are rarely visited?

Chen Feng wanted to do something for Nangong Mengdie, but no matter what he thought, it was a dead end. The patron’s death was too unclear, and the body was soaked in the river overnight. It was difficult to find valuable information. It's not just caught by the branches, they don't know that the owner of the family has died at this moment.

There will be no results out of thin air in the house. Ye Qi decided to take the initiative and investigate from the scene: "Let’s go to the river bank and see if the scene is not damaged too much, leaving some footprints or something. it works."

A group of people returned to the place where the Patriarch’s corpse was found. They were helpless to find that it was messy. When the tribe salvaged the Patriarch’s corpse and inspected it, it was completely destroyed. It was impossible to see what was last night. The footprints left behind.

Frowning on the ground for a long time, it was all messy and disorderly footprints. Chen Feng changed his mind to suggest another way of thinking: "I think with Nangong's arrogant and cautious character, even if there are footprints, they may be erased. It may be easier to succeed by seeing if there are blood stains or traces of fighting around."

"Okay, let's expand the scope. Maybe the Patriarch may not have died in this area. You can try to find a larger area." Nangong Mengdie strode out of the meteorite, preparing to go upstream to see if there is any New clues.

Chen Feng walked out slowly around the area where the corpse was found, thinking that if Nangong Ao stabbed the Patriarch to death with a sharp object from the back, then blood would inevitably splash out, so much blood volume at night. It is difficult to find and clean them all, so clues can definitely be found at the first scene of the owner's death.

Calculating the address of the owner's residence and the area where he sent off his subordinates, Chen Feng carefully inspected the ground along the line. Because the water on the river bank was relatively abundant, the land was soft, and Chen Feng sometimes had to lean down and open the land to check for blood stains below.

The Emperor paid off. Chen Feng’s efforts were rewarded. Under a big tree not far from where the body was found, he found a few drops of blood. These blood drops were covered by the overturned clod, so there was no Spotted by the murderer, it was perfectly preserved.

Chen Feng carefully picked up the blood-stained clod and set it aside, and then re-observed the big tree, and found that its trunk was two or three people thick enough to allow people to hide in the dark perfectly, waiting until there was no defense. When the owner of the family passed by, he launched a sneak attack from behind and killed him with one blow.

After basically calculating the murderer's assault process, Chen Feng called his companions over: "Come here, everyone, I found the scene of the first crime, and I also know how the murderer killed the owner."

"Hurry up and listen!" Hongshui Bin and the others rushed over, slowing down when they approached the tree, and walking gently to Chen Feng for fear of ruining the environment here.

"Actually, you don't need to be so careful. The murderer has already destroyed all the traces that can be seen on the surface, and don't care if you step on it again." Chen Feng smiled and watched the movements of the people, until they walked to his side and confided the truth.

Bai did useless work, and Hung Hung Bin slapped Chen Feng's back with anger: "Okay, you actually played us and took my palm!"

After receiving the seemingly hard but fluttering palm of Hongbin, Chen Feng showed everyone the stones he collected specially: "Look, there is still not all dry blood remaining on these stones. It should be that the owner of the family was killed. Time."

"The murderer was too careless to leave such obvious evidence." Zheng Zhirong felt that Nangong Ao would not be so careless, and there would be evidence that would not be cleaned up.

"It shouldn't be the murderer's carelessness, but the soft geology here. After he assassinated the patron, the blood-sprayed stone was trampled on the ground and it was difficult to detect in the dim moonlight, so he stayed. Of course, We have to compare the blood to see if it is the owner of the family." Chen Feng's rebuttal was reasonable and convincing, and everyone was fine now.

"Then there is the murder technique. Shui Bin, you come to cooperate with me." Chen Feng continued to do his own reasoning, and asked Hongshui Bin to act according to his instructions: "You just walk here from the river bank over there, as normal. It's the same as going home."

Hung Hung Bin understood that Chen Feng was asking himself to imitate the Patriarch, so he returned to the bank and walked towards the tree without any protection.

Chen Feng hid behind the big tree, and changed his position as Hongbin approached, always keeping his body in the blind spot of the opponent. When Hongbin passed by, he suddenly jumped out, covering Hongbin's mouth with one hand and stabbing with one hand. Xiang Hongbin's heart.

Hung Hung Bin struggled slightly in cooperation, and then presented the appearance of his death on the spot. Chen Feng bent down and carried him on his shoulders and walked to the shore. So far, the killing process was clear at a glance, and Hung Hung Bin was the last step in the river.

"Nangong is proud of martial arts and strong, the Patriarch is not his enemy at all without precautions, so the assassination ends very quickly, and no one will find out that something happened here." Chen Feng added an additional explanation, which is also Why there is no reason for Hongbin to resist fiercely.

Chen Feng's simulated murder process was almost perfect, and Ye Qi directly considered what would happen to the Patriarch after his death: "In this way of killing, a lot of blood will gush out from the vest, and the murderer will have more contamination on his body."

"Yes! The murderer's body will be stained with the blood of the Patriarch, and he will definitely change his clothes!" Chen Feng patted his hands and got directions.