Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1435: out of control

Xu Xin rushed to the shore to look down, but did not find where Chen Feng was for a long time: "Where did he go? Why didn't you stop him?!"

"He changed his direction too fast, I can't keep up." Lin Wenjie defended himself, he was very reluctant to act on Chen Feng, and he was caught off guard by Chen Feng's sudden change of direction.

"Forget it! Chen Feng's mecha was severely damaged, and it is impossible to lurch underwater for too long. He always has to come up. We just need to hold the shore. He can't escape!" Xu Xin waved his hand to tell Lin Wenjie not to say any more. To prevent Chen Feng from going ashore to escape, there is no time to talk about other things.

Staring closely at the surrounding sea, Xu Xin's beam rifle has never been put down, but Lin Wenjie was forced to board the thief boat. He was already involuntarily, and he opened his eyes and guarded the surroundings and blocked Chen Feng from coming up. All the space.

Chen Feng didn't have a chance to leave the sea, but his real purpose was not this. He found Xu Xin's position and moved slowly over, actually trying to kill this guy who had conspired against him in turn.

The mecha was damaged and was calculated by the opponent. Chen Feng believed that he could not escape by fleeing. The only way to reverse the situation was to kill Xu Xin first, and then persuade Lin Wenjie, who did not intend to kill, to give up. Fighting, this is the most likely solution.

Slowly approaching Xu Xin, who was searching on the shore, Chen Feng well hid that he hadn't been found. He hid right under Xu Xin and waited for the moment when the other party relaxed.

How could he not find Chen Feng who disappeared, Xu Xin was a little discouraged: "Wen Jie, did you find anything there? Why is this Chen Feng just like disappearing, shouldn't his mecha be so injured?"

"I didn't find it, and there was no mech breaking through the water in the distance." Lin Wenjie's main energy was on the far surface of the sea, and he didn't see any difference.

When Xu Xin spoke, his eyes were looking to the rear. Chen Feng keenly seized the opportunity and controlled the mecha to rush to the island. The beam sword pointed directly at Xu Xin’s cockpit: "You actually designed to frame me, I don’t know. What kind of punishment will you encounter if you do it yourself?!"

"Chen Feng?" Xu Xin looked back quickly when he heard Chen Feng's voice, only to see that the mecha he was driving rushed towards him with a burst of sparks, with the momentum of slashing himself under the sword.

You can blame me for being unrighteous! Chen Feng would not have compassion for the betrayer. The beam sword was getting faster and faster. As long as he could hit the head of the promised mecha, he would be sure to kill the opponent.

But just when Chen Feng's accomplishment was about to be completed, the mecha he was driving got stuck in place, unable to move no matter how he driven it.

"What's the situation? Is this mecha also passive?" Chen Feng was shocked, and the mecha would lose control at this section. Does Xu Xin have such deep thoughts to arrange the mecha in advance?

Xu Xin was even more shocked. He thought he was dead, but he didn't expect Chen Feng's mecha to stop when he was about to stab him. He almost urinated his pants and collapsed in the cockpit. Panting.

"Kill Chen Feng, what are you doing?!" Suddenly there was a voice in Xu Xin's cockpit, and he shivered with fright.

Xu Xin was familiar with this voice, and turned around to look around the source of the voice: "Master Murong?"

"I have been paying attention to the battle on your side. The two of you can't even deal with the sneak attack. It really disappoints me!" It turned out that Murongxuan silently followed the battle through Xu Xin's mecha, and shot in time when the situation was about to become uncontrollable. : "Fortunately, I made arrangements in advance to make Chen Feng's mecha out of control. You should kill him now and make your hands clean!"

"Okay, I won't miss again this time!" Xu Xin stabilized his mind and prepared to attack again. He had already disappointed Murong Xuan once. If he couldn't successfully kill Chen Feng, he would be killed after returning.

Not only that, Murongxuan also urged Lin Wenjie on the side to join him. He wanted both of them to participate in the killing of Chen Feng: "And Wenjie, don't stand stupidly, help Xu Xin kill Chen Feng as soon as possible! "

Although Lin Wenjie was reluctant, he had no choice, so he closed his eyes and launched a violent shot at Chen Feng: "Okay..."

Xu Xin, who was in front of Chen Feng, replaced his weapon with a beam saber. It was the most sensational to use this weapon to kill people with hatreds. He wanted to use the most cruel way to give himself the most enjoyable revenge experience.

Chen Feng tried many ways to restart the mecha, but Xu Xin and Lin Wenjie’s attacks have already followed, and he has nothing to do: "I will be folded in your hands. It is really unwilling to think about it..."

"The dead still have so many words, you go down and wait, soon Hongshuibin, Zheng Zhirong and others will go down to accompany you, you don't have to worry about being alone!" Xu Xin slashed Chen Feng's mecha with a beam sword frantically. Using the most vicious language to vent his resentment, it seemed to him that Chen Feng would definitely die here.

He was continuously attacked but unable to dodge. Seeing that the armor on the mecha was deformed and distorted a little bit, Chen Feng was anxious, and he would soon reach the end of the mecha’s endurance after being beaten. With Xu Xin’s hatred for him, even a fairy came. Can't save him.

In the wilderness, Chen Feng told him that he should not call the earth every day. Xu Xin is still screaming and irritating him: "No one will blew mechs to save you this time. Go and die, haha Haha!"

The mecha couldn't be controlled. Chen Feng turned on the eject button and wanted to eject the cockpit. Unexpectedly, even this function was forbidden. The other party actually took the ejection into consideration and wanted to trap him inside.

"I escaped the attack by an anonymous person, but was undermined by my own country. My experience is unprecedented." There is no way forward or backward. All Chen Feng can do is to give up the operation and sit in the cockpit waiting for death.

Just when Xu Xin frantically destroyed Chen Feng’s mecha and tried to kill Chen Feng in the most humiliating way, the beams shot by Lin Wenjie swarmed over the entire Chen Feng mecha. If Xu Xin didn’t escape, he would be injured by mistake. He had to step back.

"What are you doing?" Xu Xin was forced to retreat and scolded Lin Wenjie angrily, why he wanted to influence his attack.

Lin Wenjie opened his innocent eyes and said that he was wronged: "Didn't you say that Ye Changmeng would kill Chen Feng quickly? I followed your instructions."

The armor on Chen Feng’s mecha was broken under Xu Xin’s fierce attack, and it was even more unbearable to be attacked by many beams. Pieces of it collapsed and exposed the parts below. The beams shuttled in and caused huge damage, making the mecha There was a big explosion.