Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1431: New special machine battle

Nangong Mengdie nodded and agreed. Regardless of whether Ma Kewei leaves or not, she will arrange for people in the family to come over: "Well, that's what I planned. You have more important things. Don't waste it here."

"I'm leaving so soon, we just met." Hongshui Bin looked at Ma Kewei reluctantly. It was less than half an hour before the two reunited, but they were about to be separated soon, making him very reluctant.

Ma Kewei rarely showed exhaustion. It seems that during this period of time, she has been under great pressure: "Yes, we got the meteorite. Other countries are jealous. It is quite troublesome to deal with threats from all sides. of."

Hong Hung Bin waved his hand proudly. The bitter the process, the sweeter the fruit. As long as we persist, we will have good results: "We used to do our best to **** the meteorite. Now it is your turn, but I believe you can handle it. When the brilliant metal in the meteorite is turned into a special machine, those countries don't have to turn into tortoises!"

"Haha, I hope to be the same as you said." Ma Kewei laughed heartily, and then she received a call from Commander Ma, and regretfully said goodbye to everyone and left the hospital.

Seeing Hongshuibin standing desperately next to the platform where the helicopter was leaving, Chen Feng walked over and comforted him: "Now it is an eventful time. Many times we cannot help ourselves. We need to be strong enough to prevent all tragedies from happening."

"By the way, I have to tell you something. Everyone just woke up and was restless, so I never mentioned it." Hongshui Bin suddenly became mysterious and said that he had something very important.

Chen Feng stretched out his ears curiously. After a series of blows, he wondered if there would be good news for Hongshui Bin: "What's the matter? If it's bad, don't say it."

"That must be good news, tell you that my synchronization rate is 96!" Hong Bin said a message that Chen Feng could not even think of, his synchronization rate actually broke through again.

After reaching the level of the pilot emperor, every time the synchronization rate was increased, it was very difficult for Chen Feng to think that one of himself, Hongshui Bin, and Ye Qi could make further progress in a short time. What Hongshui Bin said was considered to them. There is great news.

Chen Feng didn't know how to express his joy, so he could only confirm whether Hong Bin was joking. After all, it was amazing: "Damn! Your synchronization rate has increased again? Really? Are you wrong? Pan Yuguo’s current synchronization rate is only 95, right? You have become the person with the highest synchronization rate among young pilots in our country?"

"I also found it strange. I also took the time to find a master. He said that pressure gave me an opportunity to improve. I may not be so lucky in the future." Hong Bin shrugged, even Murong Fan Can't figure out the reason why his synchronization rate has increased so fast.

In such a situation, Chen Feng's envy was useless. Everyone acted together. Hongshui Bin hadn't confronted the Wumingshi head-on, but they had made a breakthrough, and the others had not changed at all.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng suddenly thought that the synchronization rate of Hongbin increased so fast, it should make many people crazy: "Does the military know? If they know that your synchronization rate surpasses Pan Yuguo, it will definitely cause an uproar."

Hong Bin shook his head: "No, Master said that I improved too quickly. I surpassed Pan Yuguo, which is most favored by the world, in just a few years. It is easy to cause envy and suspicion of others. He asked me not to increase the synchronization rate to 96 If you say something about it, at least wait until someone else’s synchronization rate rises, or in a few years.

"Hey, that's a shame. You could have surpassed Pan Yuguo and become a new target of attention." Chen Fengting complained for Hong Bin, but Murong Fan's considerations are indeed reasonable. Hong Bin still needs time to digest his continuous promotion. ability.

Hong Hung Bin has a good mentality. He doesn't care much about the worship of the world: "Forget it, I don't care much about this anyway. I only tell you about this matter except Master. Do you want to talk to other partners?"

"I don't think so for the time being. Although I believe everyone will help you keep the secret, it is possible to leak information unintentionally. One less person knows the less dangerous." Chen Feng persuaded Hongshuibin not to say anything after careful consideration, not afraid of one. Just in case, it's not that they won't leak if they don't want to say.

Hongshuibin accepted Chen Feng's suggestion, and later explained that everyone should forgive his concealment: "Well, I will apologize to them later."

After the two discussed, they returned to the ward, where Nangong Mengdie was asking Nangong Huadie’s attending doctor for more details. She wanted to know more about her younger sister's condition, and she wanted to help her wake up as soon as possible.

The doctor took the trouble to answer Nangong Mengdie’s question, telling her that she might be able to talk to Nangong Huadie every day. The patient’s deep consciousness is likely to respond to the voice of her relatives, speeding up the process of awakening.

Nangong Mengdie accepted the doctor’s advice and insisted on staying with her sister’s bed every day during the time in the hospital, telling her what happened after the battle that day, hoping that she would wake up as soon as possible. The Independent Operations Team also needs her as the captain Take the team out to perform the task.

Naturally, Chen Feng and others should also help. Nangong Mengdie is not an iron man and needs to rest. They allocated some time to ensure that everyone can accompany her by Nangong Mengdie's bed for about two hours, calling her consciousness uninterrupted.

While Chen Feng was busy awakening the Nangong Phantom Butterfly, the military department had a lot of disputes. After getting the meteorite, they evaluated it and found that the amount of brilliant metal contained in it far exceeded the initial estimate, at least it can be used There are still surpluses to build two special planes, this time they are making a lot of money.

But because there are so many brilliant metals in meteorites, it has also brought about subsequent debates, that is, does the Ancient Godlan Republic still need to build special machines? If so, how many suitable ones have to be built? Who chooses to be the driver of the special plane?

These issues are more complicated than one. The opinions of the military department are divided into several factions. After arguing for countless times, they decided to build a special plane for the time being, and then put the remaining bright metal away for later.

This problem was solved, but there was another huge dispute over the choice of the special pilot. Some people recommended Murongxuan, and some recommended An Xuri. They are young pilots with background and strength, and they are most likely to be associated with them. .