Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1447: Memory recovery

Zhang Zhuangzhuang did not leave the camera on Zhang Hai for too long, and soon turned back to himself: "I don't know what he has gone through. Anyway, now he is accompanying my sister to take the entrance examination of Langya Mecha Academy. I can't remember everything in the past. I'm worried that he will cause trouble when he shows up. You should take him back as soon as possible."

You Jia can be sure that the person you just saw is Chen Feng, and tell Zhang Zhuangzhuang to take good care of Chen Feng. She will be there quickly: "Okay, I will set off with Shui Bin immediately. Please don't walk around. No more accidents. ."

The communication was over. You Jia tried to contact Hongshui Bin and ran to the hangar. Hongshui Bin is now searching for the traces of Chen Feng on the islands near the coastline. After being exchanged, the two can set off directly from the hangar to save time.

Zhang Zhuangzhuang put down the phone, walked back to Zhang Hai, looked at his blank eyes and asked: "Do you have no impression of the sound on the phone just now?"

"It feels very familiar and warm, is she my wife?" Zhang Hai always feels that this voice is so kind, even if he loses his memory, he can still have a strong sense of trust in it.

Zhang Zhuangzhuang rubbed his hands in excitement, and he was looking forward to what would happen next: "Yes, she will come with Hongshuibin. Let's wait in the room. I think my sister should be almost over when they arrive. I hope to have double happiness."

Zhang Zhuangzhuang has personally experienced two major events in his life. The first is the attack he encountered at the second-generation mecha launch conference when he was still in school, and the second was the upcoming recognition between Chen Feng and You Jia, judged by his instinct. , It will definitely involve a lot of people.

The plot against Chen Feng would not be possible without the concerted efforts of all aspects. Not only was Xu Xin and Lin Wenjie who called Chen Feng, but also the person who provided him with mechas. The person who deployed that area of ​​defense at that time had to It is said that people without a larger background are planning to achieve it.

Not only looking forward to the results of his sister’s exam, but also eager to see the development of Chen Feng’s side, Zhang Zhuangzhuang appeared to be a lot more nervous than Zhang Hai, so he sat down and stood up and walked back and forth after sitting down for a while. Something.

Zhang Hai closed his eyes without being upset. The female voice he just heard seemed to touch his sleeping memory, and some of his own experiences began to slowly emerge from near to far.

"Chen Feng, we are worried that we will be unable to defeat the mecha of the Genesis Organization, so we want to ask you for help." Zhang Hai recalled a call he received when he was called out, and the following story happened. .

Zhang Hai remembered that he was driving a mecha to explore around the island, but he was attacked by Xu Xin and Lin Wenjie from behind. He was unprepared like a lamb to be slaughtered and was slaughtered by a beam bomber shot by Lin Wenjie. A.

The swarming beams smashed the neck of the mecha, and the head was destroyed before it flew too far. Several beams brushed the cockpit and knocked it flying, falling into the distant sea.

The explosion is intertwined with the light beam, so Zhang Hai’s cockpit can escape Xu Xin’s sight, but the destructive power of the light beam still destroys the cockpit’s defenses, causing Zhang Hai to be swept away by the swept sea water and float to Hengyu. Near the village.

Little by little, Zhang Hai recalled why he was what he is now, and gradually found himself back. His eyes changed from dazed to firm, and he stood up: "Yes, I am Chen Feng! Xu Xin designed it!"

Zhang Zhuangzhuang was immersed in his own world and was startled by Zhang Hai who suddenly stood up, but he paid more attention to the content of Zhang Hai's words: "Did you remember?"

"Yes, although it's not complete, but I know who I am. You can really call me Chen Feng now." Zhang Hai nodded affirmatively. From then on he will return to his original name: Chen Feng.

"That's really great. As expected, You Jia had a greater influence on you. I said it in front of you for a long time but it didn't work. But you just remembered some of her voices." Zhang Zhuangzhuang sighed. The popularity is dead, but fortunately he left You Jia's phone number, otherwise it would take a lot of work to verify Zhang Hai's identity.

"Although I haven't recovered all the memories, it is enough to confirm Xu Xin's crimes. When You Jia arrives, I think it should help me recall more. The safest thing is to wait for me to be completely normal and arrange everything properly before returning. "Chen Feng's eyes burned, and the pain in his mind that had always plagued him has disappeared. The next step is time for him to quickly retrieve his memory.

Zhang Zhuangzhuang certainly has no objection. Since it is determined that Chen Feng has been conspired, it means that once he shows up, he will definitely be pursued and killed again. It is better to prepare everything quietly and hit the other side by surprise.

As the memory began to recover slowly, Chen Feng became more and more confident to wait for You Jia’s arrival. After You Jia and Hongshuibin merged, they did not alarm the others. They did not even use "Candle Light Youying", but went to Chen Feng separately. In the city where they are located, meet there and then meet again, so as not to be monitored and expose Chen Feng.

You Jia took the helicopter to leave the base first. She went to the test site of Langya Mecha Academy for a very good reason. As a researcher working in Langya Mecha Academy, it seemed very reasonable to go to the test site to investigate.

On the other hand, Hongshuibin asked Ye Qi to help cover him. He was Chen Feng's best friend, and it was too obvious to disappear suddenly.

Ye Qi agreed in one fell swoop, and did not ask more about what Hongshui Bin was going to do. When the truth of Chen Feng’s attack was not ascertained, everything had to be adjusted accordingly. No matter what purpose Hongshui Bin had, he would fully support it because he believed in Flood Bin will definitely seek justice for Chen Feng.

Ye Qi helped obstruct the sight of the personnel in the base, and Hong Hung Bin was able to drive the vehicle to the junction. You Jia didn't say it carefully. He only knew that something big would happen there, and everything would be discussed in detail after meeting again.

The two went to Langya Mecha Academy’s admissions city one after another. Now the candidates have all entered the examination room. Parents of the candidates are waiting outside with their breath. Although the traffic is still very congested, it has been a lot better. The traffic flow can at least be compared. Advance at a steady speed.

The helicopter that You Jia boarded first arrived upstairs in the hotel where Chen Feng was located. After getting off the plane, she pretended to inspect the surrounding environment and the opposite examination room. In fact, she had been paying attention to whether Hsu Bin appeared and whether anyone around was monitoring herself.