Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1423: Lose all

"Ji Ling!" Chen Feng yelled angrily. This was the second companion he had witnessed being defeated by the Anonymous, and one by one was miserable, and it was so maddening that he was so angry.

The rest of the people are all looking like rabbits and dead foxes, and those who are under the nameless are all dead hands. They will soon experience what happened to Ye Qi and Ji Ling, and no one can live it well today.

Nangong Mengdie raised her blocking gun again. She only had the thought of fighting to death. At least she had to die in the process of fighting like other companions: "Don't think about running away. We can't run the Anonymous, so we might as well fight him!"

"I'll cover you." Chen Feng also no longer maintains the distance from the Anonymous. When he can't predict the other party's follow-up actions, he will sacrifice the distance to gain the opportunity to attack for himself, and will attack the Anonymous with a quick response. .

Zheng Zhirong took out a weapon and threw it at the Anonymous. The Anonymous is so strong that he doesn't have much chance to switch weapons to fight. It is better to reduce the burden on the modified fuselage to facilitate the action, and it will cause some obstacles to the Anonymous.

The two people thought very well. The Anonymous also dodged this, but his counterattack came faster. Zheng Zhirong was torn apart by the Anonymous claw before his weapon was pulled out, and he stepped on the bottom of his feet and hit the iceberg. , After a chaotic explosion, I don't know the life and death.

Chen Feng could not save Zheng Zhirong. The only thing he could do was to follow behind them. All weapons were bombarded by the unknown. During the attack, he suddenly controlled another floating cannon to lift off. No time to investigate in detail, control this floating gun and join the attack.

Chen Feng's additional weapon was not enough to bring pressure to the Anonymous. He controlled the "dead" to fly onto Chen Feng's head, whirled up and down, and destroyed all the floating cannons in one move.

The five floating cannons were out of control, and Chen Feng had another five. He kept attacking the Anonymous with his gun, and at the same time lifted the last five floating cannons into the air. This was the last weapon and he was ready to make the last fight.

The Anonymous didn't give Chen Feng a chance to regroup, and continued to speed up and rushed behind Chen Feng, and broke all the five floating cannons that had just separated: "Don't expect to be able to use the floating cannons to attack."

In fact, Anonymous is still a little afraid of Chen Feng’s attack. One person controlling multiple weapons is different from multiple people controlling multiple weapons. Multiple weapons have stronger coordination under the control of a single person to exert greater power. Chen Feng alone At least worthy of a mecha squad, so the Anonymous spent careless thinking on evading Chen Feng's attack.

There were not a single floating cannon left, but Chen Feng laughed: "It is worth using a floating cannon to attract you!"

The Anonymous suddenly realized that he was in the midst of it. He looked up and saw that a beam much larger than the "dead" was shot from Nangong Mengdie. Chen Feng used her floating cannon as bait to make Nangong Mengdie launch. The strongest blow.

"Do you think you can succeed in this way?" Wuming laughed. Nangong Mengdie's attack was actually not as threatening to him as Chen Feng imagined: "I really want to see what your attack will hit him. It looks like it must be very interesting."

After talking about the Anonymous, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen Feng. Although Chen Feng was vigilant and replaced the weapon in his hand with a beam sword suitable for melee combat, but the difference in strength prevented him from being caught by the Anonymous, and was carried by him like a chicken. In the hands.

The Anonymous raised Chen Feng in front of him to the beam that Nangong Mengdie shot. He wanted to use Chen Feng's modified machine to resist the power of the beam and let Chen Feng hit his own person. This intention was too vicious!

The light beam has been shot from the blocking gun, Nangong Mengdie can no longer change or stop anything, but she still keeps her calm moving position, and the blocking gun continues to look for a more suitable angle to aim at the Anonymous.

Nangong Mengdie's response made Chen Feng smile: "This is the right way. No matter how difficult we face, we must find the possibility of winning by every means, and don't stick to what we cannot change."

"You are about to die and there are so many words, so feel your own people's attack." Wu Ming stopped Chen Feng's words in disgust. He hated this young man's fear of life and death. It would be boring if he couldn't torture him. .

The light beam hit Chen Feng's modified machine without reservation. Chen Feng could feel the armor melting, and the rising temperature, the speed of the fuselage collapse was visible to the naked eye.

"It turned out that I was hit by Nangong Mengdie's special heavy beam blocking gun. Lin Xian made a good weapon." Chen Feng suddenly thought of it, not because he was about to face death. And sad, but happy that his roommate has found a suitable direction for him.

Chen Feng also thought of his dead parents. What would he think of when they died tragically? Are you worrying about whether you can live well and grow up smoothly?

In the end, only You Jia was left in Chen Feng's mind. This gentle and beautiful fellow was the luckiest thing in his life to meet her. It was a pity that he failed to fulfill his promise to return to her safely. I am so sorry. She was.

When Chen Feng thought that he had just died under the attack of Nangong Mengdie, the Anonymous grabbed him and flew to the side out of the range of the beam, leaving him one last breath.

"What...what do you want to do?" Chen Feng struggled to look backwards, not understanding what Wuming had intended.

The Anonymous did not want Chen Feng to mistake Chen Feng for not wanting to kill him, so he raised his right hand and brightened: "Don’t get me wrong, I am not pitying you, but holding you and I also took some influence, so that my'dead' cannot be damaged. ."

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth. Although it was very bitter, he was still very happy: "Hehe, it seems that we can still cause harm to you. If we were stronger, it would be great. It must be very happy to defeat you!"

"You and Ji Ling have both parents killed by me. Just let you die together." Anonymous was about to kill Chen Feng and Ji Ling in the same place, but was hindered by Nangong Mengdie's attack again when he moved. : "It's really annoying! I'll go and fix that woman first. If you want to die, wait a while!"

He smashed Chen Feng **** the ice. The Anonymous attacked Nangong Mengdie. Seeing the enemy flew close to her, Nangong Mengdie had no idea of ​​running away. Her modified machine was not suitable for positional warfare. How to entangle in the escape, it is better to put all your energy into the attack, the blocking gun in her hand can still pose a certain threat to the Anonymous.