Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1424: Life hanging by a thread

Anonymous's speed is extremely fast. Nangong Mengdie has no time to aim. She reduced the energy output and fired two beams in front of her in a fast mode, then threw the boomerang out, trying her best to cover all areas in front of her.

The Anonymous showed his almost invincible combat power. Not only did he avoid any beam of light, the "undead" flew forward hard against the attack, and blasted all the boomerangs along the way. He wanted to completely dismantle all the weapons of Nangong Mengdie .

"If you attack like before, I'm still a bit worried. You are too stupid to spread the attack power! When you are far from your opponent, all you have to do is to threaten the opponent with the strongest means." Perhaps because of victory. Joyful, the Anonymous also taught Nangong Mengdie and told her what to pay attention to when fighting the strong.

"Teached!" Nangong Mengdie kept Wu Mingshi's words firmly in his heart, and took the initiative to greet her with her legs and launch the third wave of attacks. This battle can be said to be a combination of means.

Nangong Mengdie’s legs were all kicked in the open space, and the Anonymous passed by very close to the right leg of the Nangong Mengdie modified machine. This ruined the refund and destroyed the balance of the modified machine.

It was difficult for Nangong Mengdie to control the whereabouts of the modified machine. She simply gave up controlling her body and turned around and pointed the blocking gun at the anonymous person above. The remaining energy gathered in one place and fired again: "Thank you for your reminder. Take my ultimate blow. Right!"

The beam of light flew out from the blocking gun, and the Anonymous had no room to dodge, but Nangong Mengdie was also rebounded and fell to the ice faster, and she really couldn't do anything now.

Anonymous picked up a rock and smashed himself in the foot. Unexpectedly, Nangong Mengdie was still hiding a hand. He protected his arms and curled up in an attempt to take less attack on the area, and opened the propeller to fly diagonally out of the attack range. .

It was easy to break free from the beam, but several armors of the "dead" were damaged. This was the most serious injury that Wu Ming had suffered since fighting with the six Chen Feng, and it almost made him go crazy.

"Damn it! You dare to hurt my'dead'! I want you to bury them all!" The Anonymous screamed up to the sky, and the propeller kept pushing him towards the direction of the fall of Nangong Mengdie, catching up before Nangong Mengdie fell to the ground. Up her.

As a demigod pilot, he was injured by a group of young men who weren’t even the emperor pilot. How could the Anonymous accept this fact and vowed to make Chen Feng’s six deaths extremely painful: "Death! I will die!"

The Anonymous clenched his fists and slammed it down. Nangong Mengdie's modified machine was smashed into a bowed shrimp and accelerated downward. At this speed, it is estimated that the entire mecha would fall apart.

However, the Anonymous was still not satisfied. He accelerated again and used the pile driver to aim at the chest of the modified machine and fired continuously, until the reserve of shells was completely empty and then stopped replacing, barely venting part of his anger.

Under the fierce attack of the pile driver, Nangong Mengdie’s modified machine is no longer good. There is nothing good about the whole body except for the head. After hitting the ice surface, it is directly broken into debris, even the cockpit is from the head armor. Leaving out, jumping on the ice and sliding aside, the life and death of Nangong Mengdie inside is unknown.

After resolving the Nangong Mengdie Wumingshi and found Chen Feng again, this annoying young man actually raised his beam rifle to attack him again, not as discouraged as a defeated person should have.

"Are you reminding me to kill you first, right?" The Anonymous couldn't understand Chen Feng's insistence. What's the point of an attack of this level at this time, and it couldn't pose a sufficient threat to himself.

Chen Feng's consciousness is on the verge of collapse, but he has not forgotten his blood and deep hatred. The Anonymous is the source of his miserable life. As long as this enemy is there, he will force himself to attack, and he keeps repeating the sentence: "I want to avenge my parents! I will never surrender!"

"The sea of ​​people I killed is gone. If they want me to pay for my life, my tens of thousands of lives will not be enough. You are just one of those people who have ideas but are incapable." The Anonymous didn't care about Chen Feng's thoughts. With so many wronged souls underneath, how could he take into account the feelings of their relatives.

The Anonymous is now determined to kill all six Chen Feng. The relationship between the Creation Organization and the Ancient Shenlan Republic is not good. They don't have to consider the impact of the relationship, even if it is worse.

And in the eyes of Anonymous, this is a great opportunity for the creation organization to stand up: "Very good! I can kill many prestigious young pilots in the Ancient Godlan Republic in one battle. It is still quite shocking news when you think about it. Well, your country will be hit hard, and the prestige of our creation organization will be revived here!"

"Even if we kill us, our country still has Pan Yuguo and others who can fill our vacancies. You can't kill it!" Chen Feng laughed at the confidence of the unknown. There are many young and promising young people in the Ancient Shenlan Republic, such as Pan Yuguo and Tan Xuanyuan. The pilots are enough to fill their vacancies.

The Anonymous hated Chen Feng’s performance. He wanted to see Chen Feng kneeling down and begging for mercy instead of talking back to himself. He shot all the limbs of Chen Feng’s modified machine so that he could no longer move. He then stepped on Chen Feng’s head slowly. Afterburner: "You have caused continuous damage to the Creation Organization. I will retaliate. I will kill all your young people. Only you will perish first!"

"Now the Creation Organization is just lingering, and our country will wipe you out soon, and you won't be mad for long!" Chen Feng was not knocked down by the unknown threat. He was more optimistic that his country could take the Genesis Organization first. The cancer is removed.

The Anonymous became more and more angry by Chen Feng, and angrily raised his foot and kicked Chen Feng on the head: "You dare to be tough! I will kill you now!"

After successive violent collisions, the driver's seat couldn't hold Chen Feng's body. He rolled and hit in the cockpit, causing wounds to varying degrees on his body. He hit the console next to him with one head, and the blood on his forehead blurred his eyes. .

"I won't give up! You Jia is still waiting for me, and my parents need me to take revenge for them!" Chen Feng tried to spread his limbs to help him return to the driver's seat. He modified the head of the machine and had a cannon to use as long as he could. Controlling the mecha can launch an attack.

But Anonymous’s attack was too brutal and fast. Chen Feng couldn’t control his body at all, nor could he return to the driver’s seat. His outstretched limbs hit the edge of the cockpit and almost broke, making his body bigger. Hurt.